been doin some thinkin

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Republicans on the dole

Well - that takes care of getting rid of the Democrats. Now how do we get rid of the republicans?

Archer Daniels Midland, Halliburton, etc.; there's lots of Republicans on the dole. They just happen to be WEALTHY welfare bums. The Department of Peasant Control alone gives out almost 100 billion per year to wealthy people:
If I were to give you a magic wand that would instantly eliminate the current system and give you control over how you redo things, what would you do?
I just keep regretting the fact that Katrina hit NO instead of DC :evil:

Why not eliminate the current "federal" system? We would still have the state govts (some of which are even worse, but that is their problem).

The whole "federal" system could be replaced with a mutual defense pact against foreign invasion. That is really the only reason why we should not be 50 (or more) completely independent states (as the Gallic Celts discovered to their downfall :( )
The US tried that already. The Articles of Confederation, it didn't work. For example, would you need a passport to from state to state? Tarrifs between states, money. As much as I hate it, there are valid reasons for a federal form of government.
Go back and read what Jefferson and Madison had to say about it. The problem, IMHO is that today we have more people who owe their income to the Federal Government. Before the income tax was written into the Constitution, the largest department in the federal government was the Postal Department.
Today, our politicians buy votes. They just don't walk up to people and say if you vote for me I'll give you 1000 dollars. Instead, they pass pork projects. Look at Byrd in West VA. He's an expert.

This is what's got to change, we need to refocus on the core job of the Federal Government. Domestic trqanquility, Common Defense the Common Welfare. Not all these vote buying schemes of politicans. Where are the leaders like Adams, Jefferson, MAdison, Payne, Franklin, Hancock, and Lee.
Take your pick, military service, paying property taxes directly(not renting), a couple years cleaning bedpans at the VA hospital, cleaning the streets at min wage.
Now, even though I abhor the thought of the draft, I wouldn't the slightest problem with requiring some form of federal service. Post Office, Parks & Rec, Federal 3 letter agency, (The mando service could be delayed until after college, like ROTC, but for feds,) civic bean counters, etc.

I also wouldn't have any trouble with compulsory National Guard service if we actually used them as Homeland defenders instead of Regular Army augmentees, (I.e. no foreign service for conscripts.)

I also think CIA, FBI, BATFE, DHS, etc should all get balled up into one agency called Federal Law Enforcement Agency, (Or FLEA for short.) The idea of a FEMA is good on its face, but the current incarnation is a total abortion. Perhaps it should called the Federal Emergency Responce Agency, (FERA, that's not ominous sounding at all :D .)
No_Breaks, A national Police Force, :what: Scares me. We're close to that now, let's not speed it up :(
people have been disgusted with the Feds for years. every year that goes bad more people get mad at them, and those who were already mad get madder.
this idea of revolution didnt just happen over night, especially in the South :cool: we've been saying for years that wed rise again.
now im not tryin 2 make this into a North vs South thing but i can think of more ppl in the south who would revolt then ppl in the north that would revolt

Even after the Boston Massacre and the Intolerable Acts

id say being kicked out of your home by the police, and ur guns taken away are pretty Intolerable. if the Feds open fire on some1 refusing to leave thier home is sure as hell call that a massacre.
hell if the ppl they open fire on fought back you could call that a lexington and concord

the ppl on THR and those anywere else who are calling for revolution now have probably called for revolution before.
this situation has simply solidified thier call for change.

thats just the way i c it anyways
This is what's got to change, we need to refocus on the core job of the Federal Government.
Nice idea, but it ain't never gonna happen. The SOBs are too entrenched already.

Never mind... the American Empire will fall sooner or later.

The trouble is that we no longer have a "federal" govt - we have a national govt instead :(
We're merely the healthiest patient in the cancer ward.
I think of our beloved government folks more as parasites than cancer.
Remember, every patient dies, on the ward or off.
Whereas evolved parasites do not kill their host. They merely drain off its vitality for their own use, leaving the host defenseless.
Luckily I live in Daleyland, USA, where the 30,000-40,000 (known) gangbangers would never resort to violence, mayhem or taking advantage of the situation should any sort of disaster befall our community.
The trouble is that we no longer have a "federal" govt - we have a national govt instead

Indeed, there is a misconception that we have a national government. But we do not have a national government – we have a federal government.
We have enough Fed LEOs already. Need to do away with them as a class.
70 years ago comms were lousey and states didn't cooperate well. That was the excuse for the FBI. Those conditions no longer exist. We can do without.
Hell every federal agency on the map has some breed of cop. Don't need "em.

Need to get back to a Federal Government that is based on an uninterpreted Constitution. It was plenty good as writ. Keep an Army and a Navy, run the post office, mint money, keep the roads open and that's pretty much it. The rest are just looters, literally. Anyone know what you are supposed to do with looters?

I guess thats enough from the Southwest's resident "Bomb Thrower" for this post.

Sam's on the right track, and others have also made good points.

Here is a short list of federal level reforms which would help:

1. Abolish the Federal Reserve, and have the Treasury return to minting money. Any debt due the Federal Reserve can be repudiated, because it is fraudulent.

2. Abolish the Income Tax.

3. Require a supermajority to pass any legislation. Require a 2/3 or 3/4 vote to pass any legislation, of both houses, plus the President's signature. Except that 1/4 of either house could repeal legislation, no signature required.

4. Almost all of the existing federal bureaucracy can be abolished, overnight. This would include the Departments of Education, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, Agriculture, and Health and Human Services. Abolish the BATF, FBI, and CIA, along with a myriad of others.

5. Eliminate the assumed power of the President to issue executive orders.

6. Withdraw American troops from the 140 or so nations around the world where we have them stationed. This is a republic, not an empire.
I think that there are a lot of intelligence agencies, but some are justified. The military branches need intelligence, and even though it would make sense to have a unified branch, having 3 still makes sense.

And in a situation like 1939, Hitler actually trying to establish a large empire (not global conquest per-se, as commonly is said), and there actually are a lot of German spies in the USA. Someone has to catch them! Another job for the Federal gov't. And in reality most times spies don't need their rights infringed to be caught, just an addendum.

And when you want to send your own spies into Germany to muck with their society, once the war is on, does each state send spies, or would it be better to have 1 agency?
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