Are gun owners allowed to own plastic coke bottles? (NFA)

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Nope - DEA. After all, coke is their business...
Yeah I thought I about that, however, what about the root beer ( granted slitting hairs with the 'beer' part) or any other "sodas". Not to mention, though I don't drink, I just thinks it's wrong to see fine "spirits" in plastic containers. I can see some fella using a "spirit" bottle for this and the alphabet agencies arguing over juridiction...

What is this world coming to? Gives me more respect for "moonshiners" of yore ( ?"ahem) , at least they made a honest living and not on dole...and the mason jars were glass.

I have used suppressors, not for any reason in particular, but to keep noise down for hearing ( one's own , other's) . Just how many "bad rashes of crime" have supressors been involved in?

IIRC the only case a "machine gun" used in a crime was that of a LEO many many years ago.

Gun Control and all these restrictions...phooey!
Why not just pay the tax and have some fun? $200 isn't what it was back in 1934 and its probably better than risking everything... 'sides that... Its THR way to do things

Its not the tax that I mind....well as much anyway. Its the fact that I (or anyone else) cannot possess such an item without the express permission of the "Chief Law Enforcement Officer" of my area. I have no idea if he would agree or not, but I am not about to go begging hat in hand for permission to pay $200 so I can own a threaded pipe. If it was "shall issue" unless they could prove that I was a convicted felon or diagnosed nutjob (likeCHL licenses) I would probably go ahead and do it because it would be fun to play with. As it is, I'll do without.....and just complain about it :)
If it mounts to the firearm and makes it quieter, it requires a tax stamp.

Bench-mounted items (like a row of tires or whatever) do not require a stamp.

SOF had an article about 20 years ago describing the plastic bottle silencer. They said it worked well .
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