Anyone have a Triple P loader they wish to part with?

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Dec 28, 2008
I have a what is likely the best cylinder loader out there from BigLube, the "Tower of Power".

But I'm really curious about the Triple P loader. This was originally sold by 6gun4fun who seems to have disappeared and absconded with folks money.

I'd like to buy a used one from someone who wishes to part with it. Anyone have one?

Don't get me wrong....the Tower of Power absolutely works great...I'd just like to have a Triple P as well.
I'd hate to hear he stole from people. I got one by pre-ordering and after he went into production, he sent one after the price went higher, he stood by the old price. The e-mail communication was great at the time, too.

That said, sorry, not going to part with mine. It's just too good.

The Doc is out now. :cool:
DrLaw Oh you are such a tease:banghead:. I can't say enough good things about BigLube's loader that I have. I just have an interest in different types of equipment. This could be the reason I have so many reloading presses and equipment. I have "Gee, that looks kinda neat" bone in my brain.

It is such a pity that folks got stung on this...
I can recall reading directly from only one poster who didn't get his refund after sending it back in for a warranty repair.
However there was another person who posted on another forum asking where they could buy a used Triple P that I conversed with.
So I guess that means that it's a seller's market! :D
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I was one of the pre order guys and received one of the first loaders. They are nice and it's a sellers market for sure. Probably only a few dozen were made.

I would like to know the real story behind the demise of the loader and disappearance of 6gun4fun. I feel bad about guys losing money because I really posted good things about the loader after I received mine.
I got mine with the wad cutter attachments for .31,.36, and .44 caliber guns. It works extremely well.The only negative on mine was cosmetic, the loading disk had a lot of deep tooling marks that I had to polish out.
I was one of the pre order guys and received one of the first loaders. They are nice and it's a sellers market for sure. Probably only a few dozen were made.

I would like to know the real story behind the demise of the loader and disappearance of 6gun4fun. I feel bad about guys losing money because I really posted good things about the loader after I received mine.

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