Anti's that actually have knowledge on firearms?

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Jan 8, 2006
North Carolina
Have any of you ever come across any?

In my experiences, most people that I've talked to who are for gun control don't know anything about firearms at all. For instance, you've all read news articles that have lines like, "semi auto assault weapon," or "12 gauge high powered rifle." And of course the EVIL NOTORIOUS 50 BMG THAT CAN TAKE DOWN AN AIRCRAFT CARRIER!!! Anyway...

So do any of you have any stories or experiences with an anti that actually is knowledgeable about firearms?
Yeah, right...

Unicorns are more common.

P.S. - a 50BMG might not take down an aircraft carrier, but it will sure take down a unicorn.

A local Million Mom-er kept her facts scrupulously straight during the run-up to the 2004 AWB sunset - i.e.:

"If the ban is allowed to expire we will once again see U.S. made AK-47 and UZI semi-auto variants for sale with certain features."

The first, and thus far only, MMM'r that managed to keep the 1989 import ban distinct from the 1994 bill.

But, I suspect she's unique. You won't find her like outside Dallas. She'd probably be considered "pro-gun" in San Francisco.
I have a friend who is a great guy, but totally anti. The strange thing is that he can name and give you a history on just about any military rifle he sees on TV, but doesn't think that civilians should be permitted any kind of gun ownership whatsoever. Not even black powder because "it can be used for crimes." :banghead:
My experience is 100% the same. What I have found too is that whenever I actually convince a skeptic to come shooting with me, they end up wanting to go shooting again or buying a gun too. Funny, huh? For me it's been true. Getting them to the range is the hard part. Get past that, and it's a whole lot easier. ;)
I work for a very large hospital. We have a Radiologist who was with the SF during the Viet Nam War. He survived Khe Sahn. He is very anti and beleives there are way too many FA's in civilian hands. Just as a point of reference, he also has a strong dislike for contact sports. Yet he is in impressive physical shape himself, late 60's, and hard as a rock. But he has very diferent political ideas than I have. While I don't agree with him on many of the issues, I certainly have to respect his right to his differing view. He did more to earn that right than I ever will.
Also, most information they do get are from movies and media, which is why they think all black rifles are evil full auto mass murdering machine guns.

I bet 90% of anti's don't know the difference between any of the following:

Semi automatic rifles
Machine/Submachine guns
Assault Rifle

Unfortunately to most anti's, they're probably all the same.
I have an anti-gun friend who brags about having experience with firearms during his ROTC days a lifetime ago. He mentioned some other BS experience too. Anyway, one day, he went into a tirade about how "we don't need those black assault weapons that Cho used." (For what I'm about to say, note that this guy has a civil engineering degree from Georgia Tech.) I asked him to explain technically exactly what he meant by Cho's "black assault weapons" and why they're different. He responded by saying I sounded like somebody was feeding me propaganda. I decided that my health (low blood pressure) was more important than a meaningless debate. So, I left it there.
Not a single one, and I've debated plenty of them.

The usual is they know someone that was hurt or killed by a gun. Some of them claim to have been raised in homes with guns, but their arguments are almost always based on illogical, emotional, irrational ideas about guns and their use.

I'll be sending you a bill for a new keyboard. Seriously.

"Do you know what a barrel shroud is?"
"It's a shoulder thing that goes up"

Educating the gun ignorant will pay much bigger dividends than the same old basharama!
Try it!
How many newbies did you dare to participate in shooting with you?

Tom Diaz of the Violence Policy Center claims to have been a police officer who ranked highly in some form of competitive shooting sport.

He's also a gun owner.
I've met many active in some of the traditional 'shooting sports' - the shotguns etc. are simply there as sporting implements like golf clubs. They're *never* to be used for defense. Nobody *needs* to have a pistol or a rifle or whatever, or defensive ammunition. Semi-automatics are only OK with 28"+ barrels and outfitted for trap.

Half of them also are utter hypocrites, 'They' have handguns but they believe nobody else should.

They are also the same people who cried the loudest when they found out that they couldn't get certain shotgun features the next time they bought a gun post-94.

Semi-knowledgeable gun owners are our worst enemies.
I've met many active in some of the traditional 'shooting sports' - the shotguns etc. are simply there as sporting implements like golf clubs. They're *never* to be used for defense. Nobody *needs* to have a pistol or a rifle or whatever, or defensive ammunition. Semi-automatics are only OK with 28"+ barrels and outfitted for trap.

Ever notice that they tend to have a very advanced education... but don't seem to be able to think on their own, without the assistance of an entire college staff and numerous textbooks on the subject they are pondering. And they're snobs!:neener:
Ever notice that they tend to have a very advanced education... but don't seem to be able to think on their own, without the assistance of an entire college staff and numerous textbooks on the subject they are pondering.

It's a class rather than education thing IME. Most have professional jobs, but they hold themselves above everyone. Even if they were dirt farmers they would (and some *are* dirt farmers).

If I could count the number of times someone who only shoots single shot TC handguns for various competitions came over, stopped the truck as they rolled by my bay or spot on the line, or otherwise 'make sure' what I'm using is legal, I'd need about 50 more hands and feet.

The true irony in all is that those 'inspections' were all far more prevalent before I got NFA stuff.

Maybe they think the Uzi and MP5s are Airsoft ;0
have a friend who is a great guy, but totally anti. The strange thing is that he can name and give you a history on just about any military rifle he sees on TV, but doesn't think that civilians should be permitted any kind of gun ownership whatsoever. Not even black powder because "it can be used for crimes."

Maybe we should outlaw penises for the same reason.
Hmph. I hold an advanced professional degree, and am very competitive in the shooting sports.

And I don't care one whit what you own. I may try to persuade you to buy better gear (you will NEVER regret buying quality), but the idea of "Guns for me, but not for thee" would never enter my head.
I've seen almost none. I used to have hours of amusement in FidoNet and usenet rubbing anti-gunners in their own ignorance. One imbecile said that you could smuggle a Glock onto an airplane by disguising the barrel as a "pen" and the slide as a "PADLOCK"! He couldn't think of anything which the serial numbered frame could be disgused as. He seemed quite unhappy to be told that without the frame, the other bits were useless.

Then there was the well known internet psycho (a lunatic who tarnishes the entire father's rights movement) who waxed ignorant about "500 round" AK magazines. By the time I was done with him, he looked like he'd sat in a wood chipper.
One telling example was the degree of niavete with which the '94 AWB was written. They ban things like flash hiders and bayonet lugs, and model names rather than anything that matters, and they're surprised that the only thing that changes is some magazine prices.

But SOMEONE has to be letting them in on the destructive power of .50 BMG rifles, etc. They have to have someone working for them who knows a little.

I do enjoy disarming them when they use phrases like, "A high-powered rifle at point-blank range", to which I inquire, "You mean a 30-06 at 200 yards? That's what a high-powered rifle at point blank range means."

In all fairness, there are plenty of PRO-gun people who would be dangerous if they had a clue as well.
There are probably some idiots in Hollywood who get information about guns out of the various movies that they work with, and transfer that information to anti groups.

I wonder if Michael Mann is an anti? I really can't imagine someone who's an anti sitting around thinking, "hmm...I think Al Pacino should have an FN FNC in this scene."
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