Are you like me?

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Apr 16, 2014
I, as having practiced in psychology, am truly amazed at the kinship found within these treads. If this thread is allowed, I'd like to get to know how similar we might be. I propose three sentences to introduce yourself. 1. Favorite BP weapon. 2. Favorite hobbie. 3. Favorite food. Me first: Any of my cannons, woodworking, steak.
I'll bite...

Ruger Old Army
Beer brewing
Anything elk

This is one of the better forums I must say. A very nice group of people willing to help when they can. Some have been utterly mindblowing with how helpful they are.
I have changed my mind. My favorite black powder gun is my 1862 Police.
High Power Rifle Competition.
And Steak. I also like cannons but I don't currently have one.
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Favorite BP weapon- Colt Revolving Belt Pistol of Naval Caliber, AKA Colt 1851 Navy revolver!

Favorite hobbie- Shooting!

Favorite food- Good Italian dry salami, specifically a good cacciatore style salami! With beer!
1: Pietta's rendition of the Remington NMA. I like my 8" barrelled example; but I'm a better shot with the 5-1/2" version

2: Li'l bit of leatherwork. Going into holsters next - I'm a southpaw, and finding left-handed holsters is tough. Left-handed holsters are actually, TRULY "in-stock" only once every passage of the harvest moon when it's aligned with Jupiter in the eastern sky. Except for February, which has only 28 days, other than on every fourth year when Feb has 29. And NONE of those holsters fit a 5-1/2" NMA without leaving a 2-3/4" tail at the bottom to flap in the breeze!

3: Steak. Not just any stake; but a well-marbled thick ribeye. People tell me I can slow roast a mean corned beef brisket on the BBQ; and I do like it myself.
But I truly love's me a good ribeye.
Pair of Dragoons converted to .45 Colt
Fixing open tops
Scallops, lobster, and shrimp (in no particular order!!)
Any .44 cal cb revolver, depending on frame of mind, ASM Walker, Le Mat, 1858 NMA, 8" and 12" bison.

Historical research, particularly related to Texas and the Texas Rangers, editing of my gggpaws journals and oddball tinkering projects, like my latest: a co2 powered blowgun walking cane for my daily walks through those spooky old woods alone...awoooo. Scaled down from my previous love of hot rods and motorcycles, due to a couple strokes.

Chinese food.

2nd rodwha: a great forum full of knowledgeable pards with no snarky know it alls like some forums.
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You know you are going to have to share the CO2 walking stick project down in "Non-Firearms weapons" and "Air guns", right?

My favorite BP guns are ones that go boom, launch one or more projectiles, and make smoke. Actually my favorite is which ever I happen to be working on or shooting at the moment.

Guns are my hobby. I take the opportunity to shoot what I can (so far 4mm RF to 8 inch howitzer)and look at the rest.

I really like shrimp fried especially or in that there eat 2 fey dish Steak is a close photo finish second

a. any black powder handgun
b. I study odd & experimental gun design as a hobby
c. steak, but grilled over a wood fire -ain't the same without the smokey flavor. (I raise my own beef, it's what's for dinner 5 nights a week) I am trying to design a closed pit BBQ that I can use from inside in the winter.
I, as having practiced in psychology, am truly amazed at the kinship found within these treads. If this thread is allowed, I'd like to get to know how similar we might be. I propose three sentences to introduce yourself. 1. Favorite BP weapon. 2. Favorite hobbie. 3. Favorite food. Me first: Any of my cannons, woodworking, steak.

Favorite BP weapon: the .36 cal breech loader my uncle made for me.
Hobbies: Riding horses
Fav food: adobo
My 1860 Army,
Shooting black powder
Steak, steak and more steak!!!

I agree Cannonman wholeheartedly, this is a good board. :)
Like zimmerstutzen, I love to wood smoke everything! I found out that rabbit does not smoke well over mesquite though!
Favorite Black Powder: .58 Hawkin
Favorite Hobby: Hunting/Fishing
Favorite Food: Ham and beans with cornbread cooked on an open fire.
favorite bp gun: '51 Navy-
navys only come in .36, or they are something else
favorite hobby: working on guns
favorite food: Home made pie
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