Are Anti-Gunners Winning the Hearts and Minds of Americans?

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Fred Fuller

Moderator Emeritus
Mar 26, 2004
Here's a study you should be aware of, and inform friends and allies about... thanks to David Hardy for the link...

NRA, Bloomberg and Facebook

Posted by David Hardy · 5 June 2014 12:44 PM

Stephen Wright has done an interesting study. In terms of "likes," NRA has 10:1 advantage. In terms of increasing number of those, a 4:1 advantage. And in terms of age, NRA's following is clustered in the 25-44 age class, while Bloomberg's is in the 55+ age class.


Are Anti-Gunners Winning the Hearts and Minds of Americans?
By Stephen Wright, on June 2nd, 2014
Interesting, but using Facebook data is very skewed to begin with. The under 30 crowd rarely uses Facebook. It has become the preferred social media for older folk.

But to answer this.

Are Anti-Gunners Winning the Hearts and Minds of Americans?

I say no. Almost every piece of recent legislation has meant laws more favorable to our side. Every dollar guys like Bloomberg donates converts people to our side.

We are winning. I just hope that we understand that and don't do stupid stuff to hurt our cause. Some of the recent open carry demonstrations have been counter productive in my opinion.
Stephen Wright has done an interesting study. In terms of "likes," NRA has 10:1 advantage. In terms of increasing number of those, a 4:1 advantage. And in terms of age, NRA's following is clustered in the 25-44 age class, while Bloomberg's is in the 55+ age class.
Wait, What? But that's not what they told us! Facebook may be gradually getting abandoned by all but the most clueless of my generation (25-35 year olds) but there's still a ton of activity. Facebook is shifting toward the older set (which is the main reason the younger set is bailing), but it's still shocking NRA activity is both heavily favored on the vehemently anti-gun system, and that the activity is concentrated on younger people.

If you think about it, it makes sense for the anti's to be geezers; anti's at their base, core ideology, hate guns --and old people like hating stuff since it gets their blood pressure up and makes 'em feel young again ;). Young folks just want to impress their dates and have fun at the range :cool:

Interesting, but using Facebook data is very skewed to begin with. The under 30 crowd rarely uses Facebook. It has become the preferred social media for older folk.
True or not, a correction for that would suggest that only young NRA people aren't net-culture savvy and still use Facebook, which makes a) no sense, and b) no sense again because Facebook is anti-gun already, and c) I'm not aware of a vast anti-gun cabal on some competing platform all my anti friends are using. What I think is more likely, is that the continual charges of us being "racist old white men" is MAIG-types protesting too much. It seems the young-set is far more active in the gun-rights direction (and it also seems the leaders of the anti-gun set are uniformly 'wizened,' or, more accurately 'wrinkled,' while gun rights people have numerous telegenic junior statesmen kicking out op-ed's and headlining rallies). Couple that with the incredibly racist history of gun laws, present racist rationale for their continuance/expansion, and blatant/intentional racial disparity of impact, and the first part of the NRA stereotype falls apart. Couple that again with the explosion of female shooters/carriers/enthusiasts we're seeing, and the fourth part falls out. Makes me wonder if the NRA might not be far more racially diverse than the most active MAIG types, as well...conventional wisdumb says that shouldn't be the case, but 3/4 terms suggest the stereotype was invented from whole cloth.

Eh, he's measuring slacktivism more than anything. I'd agree than the pro-2A groups are pretty good at that. :)
Not around here. Citizens are taking gun safety classes & buying guns at a larger rate than last year according to the local T.V.& Radio news. C.C.P.s are up! Citizens are pretty much pro-gun around here!
Support for more restrictive gun laws has been declining for decades. It's almost as though every time it gets media attention, we win more points than they do.
If you think about it, it makes sense for the anti's to be geezers; anti's at their base, core ideology, hate guns --and old people like hating stuff since it gets their blood pressure up and makes 'em feel young again . Young folks just want to impress their dates and have fun at the range.

That's pretty funny right there. Makes us feel ALIVE! Besides, what else do we have to do besides tell other people they're wrong about everything.:D

There are still a lot of people who would like to see all of the guns dumped into the ocean in some undisclosed location. But how would that solve the problem? People would just build more, legally or illegally. Oppressors need them and the oppressed need them to fight back. Go to some poor 3rd world countries sometime and take a hard look around. The masses don't have guns, only the gov't or those who oppose the gov't. Mexico used to be a lot like the US until 1971 when the gov't cracked down on ownership of guns. That didn't change much of anything except who had the guns. That's a darn good example of the redistribution of guns and it's right next door.

So I would say that the truth is on our side. Those that want to believe that a gun free society is the answer sooner or later will have to deal with the lessons of history. It's a warm and fuzzy feeling but the real world just doesn't work like that and never will.
I think its more of an enthusiasm gap than an opinion gap, people in favor of stricter gun laws probably would not list it in their top 5 political pet causes. Those of us in favor of gun rights probably easily see it as top 3.
I'll have to track down that survey American University did. It found a majority of high school and college students said they intended to own a gun when they moved out on their own. And it was by a large margin, despite the attempts from the statists in the education system to persuade them otherwise.

That's a huge loss for the anti-gun movement.
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