Are you a progressive?

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Jan 2, 2003
St. Louis, in the Don't Show Me state
You are now. That's one of the favorite buzzwords of folks who seem to know, deep within their souls, what's good for other people.

They want to be progressive. Badly. Every _good_ thing is progressive. Right?I mean, it's going _forward!_ It's PROGRESSIVE!

So, next time you get in a discussion with someone who will be susceptible (i.e., too much college, too little real world), start working that word in... On YOUR side!

Talk about progressive concealed carry reform.

Progressive removal of Jim Crow-era sanctions. You may have to tell some of them about Jim Crow tho.

This is progressive.

In fact, whatever position you're working toward, that's the progressive position. Anything else is, well... not progressive.

It helps to know proper first aid for hyperventilation and/or strokes.
Well yes, tis true... :scrutiny:

"Progressive" is the new buzz word for folks on the left that don't like the "L-word," (Liberal) anymore, or even worse - the "S-word", (Socialist).

Why "Progressive" is so flexable that even some "Moderate" Rebublicans are using it.

Both, I think, would like to "progress" us into the poor house. :uhoh: ;)
I'm a manual indexing progressive kind of guy:cool:

Since "liberal" got to be such a scarlet letter/badge of scorn, I guess they neede a new word. Nothing wrong with liberals, just some of them have their gun priorities mixed up.
"Progressive" implies progress, advancement, from the bad old days, right?

Well, in a lot of ways, a lot of old gun control laws were written so rich white people could shoot all they wanted and have armed protection, but poor non-white people couldn't have a gun. In a lot of jursidictions where CCW was "may issue", it ended up being a matter of who was buddies with the sheriff or the police chief or the mayor, right?

Well, getting away from that good ol' boy nonsense to a system that's fair and well-defined by law (shall-issue) seems like progress to me.

I think this is a good idea. We can't ignore the media war and expect to win the RKBA fight.
Hitler was a progressive also =) What wonderful things did he do.

So was Stalin....

Oh wait, every movement in human history calls themselfs "progressive" ....
I use progressive in mixed company, it being a usefully vague but defined term. I'm not a liberal, any question of socialism devolves into its own semantic universe, anarchism has too many confusing connotations.

I generally think of myself as a 'moral anarchist,' though.
Main Entry: 1pro·gres·sive

Pronunciation: pr&-'gre-siv

Function: adjective

1 a : of, relating to, or characterized by progress b : making use of or interested in new ideas, findings, or opportunities c : of, relating to, or constituting an educational theory marked by emphasis on the individual child, informality of classroom procedure, and encouragement of self-expression

2 : of, relating to, or characterized by progression

3 : moving forward or onward : ADVANCING

4 a : increasing in extent or severity <a progressive disease> b : increasing in rate as the base increases <a progressive tax>

5 often capitalized : of or relating to political Progressives

6 : of, relating to, or constituting a verb form that expresses action or state in progress at the time of speaking or a time spoken of

- pro·gres·sive·ly adverb
- pro·gres·sive·ness noun

***** No definition, however, of what politically progressive is.

I belong to the Regressive Party. I want an immediate reinstatement of medieval feudal government and society. We can then work towards -- someday -- forming tribal chimp troops in which all of us run around naked flinging feces at each other.
I am really bothered that the right (of which I am a committed part) has allowed the left to co-op the word progressive. Oh well, I guess a rose by any other name...

You can pour syrup on poop, but it wont make it pancakes.

Has anyone ever noticed the trend of organizations that "fail", or get a bad rap, to change their name and "reappear" as the new heros? :barf:
Why bewail the use of a term. Do like statists do all over the world. Take a perfectly good word, "progressive", for instance and infuse it with your definition. Don't limit yourself to the definition others use. I favor progressive judicial punishment. I favor implementation of Lex Talonis. Progressive you say? Yup, punishment should fit the crime. That means those who murder lose their lives, not get 25 years (on paper). You steal something? You restore it first, then you get to engage in restitution. Some people call it a return to barbarism. . . . I call it progressive because it is a sight better than what currently passes for justice.

A favored terms gets overused? Fine, pick another terms and start all over. Those who control the language control the culture.
Those who control the language control the culture.

Correct. So let's start overusing the term.

If for no other reason than to drive 'em up the wall...

And remember - whenever they suggest something regulatory, confiscatory, or otherwise gnarsty, that's "regressive." And bad. Bad, bad, bad.
Sad to say, Wisconsin is the birthplace of the Progressive Party in the US.

"Fighting Bob" LaFollate is still revered in this state.

If Bob had flown his true flag--the Marxist flag---he might not have had such support.

Such is the schizophrenia that is Wisconsin. Our state is the birthplace of the Progressive Movement headed by Bob Lafollate. We also were represented by Senator Joseph McCarthy.

Milwaukee was once headed by a mayor who was a member of the Communist Party.

Yet, for four consecutive terms, we re-elected a fairly conservative governor, Tommy Thompson.

During those same four terms, we also re-elected US Senator Russ Feingold, one of the most leftist-leaning members of the US congress.

Also during those same four terms, we elected and re-elected Senator Herb Kohl, the most wealthy member of the US Senate. Every once in a blue moon, he votes with Republicans. The rest of the time, he votes party line.

His campaign motto is, "nobody's senator but yours."

That isn't true, but he can claim independence because he has so much money that nobody can challenge him.

And, just as an aside, he's a short, cheap man who favors cheap clothing, and with a hygiene problem that can be smelled. And, from what former vice squad cops have told me, he has a prediliction for paying young boys.

Welcome to Wisconsin.
Lexicon..... People, wake up!

The enemy defines the words in the lexicon and will not ever tell you what the actual definitions are. Then he will dare you to oppose things like "Progress", and "World Peace".

Sara Brady is very good at this. For example, she'll say, "I think we all know...(insert buzz word here, assault weapon, military weapon, criminal weapon, etc...)... or, "I think we can all agree that..."

The enemy NEVER tells you what the definition is to these terms.

I will tell you.

To a communist/socialist;

"Progress" means: The advance of socialism/communism...

"World Peace" means: The absence of opposition to socialism/communism...

Be vigilant in defining the terms of the debate. Once you have subscribed to the enemy's lexicon, you have already lost.

Am I evil?
I just took a job with Progressive Insurance...

I kinda wondered about that kind of thing. Since George Soros is known to be involved in insurance in the US, might he have any discerable link with Progressive Insurance? Anyone know for a fact?

I know "progressive" has been kind of a "code word" for almost ten years. A couple of years ago I remember seeing a printed ad from Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream which made prominent use of the word "progressive."

And while I'm at it, here's something for you to look over. Read 'em and weep:
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Guys, guys, guys...

I'm not talking about how THEY use the word. I'm saying that whenever we get a chance, WE should shoehorn it in. This will (a) drive them apebleep; and (b) maybe, just maybe, make them think about their use of it.

Example: "Missouri's progressive move toward deregulation and decentralization of personal defense perogatives has had the result of a downturn in violent crime."
In think it is a

great idea.
Just like the antis never propose gun laws, always sensible gunlaws
and not for citizens, but responsible citizens
and when facts do not support their contentions, they can fall back on the one size fits all, common sense.
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