Are we being selfish?

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I think it is worth pointing out that when gun owners try to emphasize the sporting/recreational uses of guns when debating with anti-gunners, then we are left wide open to the unjustifiable selfishness argument. Was it worth having 10,177 firearm murders in 2006 in the U.S. so we can have guns to go target shooting or hunting?

Another reason it is dangerous to go down that road.
My $0.02

What part of inalienable rights do you not understand? If the government grants rights to the people - then we are doomed. When all governments give up arms then we can talk about civillian disarmament.

I think perhaps you are a victim of propoganda. Think about this: I have never seen or heard of a pro-gun person becoming one with the Brady bunch, but I have seen evidence of the contrary.
Must say it amazes me that this thought I had and put on this forum is still going. Seems like it hit a lot of nerves. I know that I sometimes wonder if I act out of selfishness when I refuse to dole out money to someone who believes they have a claim of some sort on me. When a panhandler makes an appeal to me I wonder if I am doing right by refusing. When my son claims I "owe" him something and I refuse, I wonder if I am doing it out of "tough love" or just being selfish. Seems to me it is a good thing to question one's motives from time to time. Doesn't mean we are irresponsible or narrow minded, or that we are great thinkers, only that we are human.

And you know what, admitting to being human is probably one of the hardest things I have ever done.
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