Are all ak-47's alike

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I personally would opt for an Arsenal or some other Saiga that has been converted to AK-100 series standards by a reputable company. All new parts and quality workmanship are worth the difference in price.

The prices of Century guns just seem to keep climbing, and I was not at all impressed with the examples I held. The mag wells look like they were cut with chisels, and they didn't even make an attempt to refinish the area where they had ground down the rough edges. I don't feel they are worth their ever increasing prices.
I know people bash the WASR but mine ain't no slouch. Maybe I just picked a good one (I was able to have my choice and inspected several before deciding on the one I got) but honestly I've shot several different ones and really have yet to see a "bad one". Now that I think about it I've shot several different styles and manufactures of AKs in the search for mine and I don't remember seeing a "bad one". Sure some were finished nicer than others but every last one I shot worked and worked well. What made me decide on the WASR was the deal I got on it.
It is not illegal to sell a home-build rifle you simply inscribe the builder name, city, and state where it was manufactured. You cannot build with the intent to sell, but to better your collection or if you need the money you CAN sell it.
I used to have a WASR but sold it a few years back. Bought me an Arsenal SGL21 and now have a rifle I would never get rid of.
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