Are we still the minority?

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Aug 29, 2008
How does the armed American sit as far as a percentage of the population? Within the last 10 years, we have moved into small, light weight handguns for personal protection. Women have jumped on board because the "gun culture" has become more female friendly, many gun lines have been marketed towards females and companies have made guns that can easily be carried. CCW permits have increased dramatically and we have set many records for NICS checks on certain days. Americans are buying guns like never before.

I believe that the armed America has increased to a point that we are now a majority, although a quiet, closet-type majority. I think there are many people who now carry or legally own pistols that don't go to the PTA meetings talking about SD ammo or caliber size. I think if any new proposal comes to a vote of the masses that we will see a remarkable jump in pro-gun views. I believe we may have more votes than the vocal antis.

Also, we also have a mass influx of the young gamers who buy as soon as it's legal. Someone mentioned on here (whether true or not) that the NRA is getting 8,000 new members a day. That has to out pace the number of members who stop supporting them or pass away to the gun range in the sky.

Are we now a majority? Most polls and studies are dated by 4 or 5 years. Obama's reign has sold more guns than anything else we have experienced in our lifetime. This recent "panic buying" may be more "old" gun owners stocking up than buyers new to the fold but it shows that the pro-gun force is real and very strong in numbers. If legislators really listen to the people, do the people really want gun control? I say we are strong enough to let them know we are not a silent minority. I believe we've become the majority. Anyone with current stats of gun ownership?
I would say that we probably are in the minority. There are an estimated 9 guns for every 10 people, but a LOT of people own more than one or two. I don't know the exact number, but I'd guess we're in the minority.

However, I think our numbers are slowly rising. I don't hear of too many people who decided to sell all their guns because they didn't need them.
I would bet it works out to 50/50 in the nation in terms of households with a gun in them.

Out of that, how many actively don't "officially" own, but use their husband's or wive's guns. How many 16 year olds don't officially own a gun, but use dad's for deer season?

I also bet distribution varies quite a bit. The South, Midwest, and Rocky Mountains more gun ownership than the coasts, and the inland , Great Lakes Midwest. Far more suburban and rural ownership, than urban, etc.
I believe that the armed America has increased to a point that we are now a majority, although a quiet, closet-type majority. I think there are many people who now carry or legally own pistols that don't go to the PTA meetings talking about SD ammo or caliber size. I think if any new proposal comes to a vote of the masses that we will see a remarkable jump in pro-gun views. I believe we may have more votes than the vocal antis.

I'd be willing to bet that most gun owners don't think about that either.
My dad carries his Ruger LCP about once a year and I think he shot it once about 2 years ago. I don't think he has any idea what ammo is loaded in it. He won't carry with a chambered round, doesn't practice, etc... He's a gun owner but not a "gun guy" and stays out of the politics. He was shocked yesterday when I mentioned the recent panic buying. It was news to him.
My neighbor has a handful of guns in a safe. He doesn't like talking about them and even says he's "not a gun guy".

So ya, it's hard to run the statistics.
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