Anyone sleep with a fan on/going?

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Aug 1, 2003
Call me weird but I have a pair of box fans and a ceiling fan that run almost 24/7.

I sleep with three fans on in my room on year round, I like it cool in my bedroom and I’ve found that for some reason I cannot sleep w/o some type of background noise. I’ve tried the radio going but that don’t cut it, the only thing that works is my trusty fan on hi.

When I stay over at a relative’s house or out of town in a hotel I find it nearly impossible to get a good nights rest unless I can grab a fan and have it going near the bed.

Plus I like the cool air circulating around me.

I seem to be able to notice any “other†noises over the fans, such as the cats knocking over something in the kitchen or loud noises outside.

The way my house is laid out the only points of entry unless you have a 10 foot extension ladder are thru the front area near where we park our cars. Doors are heavy metal with deadbolts and standard locks and we have storm windows up as well. So one would make a bit of racket coming inside.

I’ve been awakening at night by odd noises most of which I can quickly locate the source of or explain away.

I police the same county where I live so I am fully aware of any and all home invasions/entries/burglaries which occur and 98% occur when the home owners are gone in daylight. I believe this is in part, because the crooks understand that we are a rural county and it’s a given each home has at a minimum a shotgun or a deer rifle inside and Bubba knows how to use it cause he feeds his family with it.

Anyone else have a need for background noise while sleeping? How does it affect your awareness that you have experienced?
You aren't alone. A fan is on in bedroom almost all the time.

The white noise it creates help block out annoying sounds from the rest of the house. I enjoy having a breeze.

Since this is S&T - I rely on my 180 lb 1/2 great dane 1/2 beagle to alert me to any strange goings on in or around my home - she's very good at that by the way.
You Have GOT to be KIDDING!!!! :what: :what: :what:

I thought I was the only one who had to deal with this.....though not the way you're talking.

My wife and I have separate rooms for sleeping. I go to bed at 8 or 9, up at 0415. She’s the night owl with lay-down at 10-12, up at 7.

In her room there is a fan running every night….summer, winter, etc. If she had her way it would be on high, but then I can hear it in the next room. We have compromised on a medium setting (it is a floor model) that gives her the white noise she requires but doesn’t interfere with my sleep.

When on vacation and sharing a room, the A/C must be on or at least the fan…..otherwise she doesn’t rest well. On the other hand, I’m a light sleeper to begin with, so the background noise tends to interfere with my rest. The things you do for those you love. ;)

Yes, I take precautions in those cases.....light sleeper, remember? A cat licking itself has woken me. :(
Now I don't need quite the noise and airflow you describe but I also need some kind of droning white noise. I too use a fan year round.

As for S&T. We have a dog, all doors including bedroom door is locked and we sleep on the second floor.

Pretty much the same thing. After years of learning to sleep with a none too quiet computer running in my bedroom, I can't sleep without background noise. My laptop doesn't cut it. Tried the radio, kept waking up abruptly to odd stufff; go to sleep to some jazz show on NPR, wake up to - I kid you not - the call to prayer on some Middle Eastern music show. You want to know how quick you can be up, armed and alert? Try hearing AQ in your bedroom at 4AM. :D

So I have a box fan running on low at the end of the bed. Comfortable breeze plus white noise equals good sleep.

Edit - Keeping the theme of S&T; Don't really have any. I'm a wierd sleeper. Can sleep through cannon fire (literally), but I can be awakened by a pin drop over the fan noise. The other night I hopped out of bed and went to investigate a noise that my girlfriend didn't hear. She had left a bag of ice on the kitchen counter 3 rooms away and as it melted I heard the water dripping on the linoleum.
Ceiling fan every night, and at least slightly open window if the A/C isn't on. Not for white noise, but wife needs airflow over her face, or she gets claustrophobic.

Now, if I could only convince her that ceiling fans in an empty room don't help any with cooling ( I know that they keep the air mixed, but that will happen within a few seconds of turning it on.)
Not a fan but the TV. I little noise helps drown out the buzzing in my right ear. I'm afraid I've been to a few too many rock concerts, gun ranges, hunting trips, etc.
No fan, but I know of few people that do us one. I am normally a light sleeper anyways, the train tracks are 3 miles away and if the UP is pulling a heavy load with more than 4 locomotives the vibration will wake me up.

My burglar alarm is a very vocal chocolate lab that also is a lighter sleeper, will bark loudly at things that go bump in the night and sleeps on the floor right in front of my bedroom door. I like it quiet at night, but somehow I managed to survive a year in the dorms in college and a few years in a fraternity house.

My roomates know not to open my door at anytime if its closed, I do lock it when I am sleeping, might get met with the business end of a .45 staring them in the face. I case of fire I told them to yell fire at the top of their lungs.

A former well-endowed (shall we say, 'rubenesque') girlfriend of mine always slept with a fan on. For awhile, I couldn't go to sleep without the radio on (usually Art Bell). Now I like the room very dark and quiet, except in the summer, when we keep the windows open and a fan running.
Wow.Ditto,ditto,& ditto.

I have two fans.One on the floor & one in the window.I can't sleep w/o that cold air blowing on my face.For some reason I can still hear the "odd" noises.(impacts against the house,unfamiliar door opening,neighbors in a screaming fight,& etc.)

I do have three dogs that help.I probably should just take their lead about the noises.What can drive me out of bed to investigate usually just prompts a yawn from them.
We have a box fan going at night, and two Cocker Spaniel burglar alarms. No worries! :) We can both get to our CCWs in a flash, and the puppies will give alarm/attack, so the minor noise of the fan going doesn't get in the way.
Now, if only I could depend on the two attack cats, too.... :p
:uhoh: Yes, I too have a fan on any time I am trying to sleep. I even have a small one I take with me when traveling. The light breeze helps me sleep and the white noise help the tinitus.

Be well . . .
I use a c-pap machine at night(to prevent sleep apnea)and it is pretty loud...also use a fan in the summer..youdo get used to the sounds though.I can pick up an unusual sound even with the breathing machine on...
White noise and air circulating as mentioned already.

My second wife told me a Secret ...< looks to see if any women around> ... in the winter time women like to leave a foot out from under the covers and expose to the fan - that is how their feet get sooo cold . Moms teach daughters this is to get the guy to quit snoring.

Shush...don't tell the women-folk 'kay? :D
So that's why she does that ...

My second wife told me a Secret ...< looks to see if any women around> ... in the winter time women like to leave a foot out from under the covers and expose to the fan - that is how their feet get sooo cold . Moms teach daughters this is to get the guy to quit snoring.

Yep, my wife grew up in South Florida and can't sleep a wink without at least one fan or a loud a/c unit on all night, all year-round ... so I've gotten used to it too ... two light-sleeping, very alert large dogs are our alarm system, though I'm a very light sleeper too after years sleeping in the field or on various types of boats or ships ...
Every cieling fan in the house is on all year long.

My dad was an old school tightwad...refused to run A/C at night. "You're asleep. you won't know it's turned off."

I learned to sleep with two rather larger box fans shoved in the pulling, one pushing. Turned on high they made some noise.

I'm not as tight as my dad, I turn on the A/C and just run the ceiling fans.


Ceiling fan and box fan running 24/7/365.

Back when I road a submarine for a living and sleeping in a bunk with slightly less space than a coffin, I got totally addicted to having the small A/C vent blowing the length of the rack. After departing the USN, quickly found out that no airflow eguals no sleep.
I used to need quiet when I was young to be comfortable. Then I became a geek and eventually needed my computer on all the time for white noise. I made sure to keep a weapon in close reach due to my dulled ability to hear what was going on outside my room. I now sleep in a very quiet room with some background noise outside my door (furnace HVAC system). I can still hear every footstep in the house though. I also still keep weapons within arms reach, and think that is not enough if someone ever gets the drop on me.
Ditto on the reason my wife sleeps across the hall, she can't stand the airflow, I've got to have it. Got addicted to the white noise while working 3rd shift with a toddler in the house once upon a time.

Ditto on the alarm-dogs. Our 2 Lhasa Apsos go absolutley ballistic at strange noises. The male would go into attack mode on a Rhinocerous...absolutely fearless. They were instrumental in capturing 2 burglars in our garage a few years back. The numbnuts were too drunk to figure out that the dogs going crazy in the house just might lead to a husband/wife pair armed with his/her .45's investigating the rucus. Too bad for them, and several "victim's rights" letters/postcards from the county atty for us.
NOPE! Not kidding

Momma was a great dane and daddy was a beagle.

The result is a rather large dog that looks like a lab with a head like a dane only the snout is more narrow.

She's a heck of a dog. Loyal as all get out. Barks loudly if anything not familiar enters the bounds of our house which is yard or driveway. Some how she can recognize the sounds of cars and differentiate. She will not bark at the sound of my, wife's or any daughter's car but sounds the alarm at any thing else. Would eat anything not supposed to be in our house. When visitors come we've got to introduce them to her. They've got to say her name and allow her to sniff their hand. After that they're her buddy for ever. Otherwise...
Box fan on in the living room mainly for air circulation. It keeps the temperature more even in the house.
As for the white noise, I can't hear it due to the howling wind through the attic and the rain/sleet/snow/grizzly bears bangin' on the windows. :D
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