:barf: LA Times story on "Girl vs. Her Father's Guns"

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satellites that interrupt our thought waves from outer space...

Everyone knows they can do that. How else do you explain forgetting to pick up milk and eggs for the wife after work? :neener:
Yes it is a tragic story. I knew a guy who was shot by his brother when he was 16 caused him to be wheel chair bound the rest of his life no feeling from Lumbar 1 down. He was a gun person when I knew him he was about 35 at the time, loved them. Did not have anything to do with his brother though.

He was more secure than the girl and he was not mentally messed up and controlling like she is, probably why she got shot in the first place. She is a nut pure and simple. I feel sorry for the dad but he still has his guns, good for him.

The father is living in a world that is not of his chosing but still making the best of it. Hard for some to allow others a choice and then adapt. He has done it.

P-e-r-s-p-i-c-a-c-i-t-y. There. I spelled it out for her.

She should get some. If possible, she should have it overnighted.
With all due respect, if my 40+ yo kid makes bad life choices then she or he will just have to deal with the consequences. There will be no moving back home. And get rid of the guns? Bye-bye sweety. Love you lots, you're an adult, go stand on your own two feet.
Sickening, sickening woman she is. At 41 she ought to know that her father's house is his house, not hers, he has taken her in because she has 'fallen on hard times'. whatever. She is a lawyer, and a state lawyer so she has plenty of job security, must have a high income, she probably just decided to dump the thousands/tens of thousands of dollars into having the surrogate baby, not considering her situation at all, there is no reason why she should have to move back in with her parents.

And her dad seems to be a great guy, very level headed, and if I were hime I would have made a public announcement congratulating her on finding her own place to live.
I wonder if he could sue her for defamation of character? She doesn't have a leg to stand on. Sorry, couldn't help it:)
Her problem is that she picked the wrong guy for a boyfriend and refuses to own up to her own responsibility. A too common trait these days.
Though no laws had been broken, police spokesman Sgt. Jeff Travis said, the weapons "were being kept in an unsecured manner. They were probably unsafe in that people could have access to them. We took them and booked them for safekeeping."

Hmm, no laws broken. Lemme fix this one...

Though no laws had been broken, police spokesman Sgt. Jeff Travis said, the weapons "were being kept in an unsecured manner. They were probably unsafe in that ordinary civilian people could have access to them, instead of being held and used by only us, the government, who are really the only one who should be trusted with any types of defensive tools, anyway. We took them and booked them for the safekeeping of the state and government workers, and so we can continue making this state a safe working envirnment for criminal activity."
Love you lots, you're an adult, go stand on your own two feet.

er... wheels.

That said, I'd venture to guess that for her father, this is an all-too-real event in his life. For her, this is just a way to pirate-market/advertise her "inspirational speaking" gig. Shameful. I don't think I could actually speak to my daughter if she treated me this way.
You guy's are missing the point. It's all her dad's fault.

1.) Let her date an jerk.

2.) Kept guns in the house.

3.) Was a "participant" in her shooting.

4.) Let her move in once she had a child she couldn't take care of being a single parent. (80yr old men want a crying baby in their house.)

See, it's all his fault.
I know that's his daughter and all, but he needs to take a firm stance on her nonsense.

I know if I ever tried to tell my dad what he could and couldn't do in his own house that he paid for, I would not be welcome in the aforementioned household. And my daddy loves me a LOT!

Just because you love your children, doesn't mean you have to put up with their BS when they get out of line. Our parents brought us into this world, and dammit, they can take us out! Apparently not many people realize this anymore.

Oh, and her daddy should have slapped her jaws the moment she claimed he was a "participant" in the shooting.

Y'know... I'm beginning to believe that all these stories printed by the liberal media aren't even really true events. They probably just made this whole story up out of thin air to get conservative's blood pressure to go up, hopefully shortening their life spans. No one can be this immature. Can they?
Sick, just sick.
I know if I tried to pull that bull I'd be booted to the curb, quick!
I'd do no different.
All i see in this article is a confused woman with a hatred for what she does not understand stemming from fear of a poor choice she made which placed her in a less-than-graceful position. I understand that she does not like firearms, I also think shes being a complete imbicile.
Come on guys he did not have them in a safe location, in CA there are laws about having your guns in a safe location, as in a safe.

So he does not want to buy a safe so he has someone else look out for them now. Give it a rest. The Father and daughter are doing the best they can under a dark cloud, more to life than guns I have to tell you.

He has solved it and can live with it, some of you are not acting in a correct manner. If it was me, I'd have just bought a safe, like the law requires.

Pretty simple really:confused:

Anyone else see the Brady link?

She's handicapped and so makes a perfect spokesman for the anti-gunners. She's viewed as untouchable because no one wants to be the guy telling a cripple to "suck it up."
Yeah...no pity for her. I don't have any kids yet, but were one of my children to ever TELL me to get rid of my guns, let alone go behind my back and have police confiscate them... They wouldn't be welcome in my home until they apologized, and accepted MY house rules.
The part where they confiscated the guys guns "for safe keeping," acknowledging that he was doing nothing illegal, is what pissed me off the most. I *hate* that kind of crap.
To help make ends meet, she had moved back to her parents' home

She must not be a very good lawyer. Come on, 41 and you move back in with your parents? And then demand that they change? It is a shame that she succeded. Also, I can't believe that the cops took his guns for no reason.
What's the old saying? If you can't say anything "highroad", don't say anything at all. Guess I'll have to keep my mouth shut. What a position to put her father in.
sounds like she just used her father as a way to get on stage and voice her opinions. her father had nothing to do with the shooting. If her boyfriend couldnt get a gun from her dad then he probably would have gotten one somewhere else and shot her anyways.

Also from what i hear lawyers make decent money so why cant she afford to live on her own? what kind of person decides that they are broke so they will decide to have a kid that they cannot support?

Her father must be one hell of a paitent and forgiving man to put up with her crap.
Come on guys he did not have them in a safe location, in CA there are laws about having your guns in a safe location, as in a safe.

So he does not want to buy a safe so he has someone else look out for them now. Give it a rest. The Father and daughter are doing the best they can under a dark cloud, more to life than guns I have to tell you.
That's contrary to what the article says:

"Though no laws had been broken, police spokesman Sgt. Jeff Travis said, the weapons "were being kept in an unsecured manner. They were probably unsafe in that people could have access to them. We took them and booked them for safekeeping."

The daughter publicly stated he had made the mistake that cost her while he was standing right there. He was too respectful to respond to it, a trait that apparently skipped her genes. She also blamed the gun deaths on the guns. If that's her best she's in really sad shape, it dwarfs her physical liability.
No children in the house so you can have a gun laying around. Still not a good thing but I would think that was the reason for taking them, they gave them back to him when he found a safe location for them. Not at his house though.
There was another reason for his fervor: He had watched helplessly decades ago as, a continent away, his fellow Jews were marched to their deaths.

"The first thing Hitler did," Alban said, "was confiscate the guns. Guns were my culture. If anyone threatened my family, I'd rather die protecting them than walk to the gas chamber."

You know what's really scary?

He understands this. He experienced the grief of helplessness. He wants to be able to defend NOT himself, but his family.

She feels bad because she got hurt and thinks she is defending her family from the EVIL inanimate object...

ONE generation removed from the lessons of the holocaust... and the lessons are lost.
They don't need satellites to control your thoughts. That's what HAARP is for. Remember, tinfoil hats must be grounded to be effective.

This chick is poster girl for the DPRK Liberals. You can bet the Brady Bunch will have her belching her tripe to support the next gun grab to come down the pike.
Lets see she's an handicapped attorney and daddy's a 83 YO Doctor , she can afford to pay to have a child trough a fairly expensive medical procedure .

This all translates into a family of considerable financial means yet limited physical ability and now she goes and does interviews with the local media and announces that her home is gun free and published it and their last name in the newspaper .

Wonder how long it will be before some criminals break into their home knowing they are in zero danger of resistance from the home owners who more than likely own some very nice things due to their status in life ?

I just hope if it comes to pass all the criminals use are knives and baseball bats , we all know it will be the objects fault for the criminals behavior now don't we ?
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