BART cops with M4's

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My pet peeve is cops dressed in BDU's.

An aside, but perhaps something like this would be in order?


Utilitarian, identifiable, and just a bit irreverent. :D
That Asian officer kinda looks like one of the RO's we had at GunStock.
(No, that's not a slam on Asian's!) :rolleyes:

But if any of you met him, you'll know that HIS Kung-Fu is much more powerfull than this flat-foot's.

Oh, and the skirt for the roofer... just hope he's as good with the roofing hatchet as he is co-ordinating his skirt and boots :D
Here we have a report of the BART Police putting rifles out in public, within view of tens of thousands of riders a month, and I'm going to speculate that none of the rifles will be misused. I don't mind the prospect of a whole bunch of Bay Area residents developing a faint, visceral impression that weapons are not Wayward Lightning Bolts of Doom, sowing random destruction wherever they exist.
Indeed. The best thing of all is it helps demonstrate that black rifles with pistol-grip stocks are not "designed to kill as many people as possible without reloading by spray firing from the hip" like the VPC claims...
Me too, but it would be nice to have our own M4s. Not these guys' fault my friend Incropera Dewitt would say:

Indeed. The best thing of all is it helps demonstrate that black rifles with pistol-grip stocks are not "designed to kill as many people as possible without reloading by spray firing from the hip" like the VPC claims...

Uh I take the opposite position. To me it shows that 'machine assault guns' can only be kept from leaping up and shooting people if they are carried by someone employed by the state.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for arming the police, but to the *same* extent as the citizens are allowed to be armed, not in lieu of it. The day that I'm allowed to legally carry my AR in my trunk and my 1911 on my belt *everywhere* I go, is the day I'll feel good about seeing well armed SWAT officers on every street corner.
In general I tend to agree- with caveats. Private property is private property. Your RKBA does not extend to my living room, unless I want it to do so. I also believe in secured, weapons free areas, as long as the restrictions are reasonable (court houses, etc) and there is active, armed security on-site to provide the protection I can no longer provide myself.

The SWAT officers are highly-visible patrol to hopefully deter terrorists from hitting the protected target. Lets face it. You're a you want to hit BART which has some HS/LD types with rifles, or do you want to hit some other, softer target?

Frankly, this makes sense.

Now, does CA's CCW law make sense? Nope.

Hmm, I took BART a couple of weeks ago for Fleet Week, no sign of these guys.

As a local, I feel at odds with myself over this. On one hand I don't like the "only cops should have guns" image that it implies, and I don't believe a pair of BART cops, or a few, will deter any terrorists from blowing up a train. But on the other hand, at least they're doing something proactive.
Here's a novel idea. Why not just let the good citizens of SF pack heat themselves, and dispense with the need for high-priced LEOs to poke at terroristic lunch boxes with their M-4's.

Naah. It'll never work.
Here's a novel idea. Why not just let the good citizens of SF pack heat themselves, and dispense with the need for high-priced LEOs to poke at terroristic lunch boxes with their M-4's.

With the crime level in this city I am of the opinion that most cops do not care if law-abiders carry. I know at least 20 people that carry concealed daily sans permit and they have never been hassled by SFPD even when outed.
Here's a novel idea. Why not just let the good citizens of SF pack heat themselves, and dispense with the need for high-priced LEOs to poke at terroristic lunch boxes with their M-4's.

If the good citizens are subjected to the same training/screening and quals SWAT officers are subjected to that would be novel indeed...
With the crime level in this city I am of the opinion that most cops do not care if law-abiders carry. I know at least 20 people that carry concealed daily sans permit and they have never been hassled by SFPD even when outed

perhaps under Hallinan. Kamala Harris made it a point to rabidly go after people caught breaking the most trivial gun control law. She's vowed to strongly persecute unregistered 'assault weapons' and harshly punish "people caught carrying guns".

Yup. I won't risk carrying here without a permit simply because of the risk if caught, and DA Harris' statements on the subject.

The only guarantee is that I wouldn't get the death penalty... :p
*ahem*...uhm...speaking as '1 of 8' I have to say that carrying in the city is pretty casual... like schizrade said; I know of plenty of people (guys and gals) that carry without 'official' permission. Yeah I know what Kamila has said, and yeah she's been pretty steady in her beliefs so far but it's been my experience that SFPD *will* look the other way if you're carrying but noy obviously out to cause havok.
I could care less if the cops carry subguns. But does anyone think the M4 is suitable for use in a train or on a bus? Look at that picture -- how are they going to bring a long-gun to bear on in such close quarters? They'd still be trying to raise the rifle while a terrorist sticks a dagger in their throat.

Should have pistols for use in the trains. Glock 18's are fine with me if they've just gotta have full-auto weapons. :rolleyes: And I'd really prefer they're fitted with suppressors if they're going to fire them in the car I'm sitting in. :uhoh:
Heavily armed people patrolling public spaces is a common sight overseas. Go to Italy and observe the very well armed 18 year old on the street corner or stop of in Greece and check out the subguns on the guys at the airport. This is common practice all over the world except in the U.S. but that is changing. It is a public place and lawmen patrolling it is no different than a police cruiser driving down the street. Their job is to keep the peace and they just happen to look "meaner" than your average patrolman. It isn't a police state until they start infringing on your right to travel this country in a peaceful manner. Inspecting a suspicious bag politely is a far cry from demanding to see your papers as you board a train, IMO.

I second the vote for a silenced weapon if I'm in the same car!
I could care less if the cops carry subguns. But does anyone think the M4 is suitable for use in a train or on a bus? Look at that picture -- how are they going to bring a long-gun to bear on in such close quarters? They'd still be trying to raise the rifle while a terrorist sticks a dagger in their throat.
Actually, they'll probably get the M4 into action faster than a HOLSTERED Glock, since they are patrolling in a ready position. It wouldn't be socially acceptable for them to be carrying a Glock at low ready while just patrolling the train, but you pretty much HAVE to carry a carbine...
If I'm sitting, on a train, with nothing to stare at but the clever Neiman-Marcus sign on the wall opposite and I happen to have some newspaper right next to me, I wouldn't call that suspicious.

I'd call that bored (just plain bored, no negative) cop. :D
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