Arming the Left: Is the time now?

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Dec 25, 2002
The State of Israel - aka Gun Nut Hell
Arming the Left: Is the time now? --by Charles Southwell*

I hope you didn't open this page to read what we already know: that this is the most rightwing government we have ever had in the US, even far right of Bush I, that our rights are being eroded daily, and that our democratic process is all but gone, if it isn't already gone.

I hope you came here to read about tactics for action that will finally have some consequence. I hope you agree that our protests, petitions, letters, and on and on, have been utterly ignored. The fascistas that run our country laugh at us. They believe they can do anything and that we haven't got the guts to revolt, but only to wage a war of words. I have seen the Bush cavalcades, as they drive away, his aids sneering and jeering and laughing and mocking our protests. They think we are a JOKE. Tens of millions of Americans protested the war, but because we posed no REAL THREAT to their power, we were UTTERLY IGNORED.

As long as we pose no REAL threat to the powers-that-be, to what is shaping up into a dictatorship, we will continue to be ignored. Right now, we are ignored because we present no organized power to fight this onslaught of anti-democratic, totalitarian government that we are up against.

It will take time, but it's time to get more left-leaning liberals and outright leftists to at least POSE a threat, by getting organized and getting ARMED. It's time to get well past this liberal phobia and taboo about weapons and force. After all, our liberalism was won with a REVOLUTIONARY WAR! they used real guns in that war. The French Revolution was also a WAR and they used real weapons there too.

Perhaps people believe that since the US federal government has the fire power to blow up the world X times over, that we have no chance, and that the 2nd amendment is therefore moot. I used to think the same thing. In fact, this was the major if not the only lasting upshot of the Cold War! the Cold war wasn't about one opposing ideology against the other; it wasn't about the East vs. the West. In the end, it was about the respective governments against their own peoples. The Cold War resulted in the repression of the peoples in those countries, and likewise, of peoples around the world.

But, it is still a myth that the US citizens are powerless against their government, a government that has become tyrannical and has usurped our democratic rights. We are not powerless against it. If we get organized and armed, and form a force of hundreds of thousands, we can overcome this government, or pose enough of a threat to have power. The government cannot drop a nuclear bomb on DC. It cannot risk the lives of whole cities, without revealing its own contradictions that is. Further, there is no guarantee that the military will remain loyal to a government that continually reveals itself as imperialistic and ruthless and having no real concern for its own personnel. The Iraqi occupation is teaching many of them that hard lesson. They are realizing that not Hussein, but the Bush regime, is their real enemy.

So I ask you, isn't it time that left-leaning liberals and leftists exercised their 2nd amendment rights and got organized and prepared? Isn't it time, before it's too late? Isn't it time, before another Bush coup and the following four years of increased repression and economic ruin?

We should remain committed to the absolute condemnation of individual acts of violence or terrorism. Read Trotsky's essay on terrorism, in the political education section of this website. Our reference to Trotsky does not mean that we are Marxists. I am merely referring to a good argument for any real revolutionaries against terrorism. We want a democratic government, which is not predicated on a Marxist state. In fact, we leave that to the future of the new movement for democracy, given that the future should be democratic and in a democracy, the people will decide. But, our goal is to make a future wherein the people CAN and WILL decide!!!!!!

October 21, 2003

Also see CLG's Political Education page

*Opinions expressed in CLG's published essays are not necessarily those of the Citizens for Legitimate Government
Sounds strangely familiar.....

"Our reference to Trotsky does not mean that we are Marxists. I am merely referring to a good argument for any real revolutionaries against terrorism. We want a democratic government, which is not predicated on a Marxist state. In fact, we leave that to the future of the new movement for democracy, given that the future should be democratic and in a democracy, the people will decide. But, our goal is to make a future wherein the people CAN and WILL decide!!!!!!"

Libertarian Marxists?:D
If we get organized and armed, and form a force of hundreds of thousands, we can overcome this government, or pose enough of a threat to have power.

The few million already well armed conservative gun owners will eat these people for lunch before lunchtime.:D
It's going to be mighty hard to shoot straight while I'm laughing at liberal "revolutionaries" and their new-found guns of liberation.

And boy are they going to be mighty surprised when the realize we were right all along; that guns don't kill, people do.

Pay close attention all you liberals. A gun is an inanimate object. It cannot be used to kill without human input. Having/not having a gun doesn't mean squat. The entire Russian army had guns, and they almost ran short of enough commies to die in the mud of WWII. Although you have to give credit where due, that plan they had to put all of the Nazi's bullets into the red hoarde's chests worked pretty well. :rolleyes: Ah, but I digress...

Oh! I almost forgot the most important part! Here is a free clue for you leftists: Those who espouse a philosophy that requires the human race to wear the chains of the state, will never defeat free men.

So stay home, continue to wait for your welfare check, and stop making the pretense of having a spine. Otherwise we'll put your formerly "taboo" weapons where the sun doesn't shine, and pull the trigger until they simply go *click*.

Perhaps it would be best if you spent your saber-rattling time reflecting upon why you are sneered at, laughed at, jeered at, and mocked. Maybe start by having one or two less (badly built) giant puppets at your little STD swap fests that you so cleverly refer to as "protest rallys". Perhaps you folks might even consider GETTING A JOB! One that involves neither a paper hat, nor a name tag, might be an excellent place to start.
They need to just say:

"After all, our right to nationalized healthcare, abortion, welfare, the "equal" distribution of wealth was won with a REVOLUTIONARY WAR!"

The left wing doesn't need to remind itself to be armed. All of their policies are geared towards violence and thievery. Arms just make that easier. But it is unusual to see a leftist wanting to be armed individually as it is much more convenient to have a third party do the dirty work, like the SS or the NKVD.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

They think we are a JOKE.


Tens of millions of Americans protested the war, but because we posed no REAL THREAT to their power, we were UTTERLY IGNORED

I take it this clown didn't watch any network news from, say, October 2002 through March 2003?

Ya know, I could probably "fisk" this nonsense from now till sundown, but really, life is too short!:D
So he wants the left to marginalize itself into the same kind of crackpot brigade as the right?
No. He is admitting that the left is already a brigade of marginalized crackpots.

What he is exhorting them to do now is to ape the right by arming themselves in the mistaken belief that people with no convictions (well maybe a felony dope conviction or three) can fight.

I hope the little entitlement addicts don't take his advice though. The end result would be uglier than the aftermath of a little old lady being hit by a freight train. "Hey-Hey! Ho-Ho! Diesel Freight Trains Have Got To Go! Hey-Hey! Ho.... :barf:

[hippie wheezer voice]FIGHT THE POWER MAN! U.S. OUT OF EL NORTE' DUDE![/hippie wheezer voice]
sneering and jeering and laughing and mocking our protests
He even understands that we only tolerate you guys for the HOOT factor. If I had a nickle for everytime I laughed at one of you, I'd be a billionaire. :p
There is a very large difference between arming oneself for freedom and self-determination and arming mobs to make a social utopia. Individual versus the mob.

I also wonder why the left would need to arm themselves. They already have the executive, legislative, and judicial branch of the government giving them all that they want. They have for 70 years. By proxy, the government, and all of their guns, are already on their side.

All I want is to be left to my own devices. I need a gun only to protect myself.
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If the left wing is so worried about right-wing "fascistas" in the government taking away all of our freedoms, why is it that their element in congress, state legislatures, and city & county governments are working so hard to pass laws to keep ordinary people from obtaining and/or using firearms?

Who exactly is the main force working to prevent them from obtaining weapons to defend the rights they are so worried about? Is it right wing conservatives who demand that modern military style small arms (AKA "Assault Weapons") be banned?

Get real .....
Among the lefty anarchists out here, most aren't opposed to RKBA. They are just as opposed to the expansion of state power as the libertarians on this board. The ones I've spoken to (admittedly not most) aren't wouldn't use violence to acheive what they view as the "optimal society", however if the gov't declared martial law, and started arresting dissidents (gun owners, tax resisters, greens, etc. etc.) and fighting broke out, I believe they wouldn' bend over if you get my drift. Granted the lefty at the top of the page more reminds me of german brownshirts or aristedes militias.


Leftist revolutionaries...
I think that when these leftist wanna-be revolutionaries go and try to get armed, and finally figure out what hoops and pits they have to go through in order to buy a gun, and that these obstacles were put there by mostly-leftist politicians and policies, THAT WILL BE THE START OF THEIR EDUCATION against the left.



This is nothing new. The left has always been about violence. Before they became part of the power structure, they used bombs, guns, terror,etc. Now, they are professors, reporters, attorneys, congressmen, bureaucrats, teachers, etc. For the last three decades (and longer really), they have controlled the media, a large part of the government (partly through direct election, partly through controlling the institutions that create judges). With this, they have used the government's monopoly on force to do their bidding. Now we have very little in the way of private property rights, rights of free association, rights to contract, etc. These, along with speech, were the bedrock enlightenment values that our nation was founded upon. The left, whether Marxist or pseudo-marxist, never really cared about them at all. Now, after decades of retreat, conservative (or rather common sense) values have staged a small rally. What is their first instinct? To murder their way back into power. It is no real shock that the greatest murderers of the last century were all leftists of one stripe or another. The enemies of enlightenment principles (yes, even conservatives were the liberals once) will be the greatest murderers in this century also.

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Re: Revolutionary War

I'm taking a class on the Revolutionary War that covers the two major schools of interpreting it.

The Lefties actually think that the Revolutionary War was fought by disenfranchised poor people for the sake of overthrowing the rich. As an example of this sort of crap read through "A People's History of the American Revolution: How Common People Shaped the Fight for Independence" by Ray Raphael (hack historian extraordinaire) and edited by Howard Zinn.

My big objection of course... is that the left really, really is lacking the right philosophy.

They have no idea what real liberty is whatsoever, no concept of negative rights, and are, in truth, for the most part a bunch of statists. There are exceptions, but they are exceptions. Their biggest fault is a lack of respect for property rights based on one of two theories:

1. Property rights are theft. If you own something, then I cannot own it, whereas before I could.
2. People with economic power (rich people) are no different from people with physical power (politicos/tyrants), they achieved their power through the same illegitimate means, and they both use it to oppress the people.

They think they can have political and social rights without economic rights and still be free.

The right harbors a good number of small L libertarians. The left may harbor some, but their numbers are much fewer and their voice far more muted.

Armed leftist socialists is nothing new. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot..... I will never understand why Jewish people vote so heavily Democrat and push socialist principles. Did they learn nothing from Hitler and his National Socialist Party?
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