Anyone Anticipate A Resurrection Of The Assault Weapons Ban?

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A light infantry carbine of sufficient caliber should be deployed in schools in sealed safes in multiple locals. Additionally, body armor will be located in these safes.

A certain portion of most abled bodied teachers and school staff should be sent to a two week long class about engaging active shooters including plenty of live fire drills and force on force tactical training scenario immersions. Thorough vetting and psychological analysis of the participants is in order.

Equip these staff members with concealed RFID badges that have the ability to unlock the various weapons lockers located on school grounds. Have these members swear to confidentiality and sign a NDA. Ensure there are always at least 4 members on station at any given time. In addition, SABC and CLS training should be given to not only these trained teachers, but ALL SCHOOL STAFF up to and including the wino janitors.

The screwed up losers that shoot up these schools will have no idea which members are fully trained an operational and will know they can access combat capable firepower within seconds in any area of the school.

This would be an ideal deterrent.
Stupid gun grabbers always try with out fail. But the AR15 is the most popular firearm in the United States. No one will comply and they only have to wait for the supremes to strike it down.
A light infantry carbine of sufficient caliber should be deployed in schools in sealed safes in multiple locals. Additionally, body armor will be located in these safes.

A certain portion of most abled bodied teachers and school staff should be sent to a two week long class about engaging active shooters including plenty of live fire drills and force on force tactical training scenario immersions. Thorough vetting and psychological analysis of the participants is in order.

Equip these staff members with concealed RFID badges that have the ability to unlock the various weapons lockers located on school grounds. Have these members swear to confidentiality and sign a NDA. Ensure there are always at least 4 members on station at any given time. In addition, SABC and CLS training should be given to not only these trained teachers, but ALL SCHOOL STAFF up to and including the wino janitors.

The screwed up losers that shoot up these schools will have no idea which members are fully trained an operational and will know they can access combat capable firepower within seconds in any area of the school.

This would be an ideal deterrent.
I heard they watch a 5 minute video at the beginning of the school year.
The answer is, copy what Israel is doing.
The house Democrats already said they won't even consider any bill that has money for increasing school security. So that right there tells you they want this to keep happening. No other logical conclusion can be drawn.
I certainly see a push towards an AWB. Biden seems to be talking about it like it was a great success. And when you consider that a large chunk of the voting aged populace is not old enough to have experiences though adult eyes what the early 1990s were like, I'm sure many will believe that the AWB fixed all these problems of "gun violence". And also believe that the violence of the 90s was exactly like the violence of today, therefore the same solution will fix everything now.
The way the police response time in Uvalde is being perceived right now, seems like the focus on ARs is drifting a bit.

I do think the background check issue will be pressed harder. And I’m starting to hear from some that the age of buying a rifle needs to be increased.

I agree but would include all firearms. The eighteen year olds of today aren't the same as they used to be. Bump it to 21 for purchases but allow for the shooting of firearms under supervision of a 21+ year old. This would give us the time to, help, weed out the crazies and provide training to boot. Eighteen is not some magical segue way into adulthood. At least not anymore.

This will not be popular on this site for sure but it beats the alternative of bans and it might actually make a difference in mass shootings, etc.
I agree but would include all firearms. The eighteen year olds of today aren't the same as they used to be. Bump it to 21 for purchases but allow for the shooting of firearms under supervision of a 21+ year old. This would give us the time to, help, weed out the crazies and provide training to boot. Eighteen is not some magical segue way into adulthood. At least not anymore.

This will not be popular on this site for sure but it beats the alternative of bans and it might actually make a difference in mass shootings, etc.

So what do the 18-20 year olds get in return for this massive violation of their civil rights?
The are always polls after these horrors supporting an AWB, but there are also polls supporting laws allowing permitted carry on school grounds as a way to respond to the horrors. Nothing in the first week after these massacres is useful.

Considering school shooters are ~18 years old, you're more likely to see legislation proposed to make 21 the age to purchase any firearm.

Already happened here in Florida. The whole lengthy legislation that was crammed through in 30 days, millions spent, but nothing has changed other than 21 to buy a rifle from a FFL but not from a private seller.?

Always thought is pretty stupid that a 18 year old could go to a store and buy a AR 15 , Shotgun , AK but not a 22 lr revolver??

But then it all goes to when is a person an adult?? At 18 You can vote, go in the military, sign a legal contract but not buy a handgun, alcohol or tobacco??

Meanwhile the sob that shot up the school in Parkland is still not sentenced. Can't pick a jury.??
That would be gun control, death sentence.!!
Raise age to purchase a FIREARM to 21?

No! Raise LEGAL AGE to 21. No alcohol, on pot, no cigarettes, no military service, no voting.
Considered a MINOR, under parental control.

See how popular that would be. How many DUMBASSCRAPS would support it.

How about return to FAMILIES (supported by a working Father and at home Mom, Schools with DISCIPLINE that TEACH history, math, science, reading, shop, home ec; where you PASS or FAIL and repeat.

LBJ's (D) Great plan was a MAJOR downfall and cause of family destruction.
Most of society's problem being addressed by DUMBASSCRAPS plans to fix, were caused by DUMBASSCRAPS policies.
I would like to see a ban on unlocked doors at schools. Especially two unlocked doors and especially after a nut job gives a 12 minute warning with loud popping sounds.

The antis will not let a crisis go to waste though. Even if the crisis smells like 3 day old fish in the sun. I hope our side doesn't bend but I don't have much faith in any politician.
"Assault " is an "action"! Not a rifle or pistol!

Exactly. Lay a rifle or pistol down somewhere and it will remain there forever-----unless moved by some force which is usually human hands. A firearm is only a machine and has no personality despite being labeled "evil". It is the human that uses it to maime or kill innocent persons that is evil. The gun grabbers have no interest in that fact as they only want an excuse to take away your guns. Their interest is in power, not protecting anyone from evil.

Yes, there will be a fuss to do away with "assault" rifles. Considering the snakes in Washington I have no idea what will happen.

Ted Cruz was mentioned. Ted is just another weasel looking to be re-elected. Don't count on him for anything as he blows the same smoke and BS as all the rest of the empty suits around him.
Any logical & sane person knows this has NOTHING to do with school & child safety. The Democrat party is now & has always been EVIL! It is the party of death. And all of this “Screamin’ Meme’ry” is simply about grabbing more control. That’s it. The ONLY way to control a populous is to first take away peoples rights to weapons.

I’m not too worried. As it was said, any of their attempts would eventually go to Supreme Court & be over turned. Now, even if they somehow lost why’s left of their Stg5 TrumpDerangementSyndrome, Brain Damaged minds & tried taking ANY guns away; I just wouldn’t comply. And if it came down to gov Leo entering my home illegally to take my propertty? I’m not under any false delusions. I know I would be killed. But that’s what it would have to come down to. And although I would be die, I promise at least ONE would join me. I wonder how often the corrupt fbi, atf, etc., would continue illegally breaking into peoples homes if EVERY time they did, at least one or more of them were shot in the face! Universal CASTLE LAW baby!
So what do the 18-20 year olds get in return for this massive violation of their civil rights?
Perhaps life, if they are out in public. Or maybe the lives of those in Texas should suffice or at least be a consideration.

An adjustment needs to be made and an age compromise that coincides with the development and maturity of todays youth seems like a logical answer as stated in my original post.

It is not a "massive violation" but a restriction on purchases. It seems the least painful of the alternatives and might actually have an impact on these senseless killings.

Change is coming and you either help mold it or get run over by it. JMO.

So what do the 18-20 year olds get in return for this massive violation of their civil rights?
My “Leftist-O-meter” is pinging very loudly! Is that Liberal “Feelings” being hurt I smell?:confused:
Perhaps life, if they are out in public. Or maybe the lives of those in Texas should suffice or at least be a consideration.

An adjustment needs to be made and an age compromise that coincides with the development and maturity of todays youth seems like a logical answer as stated in my original post.

It is not a "massive violation" but a restriction on purchases. It seems the least painful of the alternatives and might actually have an impact on these senseless killings.

Change is coming and you either help mold it or get run over by it. JMO.

I have to ask- At what age do you become involved in firearms? Do you have children with an interest in firearms?

Some of the stupidity being expressed will legally prohibit my son from even driving to the range with his target rifle. Some of the stupidity being expressed will prohibit college students living away from home from possessing even basic firearms in off-campus housing, or camping/backpacking with any form of defensive weapon.

Yeah, its a massive civil rights violation and completely unacceptable.
To many people are going off of "feels" right now. They want someone or something to blame. With the shooter dead (thankfully) their only other choice is the weapon.

If both teachers were armed, this probably would've ended differently. Of course people can't fathom having a teacher armed to protect their children from something like this.

I hate to bring politics into this, unfortunately people still believe that there's a difference in either party. Republicans will sell our rights to make themselves look good.

If the age limit is raised, let that go across the board. A person will be considered a minor until the age of 21. Their parents will be responsible for them, won't be able to vote, drink, have a driver's license... NO exceptions!

Most of all, never trust any politicians when it comes to our rights.
Honestly, at this point, I’m not betting for or against anything. I think that as a nation we are fed up with seeing our children murdered. I believe we are tired of seeing innocent people killed in large numbers by cowards looking to make a final statement on their way out of the world, but I don’t know that there is any solution, much less an easy solution. It starts at home. No question that parenting ain’t what it used to be, but society ain’t what it used to be either. I don’t have the answers, but restricting an innocent person’s freedom ain’t the remedy for curing evil.
I absolutely see this as a multi pronged problem.

Healthcare and mental healthcare is non-existent in this country unless you have a lot of money

Social media is absolutely having a chaotic detrimental impression on social development and human development as a whole.

The third won't be popular here but we absolutely have a proliferation issue with semiautomatic high capacity rifles that wasn't an issue when you had to save up several paychecks worth of REAL MONEY to buy one and had to have the self discipline to do so. Now they're just a minor CC purchase away for anyone with a 500 or higher credit score essentially instantly.

I don't really have any answers but I can tell you only the third will get any attention and someone who thinks they have answers will try to address it.

You can search my profile. I was one of the AR early adopters for hunting and whatnot. But as I've watched the AR fad and firearm ownership turn into more and more of a cultural fashion statement I've slowly turned more Fudd like
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