Autistic Teenager Is Beaten by Deputies After Being Mistaken for a Prowler

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Last seen fleeing the scene.

Sorry, I had to do it. this just seems like something he would do. :p
Well, we're all entitled to our own personal opinions. Some of my fellow HighRoaders think the LEO's were justified due to the circumstances.

Other HighRoaders think maybe the LEO's passed the line of "reasonable" force.

Lets be gentlemen and agree to disagree. Lets move on to another thread and stop wasting bandwidth.
I still don't understand why we should 'agree to diagree'. I've spent this entire thread just trying to convince the LEOs that we should discuss how to prevent this happening again. This is insanity, definition of insanity. "Well, we won't change, and nothing else will change, but let's hope for different results next time."

Every time one tries to discuss remedying the situation they're met by "Are you blaming police? You could do better? You just don't like us, ergo nothing you say is valid. Hater."

I give up, I give up. Sorry to anyone autistic out there, you do have my sympathy and support, but you'll need all the lobbiests in the world to even begin to get through this status-quo mindset.
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