:barf: LA Times story on "Girl vs. Her Father's Guns"

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I guess the spineshank caused by the bullet rattled her brain a little too much. Last time I checked, there were seven self-defense uses of a gun for every one criminal use per year. All the other numbers about handguns are meaningless.

does anyone see any sense in this?

"80% of gun crime comes from handguns"

"well, 80% of that 80% are probably .357 and .38 revolvers"

"right, which means that we must ban semi-auto rifles and handguns and make it so that you can only own a revolver"

I hate politics
From near the beginning of the article:
"Though paralyzed from the waist down when shot by a boyfriend she had known since childhood, Alban went on to become a Long Beach prosecutor specializing in domestic abuse cases, a Republican candidate for Assembly, champion for the rights of disabled people and, most recently, mother of a 5-month-old boy. A frequent inspirational speaker, she also has become an ardent proponent of gun control."

With a Republican like that, who needs liberals?
Of course she has to quote BS statistics. 5% my a$$. Most aren't reported as evidenced on these forums.

You know I'd be willing to bet that statistic isn't too far off. Supposedly there are, if I'm remembering correctly, something like 2.5 to 5 million self defensive uses of guns each year. Using her figure of 200 million guns in America, that makes 2.5% of guns nationwide used for defensively each year.

It sounded bad to us when she said guns are only used defensively 5% of the time. I'm sure 2.5% sounds worse to a lot of you.

Lets take a look at guns used in crime. According to the Department of Justice There were approximately 400,000 crimes involving guns in the US in 2006. That's .002% of guns. If you take into consideration that those crime statistics most likely involve a lot of incidents where possession of the gun itself was the crime, then the percentage of guns used to hurt or threaten someone is even lower.
"I don't get it," Julie Alban said. "There's nothing in my life that I love the way he loves those guns."

That was very telling in and of itself. This is one of the most selfish people I have ever heard of. As has been pointed out, why did she need to move back in with her parents at 41 and as a "successful lawyer and public speaker"? And to top that off, she goes and pays to have a surrogate child made?? Why couldn't she just adopt a kid? there are thousands of them living in crappy situations. That's right because she's a selfish @$#%. and I don't care what your "moral and religious" beliefs are on a 2 parent household, but psycologically as humans, a child NEEDS a father. My dad died when I was 8, and I will admit that it probably screwed me up quite a bit. This woman is FORCING her child to have no father. Not only that but she is in a wheelchair AND a full time lawyer. Who is taking care of that kid? It certainly as hell isn't her. Even if she didn't have a job, I can't imagine it is possible to properly take care of a baby by yourself when you are confined to a wheelchair.

What REALLY gets my goat is that because of her situation, she should be pro-gun. What is she going to do the first time someone tries to hurt her, or god forgive, her "precious bastard"? She can't even fight back like an average woman could, so the only chance she would have against ANY threat is with a gun. I guarantee the first time something bad like that happens, she might start changing her mind.

Oh, and I also like her bullcrap statistics. 5% out of what? 5% of the guns owned in america are used in defense? 5% of people defending themselves use guns? 5% of shootings are in defense? I mean that number could mean anything, but a percentage is pointless if it isn't in the right context. 100% of the people in my house have never shot anyone, and 100% of my guns have never shot anyone, therefore 100% of guns aren't used in shooting people as far as I'm concerned. And that's not even mentioning the hundreds or thousands of time a gun deescalates a situation and no crime is ever committed or reported.

OK off to take my blood pressure medicine.
only 5% of guns are used defensively while something like only 0.001% are used in crime? Yea... Either way, she still loses on that one.
TARGET TERROR - "2 sentences devoted to the fact that HER BOYFRIEND AND FRIEND FROM CHILDHOOD SHOT HER IN THE BACK and a whole article on how it is entirely the fault of the gun?"

This is, of course, quite true.

As we all know, it was the fault of General Motors Corp., that Senator Teddy Kennedy's Oldsmobile caused Mary Jo Kopeckne to drown. :rolleyes:

She is mentally injured or mentally ill, and she is being used to advance the agenda of others. It does no good to criticize her, but I have no use for the "journalist" who romanticizes her irrational thought processes to sell a story.

Father, on the other hand, has known heartbreak and continues to be left holding the bag. As Shakespeare said, "How sharper than a serpent's tooth is an ungrateful child". And yet he keeps supporting her as she tries to hurt him. He has my admiration and support, and assurances that the guilt she has tried to foist on him for her own purposes doesn't belong there. It belongs on the one she chose nearly 20 years ago.
If she were my daughter, she would've been packing her stuff the instant she mentioned she'd called the cop to store the guns.

Plus, in Kali, dont you need to go through an FFL for any pistol transactions?

The sad part is, if the deranged boyfriend had come into the room and cracked her spine lug wrench, this story would never have made the news.
So no one is the least bit bothered that the father who is very wealthy is so unconcerned about his daughter's feelings that he won't even make a minor gesture like buying a $600 gun safe to store his weapons. After having a gun stolen from him and used to shoot his daughter shouldn't he be a little concerned about securing his firearms to prevent a future theft? While this might be a shock to some, there are some things in life like family that are more important then physical possessions.
So no one is the least bit bothered that the father who is very wealthy is so unconcerned about his daughter's feelings that he won't even make a minor gesture like buying a $600 gun safe to store his weapons. After having a gun stolen from him and used to shoot his daughter shouldn't he be a little concerned about securing his firearms to prevent a future theft? While this might be a shock to some, there are some things in life like family that are more important then physical possessions.

I'm not bothered. At least in the context you mentioned. I think he's a moron for exposing his valuable firearms to theft like that, but that's his problem.

His daughter stepped way over the line, and I have to concur that she is a very selfish individual. His house, his rules. If she doesn't want to live where there are guns, find another place.
So no one is the least bit bothered that the father who is very wealthy is so unconcerned about his daughter's feelings that he won't even make a minor gesture like buying a $600 gun safe to store his weapons. After having a gun stolen from him and used to shoot his daughter shouldn't he be a little concerned about securing his firearms to prevent a future theft? While this might be a shock to some, there are some things in life like family that are more important then physical possessions.

I will also note for you, she was an adult when she was shot; I would therefore assume her boyfriend was as well.

Now, I will also assume that the father was not at home when she got shot as she had to drag herself to the phone to call 911.

So how was the father to expect a psychopath was going to be brought into his home by his daughter?
there are some things in life like family that are more important then physical possessions.
Very good. Let's forfeit our constitutional rights for a false sense of security. What about the family that can't get to their locked up guns quick enough? What do we tell their families? We can throw anecdotal stories out all day long but the main point is that it should be a personal decision, not a state decision. She is using her personal tragedy to rob everyone else of their rights. Probably why she isn't getting a lot of sympathy here.
"I don't get it," Julie Alban said. "There's nothing in my life that I love the way he loves those guns."

It sounds to me like she has some serious mental issues. She is jealous of the guns and has some kind of huge void in her own life that she can't fill. SHe has made a lifetime of bad decisions and is now scapegoating of all things "daddy's guns".

The father seems like a very noble and patient man. The day I come home and my guns have been "relocated" without my permission will be a very, very bad day.
As a father that just makes me sad. I know I could never turn on my daughter no matter how stupid she may act, but to know she might turn on me like that just hurts.

Thank god She's shooting now.
"It's ironic that the person who loves me the most could somehow be a participant in my injury."
I still fail to see how her dad participated in shooting her. Maybe because.......he didn't?

This is saddening; a child turning on their parent, even knowing her dad's reasonings (and damn fine reasonings at that!).

More to say, none of it THR.

the family is jewish.they have a tendency to accept adversity.culture wise they are family.she however is a user.as the shooting happened 20 yrs ago were there any laws on storage then?? I would say saranara to her but he is probably thinking "his grand child"and baby sitting.I brought my kids to be independent as that is the correct to raise a child.mine are grown and I dont baby sit.you had them you do your duty and raise them. :rolleyes::confused:
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