Bank security entrance

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I called today,

Quote the manager
"We don't allow them in, we ask that you leave them in your car."

The manager also confirmed they didn't have any signs posted.
Really thats what I expected, and in hindsight it would probably have been no big deal to tell them I was armed. Live and learn.
eyebrows said:
Quote the manager
"We don't allow them in, we ask that you leave them in your car."

The manager also confirmed they didn't have any signs posted.
Really thats what I expected, and in hindsight it would probably have been no big deal to tell them I was armed. Live and learn.
Why did you lie? There are so many better possible solutions. Were you in violation of the law? You should just try to remain calm. If you cannot get in without lying; disclosing you are carrying; or disarming, I think you should take your business elsewhere. Screw that bank.

starshooter231 said:
"It is legal in Michigan, to carry in a bank" Yes is is legal to carry in banks. As long as you have your CPL.
I did not realize there was any law in MI dealing with possession of a weapon in a bank concealed or not. Can you point me to the specific MCL?

On a side note, I have never seen a sign prohibiting firearms in any MI bank.
Why did you lie? There are so many better possible solutions. Were you in violation of the law? You should just try to remain calm. If you cannot get in without lying; disclosing you are carrying; or disarming, I think you should take your business elsewhere. Screw that bank.

I was afraid of freaking out the lady I was with, I don't know her that well, shes older, and I have no idea how she feels about guns. If I had been there alone I would have told them. I have no business at that bank, just went there that day to use the notary.
+ it was a situation I have never encountered.
There is no law regulating carry in Michigan banks. They fall under the laws concerning private businesses, ie. even with a sign it is only a crime if you refuse to leave after being confronted. I'm not totaly sure but I think it amounts to criminal trespassing or something like that.

My wife works at National City in Michigan and I was suprised to find out that (at least in her branch) they support CCW. According to the branch manager they are in favor of some recent legislation allowing employees of any business to open carry at work where the company wants them to of course.
The manager claims that if this is allowed the bank will be paying for employees training classes and permits to promote thier carrying at work.

I have not seen any legislation of this type of if this turns out to be true I'll be promoting the crap out of National City.
bank security

Here in Delaware it legal to carry everywhere but government buildings, and bars. Never seen the security bars or double door thing at any bank.

As a matter of fact I work for the local government and checked their rules and regs to see if I could carry at work. Couldn't find anything about carrying but I know the city/county building has the metal detectors and security guards so I don't carry at that building.(I work in a different building) I even used my boss and several employees as references on my ccw application. Talked with everone about my ccw and carrying at work and nobody had a problem. Never discussed it with upperlevel management, don't think they would understand.

I have seen something similar to the metal detectors at some stores but I believe they only detect RFID tags. Haven't set one of those off while carrying so thats what I think they are for.:cool:
Unless I'm entering a place it is a crime to carry, I carry anyway, signs or not.
Metal detectors are a different story. When I go through a "sterile zone" with a metal detector, I try not to go but if I do, I leave the gun behind.
They have this law in FL called "armed tresspass" that I'm not willing to commit, as it is a 3rd degree felony.

You can play the stupid a__ all you like and claim to have all manner of metal hardware in your body, but when they ask you to lift your jacket, or what have you, it will likely become evident you are lying.
expect to see more of em/ i live in a smaller town and my bank within 5 blocks of cop staton has em been robbed several times
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