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Arizona Could Have To Pick Up The Entire Bill For Jailing Illegal Immigrants

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Dec 24, 2002
Fort Wainwright Alaska
Arizona Could Have To Pick Up The Entire Bill For Jailing Illegal Immigrants

By Paul Cicala

In what could be another financial hit to the state, and your pocketbook, Arizonans might soon have to pick up the bill for jailing illegal immigrants convicted of crimes. U.S. Senators are considering a budget that eliminates a federal program to help pay the costs.

If the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) is cut, state and local governments in Arizona could end up losing at least 24 million dollars. Illegal immigrants make up about 15 percent of the Pima County jail's inmate population, so this institution would also feel the repercussions.

The Pima County jail holds nearly 1,500 inmates.

"And, when we've got two to three-hundred people that are illegals, it stretches our services significantly," says Corrections Lt. Richard Gibbons from the Pima County Sheriff's Department.

It costs millions of dollars a year to house undocumented immigrants convicted of crimes.

"And, overall, population has increased significantly," says Lt. Gibbons. He says that means more money is required for handling illegal immigrants for: translations services, equipment for special INS teleconferencing, and hiring of bilingual staff.

Lt. Gibbons says, "It does impact us. If we didn't have those folks here, we would be able to fight through our days just a little bit easier." Lt. Gibbons says it's still too early to comment on how the Pima County Sheriff's Department would deal with its budget if the 24 million dollars in federal funding is eliminated.

"That state criminal alien assistance funding is extremely important," says U of A professor Tanis
Salant, who has done extensive studies dealing with Costs to County Governments Along the Border.

"It'll be disastrous for the Sheriff's budget," says Salant. The renown professor says that in justifying the budget cut, the Bush administration argues that the program is not directly related to fighting crime.

"I do not think the issue is one of fighting crime," says Salant, "I think the issue is one of the failure of the federal government to enforce its immigration policies. That is the issue, and, that is where the SCAAP funding is so critical."

Salant adds that reducing the SCAAP funding from its 565 million dollars to zero is unacceptable, and would be particularly unfair to border communities like those in the News 13 viewership region: Pima, Santa Cruz, and Cochise Counties.

Proponents of funding say they hope the House, which supports at least 500 million dollars to continue the SCAAP program, will fight to keep the funding in the final budget negotiations with the senate in upcoming weeks.
Since they're criminals, put them on a boat and tow them to Africa. Either way, it's a long swim home or here. Any stray U-boats left over from the last war?
Lemme see....

Illegal commits crime besides being here illegally.

Gets convicted and sentenced to less than death.

On the theory of incarceration intended to be for rehabilitation OR the theory of incarceration for punishment to deter the criminal from future criminal activity, why do we care since he's NOT a member of U.S. society, rather he's an illegal alien who's also undesirable even if he was legally in the U.S.

Seems like his record should be translated into Spanish, tied round his neck, and he should be deported to Mexico City for their handling of him.

Likewise, Mexico should return U.S. citizens deemed criminals in Mexico.

What's the problem with that plan?
The problem is it is a hypocritical one way street regarding anything to do with currupt Mexican government (and many other govts) we are looked down upon world wide as the great American suckers. Even after we feed them! I guess that what we get for being a Christian nation and maybe why we are the "haves'' of the world. :confused:
But what's the problem with the plan? If just one SD is wasting $25m/year feeding and housing illegal alien criminals, cure the whole problem by sending them back to Mexico to feed and house or turn loose in Mexico.
"cure the whole problem by sending them back to Mexico to feed and house or turn loose in Mexico."

Thats what we do now in most cases,
no one, government or state wants to
prosecute because of cost, so it's turn
them lose, send them back, next day catch them again and some of these
boys committed heavy crimes. Mexico
should be forced to deal with this, or
we make it a state put everyone down there on welfare.:cuss: either way we
I wonder if they ever considered stoping them from crossing
the border in the first place. Maybe this will change the local goverments opinion of the American border patrol and other groups.

This is pretty radical but we could put a ear tag in all illegals
caught comitting crimes in the USA. Then we send them back.
If you are caught again committing a crime in the USA... well
use your imagination. This idea came from the book Patriots.

I dont consider "We the People" to apply to illegal's committing crimes aginst citizens of the United States of America.

Rant mode off.

No, no. We try them, convict them, then send them to the Mexican authorities with their criminal record folder.

Turning them loose isn't going to go over very well with the Mexican populace, and if the Mexican government disses our good faith efforts to look out for their citizens, it will end up being sticky for them with the U.S. Government. It would actually cause a bit of consternation for Senor Fox and his successors, I predict.

If they're entered into the U.S. criminal justice system as a result of being tried and convicted, we have several other options should they be caught again in the U.S. Meanwhile we avoid the expense of feeding and housing them.

Deporting them is one thing, deporting them with a criminal record is quite another....
Thats what we do now in most cases, no one, government or state wants to prosecute because of cost, so it's turn them lose, send them back, next day catch them again

So, we set up some sort of deal where we compensate Mexico by paying them what it costs to house a criminal in a Mexican prison. I'm sure that's far less than what it costs to house an inmate in the US. Since they don't have to worry about 'human rights violations' Since we're footing the bill, that's more incentive to keep the criminals locked up and they don't have to worry about the atrocity of the US killing an illegal immigrant.

Of course, what would end up happening is they would be deported, we'd pay to keep them locked up and they accept the money and let them go anyway. :rolleyes:
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