Assault Weapon Ban! :(

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Jun 5, 2006
Tacoma, WA
Okay, well Diane Fienstein won again (4th Term) and is already today talking about an Assault Weapon ban. Obama said in the debates he wants a AWB and a handgun ban.

We are screwed.

Kiss your guns, mags, and cheap ammo goodbye folks. It was nice while it lasted.

More taxes, EPA bans, import of surplus ammo and gun bans, and outright feature and byname bans are on the horizon.

And we'll likely see a wild liberal/left shift in the SCOTUS. That means we will lose future "Heller" or "McDonald" cases and stand your ground cases.

They have a ton of power and nothing to lose.

We have some power in Congress, but we are up a creek. And that could change against us in 2 years.

What do we do now?
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What do we do now?

1) Don't be a quitter. But if you are throwing in the towel now, I'm happy to adopt whatever firearms you're giving up.

2) Keep calm, take a breath. The sun will rise tomorrow.

3) Write, donate, and support your beliefs.
No reason to give up and cry.:scrutiny: We need to stand united and ACT united when these mentioned things come up. There apparently still needs to be a wake up for a LOT of citizens that will be impacted more severely and hope they see the light in another 4 years. Also the Republicans need to find a viable candidate for the next election.:banghead:
We have to do the same as the gays, start running for public office and get the support of fellow gun owners to get elected and push our own agenda. Contact your local NRA office and see if they can help you to run. We will have elections again in two years for the House of Representitives and the Senate. It's time to start working on it.

Why do I get the feeling that you guys are all going to start the panic buying all over again, which will drive up gun and ammo prices?

C'mon, let's stay cool (at least until I buy a couple more ARs and ten thousand more rounds of 5.56, 9mm and .45).
I'm going to get up in the morning...and go to work. And all the same politicians are doing the same tomorrow will essentially be the same as today. I'm not happy with it...but it ain't the end of the world.

I'm hopeful that the gridlock will continue and we won't see any drastic changes. I'm gonna take it like an day at a time.
Don't worry about Obama or an AWB-it won't happen. Worry about the darn gun stores and dealers that will use this to artificially inflate prices.
Histrionics aside, we do the same as always. Educate folks, vote, support pro-2A organizations, and take political action when the time comes.

Until a bill is introduced, there's not any point in such melodrama.

Feel free to start a thread if legislation is introduced. If you want to propose activism, there's a place for that. If you just want to wring your hands and declare the sky is falling, go somewhere else.
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