Bank CEO comes out in favor of tracking gun purchases on credit cards

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Apr 26, 2015
So CNBC is reporting that the CEO of some bank I never heard of has come out for banks to be able to track gun purchases. She dismisses the argument about general merchandise stores that also sell firearms by saying some stores have both a pharmacy and a grocery and they have different credit card codes for each. (Never mind that even a dedicated gun store usually sells merchandise other than guns per se, e.g. gun cleaning accessories, cases, maybe holsters...)

Here's the link:
What, they gonna track adult/sensual (websites, entertainment, intimacy items, etc) purchases as well? What about medical purchases? What makes guns exempt from the right of privacy that these other ones dont have?

Even if we need to track a gun used in a crime, there's plethora of other ways to track this. Like serial number and website history. There's no reason to track peoples money purchases for this stuff.
But these people continue to act like buying firearms online is just like It ships straight to your door.
I made a purchase at a large discount store and later checked my credit card statement online. After clicking on the purchase, a complete list of what I bought in that store popped up. :scrutiny:

I would not be even slightly surprised that every item you buy on cc is recorded and linked to you. We have some of the most powerful computers in the world and some of them are for collecting data on us.

The bank ceo in the OP is probably just starting the desensitization process for what they’re already doing.
If this becomes a thing then either pay with cash, a prepaid credit card or gift card. Problem solved.

With that said, how many people will complain about this breach of privacy then immediately post online, even on sites like this one, bragging about their newest purchase? I seem to recall a particular thread here with lots of posts about the last gun people bought. If I was a double naught spy compiling a gun purchase list for the gubmint that thread would be a goldmine.
Cash is king.. Screw them
Dont think for a second that they aren't working overitme to eliminate cash. Look at how many businesses refused to accept it during COVID for "health" reasons. India actually DID eliminate it, briefly- but they jumped the gun on the technology and had to bring it back.

Big business hates cash because it costs them to keep it, pay someone to handle it, and deposit it. Banks hate it for the same reason. Government hates it because they can't track, tax, seize, or freeze it.

Financial freedom is anethma to the goals of the NWO, and cash IS freedom- so it must be destroyed.
I don't even have a credit card. Gave those up before I retired.
heck YEAH! I would too but the wife likes the cash back. She knows I love cash over credit for the reason of tracking my gun buys! And Who don’t love a good Private Party Sale! (not permitted anymore in Washington state, we have Universal background)
What, they gonna track adult/sensual (websites, entertainment, intimacy items, etc) purchases as well? What about medical purchases? What makes guns exempt from the right of privacy that these other ones dont have?

Even if we need to track a gun used in a crime, there's plethora of other ways to track this. Like serial number and website history. There's no reason to track peoples money purchases for this stuff.
But these people continue to act like buying firearms online is just like It ships straight to your door.
She doesn't just mean online. She means any purchase using a credit card.
I've charged hundreds in ammo, bought guns at gun stores that don't charge a 3% fee (if they do charge a fee, I'll pay cash) no problem.
I thought it funny when my wife used the card at either a cosmetics store or bakery for a small amount and I got a text to verify the charge.
Card knows I like guns & ammo, not makeup or bakery. :rofl:
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