Because There Are No Consequences

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Staff member
Aug 13, 2008
This is from The Big Apple, but things are the same in several big cities now.

This did not happen when Rudy Giuliani was Hizzoner da Mare, or after Police Commissioner Theodore Roosevelt had been on the job for a bit.... That is not intended as a political comment, just as an observation of fact.[pull]=omeda|6778A8222856B6Z&oly_enc_id=6778A8222856B6Z

The Circuit Attorney will not support the police here, or get tough on crime. The cops know this and so do the thugs, and both act accordingly.

What can I do about this? I do not go into the city.
Cops have been robbed of guns many times in the past. It is nothing new. Crooks do not care if you are a cop or not. If they want to steal from you they will.
Cops have been robbed of guns many times in the past. It is nothing new. Crooks do not care if you are a cop or not. If they want to steal from you they will.
Stealing yes, but robbing occurs when where will likely be no resistance.
For me, it just reaffirms what most of us here already know. Situational awareness is key to proactive self protection.
Useless. The victim saw the robber and tried to evade him, but he dared not use force.
The big picture is: the outside forces that control our greedy politicians want this. Who wants to be a cop or join the military these days? Who will replace all the local cops when entire police forces walk off the job? I wonder if people in high places have a plan for this? (they do)
Just one thing--why this is happening is really beyond the scope of ST&T, except to the extent that the same factors could put the civilian user of defensive force at greater risk than in the past. That is something to keep in mind.

That it is happening is important to realize. The fact that armed police officers are now fair game for armed robbery tells us that the mere presentation of a firearm, if it is legal, is probably less likely to deter an attack than some of us may have believed.
It seemingly appears his only defense would have been a secured parking area so he could reach the trunk. The criminal engaged while off-duty officer was sorting his keys and/or focused on bags he wished to carry.
It would be interesting to learn the details and sequence of events. Was the off-duty officer parking his personal vehicle on the street at home following his shift? I wonder if criminal knew in advance it was an off-duty officer and an opportunity to ambush to obtain both a weapon and a badge?

It is almost like officer would have been luckier with bag on passenger seat, drive around until parking spot was available, rapidly park and exit vehicle with bag in weak hand and dominant hand on pistol? Being able to back-in to a single car garage would naturally be ideal so vehicle could be exited once garage door is down.

All our heads just need to be continuously on a swivel…and even then…luck does not always favor us.
What can I do about this? I do not go into the city.

Yeah, that really stinks. I know for a fact many are fleeing the screwed up States and moving into others, seemingly to turn them into the same place they messed up.

Kind of like a kid messing up their room and then going to a clean one and doing the same things, without a connection to the end result.
And had he noticed him earlier, it may have been very different.
it may have. The questions are what might he have noticed about him and when, and what else might he have done? We have no way of knowing when the officer first became aware of the man's approach. In an environment such as that, pedestrians approach people all the time.
So no, not useless.
it may have. The question is, what might he have noticed about him and when, and what else might he have done? We have no way of when the officer first became aware of the man's approach. In an environment such as that, pedestrians approach people all the time.

I'll agree with all of that.

Considering the officer seemed in the video to be trying to pull something (presumably his gun) from his waistband, it appears he may have intended to present his firearm. Perhaps he was not familiar enough with his holster to do so smoothly in that moment. Or perhaps he realized he was at too much of a disadvantage.
Putting aside the facts of this particular case... there is something to be said here about weapons retention - something that every police force (and every armed citizen) needs to consider and train up for... Putting it simply, there is a small minority of bad actors that don't carry firearms - since they're actively planning on taking the one YOU'RE carrying - by any means necessary... Weapons retention training is serious business for anyone that carries a sidearm. The trainers that I worked with could steal or take by force any weapon that was in a holster - even when the officer knew the attempt would take place (in regular, scheduled training and every officer with an empty weapon in their holster). We could take weapons from behind, from the side, and face to face... None of our weapons removals involved an assault, or the use of a firearm in hand. To put it mildly - it was an eye opener the first time we gave the training - and the special weapons retention holsters of that time (this was around thirty years ago) were all too easy to defeat - no matter how much the manufacturer claimed otherwise...

As part of that training we also taught our officers how to defeat most attempts at taking their sidearm - and yes, it can be done...

Lastly, situational awareness is everything - paying attention to what's actually going on around you is a habit that any armed citizen really needs to cultivate... No I'm not talking about walking around ready to fight every waking minute - but if you're aware of your surroundings and circumstances you will be much less likely to need that sidearm you're carrying...

I'll get down off of my soapbox now...
The big picture is: the outside forces that control our greedy politicians want this. Who wants to be a cop or join the military these days? Who will replace all the local cops when entire police forces walk off the job? I wonder if people in high places have a plan for this? (they do)
Absolutely. They are hurting in armed forces recruiting just as bad as cops. Demonize a job enough and take away the benefits, no one will want to do it.
Move out of NY for the love of God.

well, that’s easier said than done I’m afraid.
All of our family is here, I just got to meet my first Grandson this January, and I also help with my 89 year old Father who is non mobile and let’s say his mental capacity isn’t what it once was.
I live in Central NY half a days drive from NYC/Long Island. Our values up here are somewhat different that those other God forsake places.
I just wish we could annex them from Albany on down.
Speaking as a retired cop and a Vietnam vet... the worst thing that could happen for recruiting is to destroy the confidence an average young man or woman has in the folks that are trying to hire him or her. That was true towards the end of the Vietnam era and even more so in policing... Unfortunately, the folks who are in power now have done just that - and all too successfully. If you can't trust the folks you work for (or are considering working for...) why would you join if other opportunities are available?

By the way, in my case "the benefits" weren't a very strong reason I signed up all those years ago - both into the military - then into police work... Once you're there the benefits increase in importance the longer you're there - but I never even gave a thought to them as young'un...
Ok, so you want to talk about the fact that police are being defunded, unsupported by thier own government, and consequently disrespected by criminals with no fear consequences , but the reasons for all of this are off topic??
Feel free to delete this post too:rofl::confused::confused:
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