ATF Warning Re. IEDs In Arizona

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Fred Fuller

Moderator Emeritus
Mar 26, 2004
Anyone who has ever taken a class with Louis Awerbuck knows how firmly he insists that students not pick up dropped items at random on the range. He always says that it's because where he grew up, picking up random items without thinking and checking them closely might trigger an explosion.

So far the odds of that kind of thing happening to any random person at any random place in this country have been astronomically low. But in Arizona those odds have just gone up a little... and again, the stakes matter more than the odds.

ATF puts up $10,000 reward for info on Phoenix IED attacker
Fri, 2012-06-01 10:16 AM
By: Mark Rockwell
Government Security News Magazine

A series of three bomb attacks in Arizona using flashlights converted into IEDs has the ATF offering a $10,000 reward for the maker of the devices.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Phoenix Field Division special agent in charge Thomas Atteberry said on May 31 that the reward would be given for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the recent bombings in Glendale and Phoenix, Arizona.

ATF, FBI, Glendale Police Department and the Phoenix Police Department are currently investigating these incidents, said the ATF.

Three Victim-Operated Improvised Explosive Devices (VOIEDs), have been detonated in the Phoenix area since mid-May. The devices are contained within yellow plastic 6-volt handheld flashlights. The devices exploded when the victims picked up what they thought was a discarded item and flipped the on/off switches to see if the flashlights worked.

Two of the incidents occurred in Glendale, AZ, on May 13 and May 14, said ATF. The third incident took place in Phoenix, Arizona, on May 24, it said. Five people received minor injuries related to the detonation of the three devices. ATF said it was withholding further details about the IEDs “to avoid compromising the criminal investigation.”

In the May 13, Glendale incident, the flashlight was left near a business and found in the landscaping area for the business. Two people received minor injuries.

On May 14 in Glendale, a flashlight was discovered in the landscaping area for a second business and one person received minor injuries.

On May 24, in Phoenix, the flashlight was found by an employee of a Salvation Army Rehabilitation facility while sorting through donations to the Salvation Army. Two individuals received minor injuries in that explosion, said ATF.

"We are offering a $10,000 reward for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for these criminal bombings," said Atteberry, Special Agent in Charge of ATF. "Our immediate concern is that of public safety, if anyone discovers a flashlight that does not belong to them or appears out of place, no matter the color or shape, DO NOT attempt touch or manipulate the flashlight in any way. We are confident the public can assist in providing additional information.”

The agency encourage anyone with information about the crimes is to call its toll-free, 24-hour hotline at 1-888-ATF-BOMB (1-888-283-2662).
I figured it was only a matter of time before the TTPs of our enemies crossed the shores to the US of A. I'm surprised it has taken this long...
We have been pretty sheltered for a long time here but there is no doubt in my mind that things are a changin.
If one takes a look at the security that we daily take for granted regarding our schools, power grid, infrastructure we are far behind the curve and will have to be playing catch up which is a shame given the clear warnings that have been obvious to some over the last dozen or so yrs.
Our politicians and other authorities have lulled us into this false sence of security and dependency.
Those who have been at the point of the spear in the GWOT have very valuable knowledge and if you know some or have some in your family I would pay attention to what they have to say.
Thanks, Tepin. The original URL worked when I first found the article. Fixed the link in the OP...

So far I don't see that there's enough information here to determine who or what's responsible for these devices. It could be someone's sick idea of a prank - there are some strangely wired individuals out there, like the guy (I think he was Russian, but...) in FL a few days ago who thought it would be a kick to costume himself as a zombie and go chase strangers on the street. Wasn't long before he got a pistol pulled on him...

But the idea not to take out of place objects for granted probably needs to start worming its way inside our situational awareness boundaries, if indeed it hasn't already.
I hate to hear of this. Children are just going to pick up stuff! Dang copycats! And as more people hear of this kind of story the more people will be tempted to follow suit. This is bad.

Reminds me of stories my relatives would tell me when I would spend summers in Austria as a child about how during the war the government would warn parents and children not to pick up lighters, pens, and toys that might be found around, as the Americans were dropping boobytrapped versions of these common items at night to maim and terrorize the populace. I was told because I might run into these things as I hiked around in the mountains.
Is this at all surprising when we are living in a country that doesn't even know who is in this country? As another said, I am surprised it has taken this long. I think it is a shame, innocent people being killed or maimed just because of some sicko.
Donations to a SALVATION ARMY REHAB CENTER?! :fire:

It is a mark of the relative goodness and compassion of the very society these people offend that we punish the offender for the damage he DID, not the HEINOUSNESS of the damage he INTENDED.
Some one should maybe explain to the Feds that there are unassembled IEDs in every hardware store and Walmart in this country.
Why would anyone think that this is anything other than another home-grown nut like Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber?
I figured it was only a matter of time before the TTPs of our enemies crossed the shores to the US of A.

Why would anyone think that this is anything other than another home-grown nut like Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber?

Right, hso, just because the explosives are called IEDs doesn't mean it is some foreign national, Taliban member, etc. We have plenty of our own terrorists and have since the country was formed. The unabomber, Olympic square bomber, abortion bombers, OKC bombing, the smiley face mailbox bomber, KKK bombers, other church bombings, etc. etc. etc. are all our own people. There are no shores that need to be crossed to find terrorists.

There have been a few that have used actual sticks of dynamite or bombs like grenades, but by and large, most of the bombings done in the US are IEDs. Just because we didn't call them IEDs (that I can recall) until the conflicts in the Gulf doesn't mean that they weren't. Of course they were.

So too were the bombs used to blow up fence posts of houses of my neighborhood when I was growing up in Dallas in the 1970s. The bombs were apparently fabricated from fireworks components, repackaged, and the last two had been built as shaped charges which was apparently very interesting to the cops at the time, but they were still IEDs.
by "our folks" i assumed he meant US nationals, as opposed to foreigners on US soil, in response to earlier comment about 'not knowing who's in our country', which threatened to turn the whole thing into a lockable anti-immigration rant-thing.
fact is, statistically (FBI profile-wise), odds are still heavily in favor of this being a white male with US citizenship. kind of like most serial killers are white males, and most poisonings are commited by women.
Guys, I don't want to make light of what could potentially escalate into something very nasty... but these things have literally gone off in people's hands and right in front of their faces (one person at least was looking into the reflector to see if the light was going to come on) and they are only receiving minor injuries.

That's not to minimize the horror and pain the victims have experienced, and I hope it isn't a trial run for something more serious, but no one is missing any body parts.

If my information is correct, all of the "devices" have been yellow EverReady 6V flashlights. We called them "froggers" when I was a wee lad.
rule of thumb; if you didn't put it there, don't pick it up. Just something we were taught in the army.

That was like the 11th commandment in Viet Nam

The perps in my opinion are homegrown knucleheads who need a good beating.
One dedicated IED builder is a serious threat. As an Army EOD troop i disarmed several bombs built by a 17 year old kid. This kids bombs kept improving: His last bomb had a trembler switch. The police caught him that day, acting weird near the scene. He readily confessed and was proud of his work.

One of the most prolific mad bombers was Peter Metesky. Metesky was angry at Con Edison for a work related injury. His first bomb was planted in late 1940. The patriotic Metesky suspended his bombing campaign during WWII. The cops never identified Metesky but Con Edison did.

New York's first experience with the so-called Mad Bomber was on November 16, 1940, when a pipe bomb was left in the Edison building with a note that read, "Con Edison crooks, this is for you." More bombs were recovered in 1941, each more powerful than the last, until the Mad Bomber sent a note in December stating, "I will make no more bomb units for the duration of the war."..............................................................................

...................................................... After his flurry of activity in 1951, the Mad Bomber was silent until a bomb went off at Radio City Music Hall in 1954. In 1955, the Mad Bomber hit Grand Central Station, Macy's, the RCA building and the Staten Island Ferry.

......................................................................................................... Con Ed finally tracked him down. Looking through their employment records, they found that George Peter Metesky had been a disgruntled ex-employee since an accident in 1931. Metesky was enraged that Con Ed refused to pay disability benefits and resorted to terrorism as his revenge.

Metesky, a rather mild-mannered man, was found living with his sisters in Connecticut.
well no problems here. anything left on a range will be used for target practice where it lays.
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