As you grow older, what are some words of wisdom can you share?

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If you reduce the volume, the pressure goes up.
If you increase the powder burn speed, the pressure goes up.
If you increase the projectile weight, the pressure goes up.
If your wife asks you, "Do I look fat?", don't look like a deer caught in headlights, instead choose your words wisely because if you don't it will not go well for you and you might as well use that gun that you trained so diligently with and shoot yourself.
Gun related:

Good technique is more important than the latest and greatest hardware. I do not mean that you can get by with junky guns; quality is important to reliability and consistent placement. What I mean is that there are gun designs more than 100 years old that are still quite functional in the hands of those who understand them.

The latest and greatest shooting techniques are not always germane either. These sometimes turn into fads and acquire strident fans who say everyone else is doing it wrong. The fans are not only being rude, they are not thinking the thing through. Old shooting techniques continue to work as well as they ever did. The argument that if you don't do it such and such a way you are gonna die takes on a vapid air when you consider all those who didn't, yet survived.
Plugs & Muffs
Eye protection...ALWAYS! You have two eyes, not one and a spare.
Carry what fits YOU, not someone in a shop and certainly not some virtual person on the internet. If it doesn't point naturally to the point of impact for you it won't serve you as well as something that does when your life is on the line.
Training requires a good trainer and good trainers cost money. They're a better investment than yet another gun.
Practice, practice, practice, but work at perfecting your shooting.
Learn the difference between cover and concealment.
Don't "hug" the wall.
Spare magazines are more important to replace a malfunctioning one than for the extra ammo (but extra ammo doesn't hurt).
We talk about carrying a gun, but our goal should be to be as comfortable wearing it as comfortable shoes or a comfortable jacket. Wear it, don't just carry it.
Quality is worth waiting/saving for.
If you like it at the gun show, buy it or someone else will like it and buy it before you can get back.
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Use splatter targets.

Reload, especially if you carry a 10mm.

Spend more on optics than rifles.

Get a wheeled toolbox for the range.

Never buy tactical anything. It's putz bait.

The sound of a pump shotgun racking will not protect you; the buckshot protects you.

No one in a gunfight ever wished he had brought less ammunition.

Concealment is not cover, and drywall and car doors are concealment.

If you ever have to shoot someone, try to make sure they're facing you.

The cops do not ask you questions in order to find out what happened. They ask you questions in order to put you in prison, and they will swear you said things you didn't say.

A cop will make a pretty good effort to take down a criminal, but he will move heaven and earth to nail someone who gets on his nerves.

Take your carry piece to the bathroom with you; that's where I would jump you if I wanted to kill you.

He who heeds the firearms advice of Joe Biden deserves the protection afforded by Rahm Emanuel.

The cops do not investigate most crimes. You will never see your stolen TV again.

Don't put 400 pounds of Tannerite in a refrigerator and shoot it from a hundred yards away.

If your wife asks you, "Do I look fat?", don't look like a deer caught in headlights, instead choose your words wisely because if you don't it will not go well for you and you might as well use that gun that you trained so diligently with and shoot yourself.
Do NOT say, "Compared to what?"
Stop saying 'piece', makes you sound like a 1950's old toot and not a tough guy.

If you are old , you are usually cranky. However, don't be the loud music police, the parking police, the clothes police, etc. and open your big mouth to tell off the aberrant miscreants just because you have a 'piece'.

Never heard anyone in a higher end training class, call their gun a piece except for one dude who when he drew, threw the gun down range. He said: Oh, I lost my 'piece'. He was not well respected.
Stop saying 'piece', makes you sound like a 1950's old toot and not a tough guy.

If you are old , you are usually cranky. However, don't be the loud music police, the parking police, the clothes police, etc. and open your big mouth to tell off the aberrant miscreants just because you have a 'piece'.

Never heard anyone in a higher end training class, call their gun a piece except for one dude who when he drew, threw the gun down range. He said: Oh, I lost my 'piece'. He was not well respected.

"Higher end training class" Now that sounds like something great to say around the office water cooler. Sure to impress. Be sure to mention you latest IDPA match as well. You missed Certified Instructor, that will get them for sure. Or should I say High End Certified Instructor?
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What is a tough guy? How does being a tough guy apply to firearms usage?

If a tough guy means the stereotypical American being the biggest, baddest, strongest, macho, never cry, type of guy, then I don't think those are the best characteristics to have, especially when these things are not well restrained.

That kind of perception of oneself will set you up for a confrontation because someone will challenge your identity of yourself.

If you possess all those tough guy traits, you probably also have an abundance of pride and ego, which can get you into a lot of trouble.

I want to be confident and sure of myself, but not a tough guy at least not in the stereotypical way.
You are never more than one bad decision away from ruining your life.

Question people's motives.

NEVER depend on the kindness of strangers.

Never tell anyone outside the family what you're thinking. Vito Corleone.

Least said, soonest mended. Caroline Quiner Ingalls.

Buy as many magazines and as much ammunition as you can reasonably afford now.

The less your co-workers know about your personal life the better off you are.

You're not as smart as you think you are/ other people are SMARTER than you think they are.

Never assume there were no witnesses.

Never assume no one's paying attention.

If you didn't write it it never happened.

Never miss a good opportunity to shut up.

You have the right to remain silent. If you give up that right anything you say can AND WILL be used against you.

If they'll cheat with you they'll cheat on you.

Always assume you're not being told the whole story.

If you're ever unsure of what to do follow your WRITTEN orders.

Never forget, client employees are NOT your friends.

If you have to decide today the answer is no.
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All right, I am going to take the opportunity to apologize for the blanket statement I made. You caught me at a bad time, and I lashed out. It was obviously not a correct thing to say. I spent almost 40 years as a Marine Corps MP, a sheriff deputy and as a police officer. The men and women that I spent my career with are some of the finest people on earth.
Perfect? Nope. Malicious or crooked? Not if any of us could help it. Does the justice system run over people on occasion? Rarely, but it happens. The only thing that makes me more furious than people saying cops are crooked as a blanket statement, are cops who need a jail cell.

It's not a perfect system, hopefully the bad apples get weeded out before they can do too much damage. To those of you who have been legitimately wronged by an officer behaving badly, it's not supposed to work that way.

So one more line to my words of wisdom: When you are wrong admit it.
All right, I am going to take the opportunity to apologize for the blanket statement I made. You caught me at a bad time, and I lashed out. It was obviously not a correct thing to say. I spent almost 40 years as a Marine Corps MP, a sheriff deputy and as a police officer. The men and women that I spent my career with are some of the finest people on earth.
Perfect? Nope. Malicious or crooked? Not if any of us could help it. Does the justice system run over people on occasion? Rarely, but it happens. The only thing that makes me more furious than people saying cops are crooked as a blanket statement, are cops who need a jail cell.

It's not a perfect system, hopefully the bad apples get weeded out before they can do too much damage. To those of you who have been legitimately wronged by an officer behaving badly, it's not supposed to work that way.

So one more line to my words of wisdom: When you are wrong admit it.

Well said. You will get much respect for your post.
Listen to other people, try not to judge to quickly.
Most of the time proving your right isn't that important...

Be polite, be nice, and you'll usually get your way in the end.
Take the advice of old guys with a grain of salt. There are some nuggets of wisdom there but quite often many of us, and at 60 I consider myself one of the old guys, try to continue to live in the glory days of the past. A Winston Churchill quote that I like.

"If you're still doing things the same way you were doing them 10 years ago, then you're doing it wrong."
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