AWB sunset... What's next?

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"Add the blacks, orientals, jews and dumb white crackers, and what you have is anything but a 50% majority on pro gun questions."

A crude way to put it but ,essentially it is the truth.

According to recent polls, about 75% of Jews will be voting for Kerry even with everything Bush has done for the state of Israel.

Blacks - we all know how they are going to vote.
Hispanics are heavily leaning towards liberals as well.
I don't know much about "orientals" but I presume they lean democratic as well.

Yeah, there are Blacks and Hispanics and others who are fervently pro-Gun but the sad truth is that that great majority of them would have no problem supporting outright bans on ownership of firearms and since their numbers are growing, the original poster was pretty much correct.
Things are not looking well for us.

Sad but true.
I've noticed that in the last 10 years, pro-gunners come from all the various groups in numbers more or less equal to their proportion... except for asians -- It seems asians are more likely to be pro-gun than anyone. Especially Koreans. Tell me you haven't met a Korean guy with so many lasers, wires, lights, buttons and who knows what else hanging off their stuff you can't even figure out what the firearm underneath it all is supposed to be.

Sure, 20 years ago, it was all white guys with blued revolvers. Not anymore.
Has everyone forgotten the junk lawsuit preemtion bill. It almost has enough votes to pass the Senate and it can pass if the (R) leadership doesn't allow the antis to poison pill it.

I believe that the 1986 problem could be taken care of by promoting it as a bill to require gun registration. Which is not a lie at all, it would once again allow individual people to register automatic weapons.

Absolute brilliance!

Call it the "Machine Gun Registration Act of 200_".

Do it for the children!
Thank you Warmi,

Folks, it's got nothing to do with being a bigot or a racist. It's just a matter of looking at the hard facts the way they are and realizing that the minorities as a whole do not vote Republican, and the traditional caucasion base that this country was founded on is also steadilly thinning torward liberalism. The caucasion population of Texas recently became a minority. Yet, this is always the vast majority of attendees at Houston Gun shows. There are very few blacks or hispanics to be seen there. This is not a surprise; Do you see a lot of people of color at NRA sponsored events, or at a Republican fund raiser, meeting, or convention either?

This doesn't mean that there aren't hard core 2nd amendment Hipanics and Blacks that carry NRA membership cards and vote Republican. It just means they are far and few, and their growing population will eventually lead to the demise of the conservative Republican party (the phenomenah as is currently in effect) and eventual loss of the 2nd amendment rights. All it takes is a small percentage of the liberal caucasion population to vote Democrat with them, and voila!'s tight races for the survival of simple RINO's are what you have.

(AKA Jackass :neener: )
Wow the pessimism of some people never ceases to amaze me. VaniB were you one of the guys a year ago who swore up and down that there was no way the AWB would be allowed to sunset?

Now the same naysayers who swore that it would be renewed, are absolutley positive there will be a new one next year that will be even worse than the original. I would like the political geniuses out there to explain how they will manage to "sneak" through a law in a firmly Republican Congress that the NRA would be sure to propose. Just remember back to 94 when the Democrats were at the height of there power and barely managed to get it passed.

The US has been moving steadily to the right over the past 10 years or so and that trend is expected to continue for the forseeable future. Much to the dismay of the rest of the world.
originally posted by VaniB.
Folks, it's got nothing to do with being a bigot or a racist. It's just a matter of looking at the hard facts the way they are and realizing that the minorities as a whole do not vote Republican

here's the problem,minorities do not vote as a whole.just took a couple of minutes to prove my point-a quick search on google shows that things are changing for the better.
and you better get used to the idea of a minority GOP because in 50 years 1 in 4 Americans will be hispanic.

Four years ago, one of the most important factors in Bush's success was his ability to capture a larger portion of the Hispanic vote than his Republican predecessors.Although Bush lost the popular vote by 500,000, his much stronger Hispanic vote helped him carry Florida and Arizona, both of which were essential to his Electoral College victory.

Back to the Sailer/Brimelow "failure" of the Republican Party in this election.... look at the county by county election results and see how Bush carried all but 20 counties in Texas, winning in almost a hundred, including counties with substantial Mexican American votes. In California, Bush carried the heavily Mexican American counties in the Central Valley, including Fresno County. In Washington State, Bush carried the Yakima valley with its 100,000 Mexican Americans. Bush has made liars of many, many people.

In New York, Gov. George Pataki has worked hard at attracting Hispanic voters. It paid off. In November, Gov. Pataki increased the percentage of Hispanics who chose to cast their ballot for him from 25 percent four years ago to 38 percent. And these votes come from a community rich in Puerto Rican, Dominican and South American voters.

Democrats must step up the courting of Hispanics who have voted Republican in recent years or risk losing this year's presidential election, states a Democratic campaign strategy memorandum.
In a surprisingly frank analysis of the political challenges their party faces this year in the largest and fastest-growing minority voter group, Democrats were told that Hispanic immigrants do not have the same loyalty to the Democratic Party that second- and third-generation Hispanic voters have; that President Bush and his brother, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, are seen as especially popular among the voting bloc; and that the president only needs to increase his Hispanic vote by a few percentage points to win re-election.

VaniB, let's assume for a moment that statistically you're right. That most ethnic minorities tend to lean anti.

With an attitude like yours, no wonder they don't want to come to the range.

No wonder they aren't interested in becoming educated about RKBA issues with rhetoric like yours.

In short, way to go. You may very well be right. I hope it feels good, because you have single-handedly brought the positive, pro-active ideas for the next steps in RKBA espoused in this thread to a screeching halt.


Really, cheers. I hope you're proud.

I don't think national CCW is the way to go. Right now, it is working itself out to be that, anyway. Why mess with something thats working (except for the holdout states)

Right now, I am in favor of getting rid of the import ban. That, and changing handgun buying age from a FFL fro 21 to 18. Why should I be able to buy it off some guy on the street, but not subject myself to a background check getting it from the dealer?
First step? BUY NEW GUNS. Go out and get yourself a gun with a flash-hider, bayonet lug, and the works. Show how important they are to you with your dollars in the next few weeks or months.

The liberals are spineless. They take a look at the sales figures and see how many people will be voting against them in the next election. They will think twice about trying to pass a new ban if we support the industry. Even if they manage to get a new ban through, the current guns will remain in the economy just like before.

Second step? SUPPORT LEGAL SYSTEM REFORM. Time to stop the liberals from suing the firearms industry to death. The best way to do this is not by supporting firearms industry legal immunity. The best way to do it is by supporting legal reform as a whole. These are just part of the frivolous lawsuits that are killing major industries in this country. Time to join with other groups to kill them all.
The good People on have talked extensively on this, and they came to the conclusion that we should first target the 68 ban (or was it the 34 ban...???) then the 86 ban, kill both of those, and you take out the 89 ban with them.:D
VaniB. and warmi

This country's demographics is radically changing. NOT for the better. We've got a quickly increasing spanish population. Add the blacks, orientals, jews and dumb white crackers, and what you have is anything but a 50% majority on pro gun questions. The best we can hope for is to simply keep what we have! (That's a tough enough accomplishment!)

If that's not racist, it is pretty damned close; and even if not, then any member of one of those groups who was on the fence about guns would quickly go back to the Dark Side. The fact is that the country as a whole has been gradually shifting away from the Left since the excesses of the late '60s and early '70s. The destruction of the USSR didn't hurt, and the senselessness of appeasement (a Leftist specialty) was conclusively demonstrated on 9/11/01. So, there is hope of various traditionally liberal/Democratic minority groups gradually being assimilated into the political mainstream - but VaniB. and warmi have demonstrated their utter lack of sense in stating what they did.

I happen to be Jewish and extremely pro-gun. I've had innumerable conversations with other Jews and swayed a bunch of outright antis into becoming either fencesitters or pro-gun. I've taken a few younger people, Jews all, to the range for their first shooting experience and I'll continue to do the same. It is not hopeless, but ignorant and hateful statements like VaniB's don't help the process. You're both entitled to your opinions, but in the future you would help our cause far more by taking a big dose of ****.

In keeping with the topic of the thread, I think that Justin's proposal regarding suppressors is BRILLIANT! I was just at a range yesterday and one of my friends rented a suppressed WW2 Greasegun (M3?). It was an absolute pleasure to have the rangemaster tell us all to take off our muffs to watch some fine shooting with a full auto. Wearing muffs is a pain in the rear, and even then one is not completely protected from loud blasts (like the guy sighting in his .338 about 2 feet away). Suppressors will, as Justin stated, cut the costs and misery induced by hearing loss, and will make our relationships with our neighbors far better. P.S. A good suppressor will also lessen recoil.

I also cast my vote for getting the frivilous lawsuit ban put in place. That is another element of The Plan to drive up the cost of our guns until no one but people with $700 million ketchup fortunes can afford to buy them.
I think that carry in national parks along the same lines as national forests is a worthwhile goal for which to push next. If we pressure our senators enough, I think we could get this accomplished.
I came here because there was a report of a racist post. Honestly, I think it's been explained at this point that racism was not the intent, even if it came across that way. More importantly, I think the response has been important to see, so I'm going to leave this here.
But there is the beauty of it! Many people already think that the AWB covers machine guns. I believe this helps to show how much oppisition there would be to repealing the 1986 and 1934 bans. If Feinstein and the Brady Group are already making people think that "assault weapons" are machine guns, there is not much else they could tell them about the 86/34 bans being repealed. While obviosuly, it is by no means an exact portrayal, I believe it gives somewhat of an idea as to how difficult it would be. I do expect it to be more difficult than the AWB expiration, however.
Its better than that! Not only is there not much else that the antigunners can say to try and scare people, but look, they already did their worst, and what was the reaction?
They've portrayed "assault weapons" as the absolute worst possible thing. There isn't anywhere left for them to go.
I've had a half dozen acquaintences all come up to me to talk about how "machine guns" are legal now. (Some of whom wanted to go buy one. They were disappointed by the truth.) If any politicians would come along with the balls to propose dropping the '86 laws (or even '34), I bet most people wouldn't bat an eye, as they wouldn't be able to understand why the law wasn't redundant.

Introducing this sort of legislation ASAP would be grand, as VPC and all of them have probably just blown most of their budget, emotional energy and drained their donor's wallets enough for one tax year trying to fight the AWB. Even if it failed, it'd keep them on their toes. They'd have to spend time and energy talking about how many children would spontaneously combust if the laws were repealed, leaving them with less time and energy to talk about how many fewer children will explode if only they can ban SKS's.

Good thoughts there.

At this point we could boost the curve to how it will help the military to have pre-exposed experience with modern military-type weaponry. If in-service, the experience reduces training time and speeds troop relief - or faster response to hot spots.

At home, it provides the base for Homeland Security activities to accept knowledgeable recruits for the security of ports, waterways and water sources, power plants, and other more or less federal responsiblities. On the state/local levels there are public buildings, schools, libraries, and other places where arms knowledge and experience could serve.

Back in '01, just after the Twin Tower debacle, I wrote a couple pieces that didn't get into the Opinion pages; for any interest:

I'd hoped the to jack up "someone" to establish local security efforts by utilizing the unorganized militia or volunteers. I still feel that this is a - if not THE - way to go. I'm currently putting on paper a proposal for such a voluntary effort for local subdivisions - trying to keep it simple yet effective.

I truly hope that some sort of local security organization - other than LEO/Fire/Rescue, etc. - can be put in place soon. I really want this to stay out of the politics of who-gets-what-and-how-much. Remember, most police and fire/rescue models are based on population... so many people for each 1000 in population for example. If this ratio is still prevelant our force would be maybe 350 police and (I don't know) x-amount of Fire/Rescue. (Maybe it's more today, they've been training volunteer reserve officers here.)

Example: If there are two hot spots in town - or maybe just one at a "hot" high school football game maybe all those assets would be at the scene. Thus, who's watching the store, hmmm? I wonder who was watching Uptown NYC on 9/11. Weren't there stories re stolen gear, etc. at empty fire houses????

AFAIC... there should be NO arms restrictions respecting law-abiding people - we can't afford it.

Well, enough of me.

If someone wants to get to work on the 86 ban, I will help out as much as a 17 year old can.
I think 86 would be the best target.

You can even sell it as a tax revenue generation thing. I love the idea of calling it the Machine Gun Registration act. That is brilliant.
I will write it up tonight, and combine with Justin's removal-of-silencer-regulation idea.

"Machine gun registration and Safety in Firearm Sports Act of 2005"?
"Safety in Firearm Sports and Assault Rifle Registration Act of 2005"?

Maybe using "assault rifle" in place of "maching gun" will shut up all the people whining about the sunset of the assault weapon ban. Idiots.
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