Beretta PX4 info

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Dec 12, 2006
I've just had one of those "Wow! I coulda had a V8" moments with the Beretta PX4. Berettas had just never been on my radar until yesterday, and now I'm really thinking hard about one. I've done some searches and don't seem to find any negative about them save for some early problems with .40s. If I get one it would be in 9 and would be an 'F' model with DA/SA.

So are there any negatives to consider with the PX4? What is the DA/SA trigger like? I have a SIG 229 and have had CZ75s. Are the PX4s similar in trigger? Has anyone measured the trigger pull? I saw one guy on a forum say that the DA pull was about 9 lbs and SA was 4.5, but that was "seat of the pants" measurement, not real measurement.

Any information you want to add from owners of the Storm will be appreciated.
Go to the Beretta forum and look for "long guns".

There you will find many CX4 owners. Among them is Mr. Rogers who makes replacement parts for the STORM carbine. Steel is always better than plastic.

His website is

I just bought the hammber, trigger and guide rod with buffer kit and installed it on a new CX4 9mm Storm. It imporved the trigger greatly....still not a sniper trigger but that is not the intended use of this weapon.

Put some 20 round mags in it and you have a wonderful machine which will deliver years of good service.
Man with a gun,

Thanks for the tip but I'm looking at the PX4 handgun.
I have the "f" in .40 and absolutely love it. Incredibly reliable, accurate and fun.

As far as the Sig comparison, I don't have a 229 to compare it to, but I do have a 226. I would consider the triggers to very similar. I personally like the trigger on the PX4 more than the 226 and I tend to shoot the PX4 more as well.

I would consider getting one in .40 if you aren't opposed to the cartridge. I'm not going to try and sell on something just because I like it, but if you're worrying about early reliability bugs, don't. They are boringly reliable. My main plug for the .40 over 9mm is the platform. The rotating barrel system tames the .40 better than any other polymer framed .40 that I've shot.

Either way, I'm sure the 9mm/.40/.45 are all equally great. I'm just waiting with my fingers crossed for someone to make a .357sig barrel for my .40, that would be awesome.
i, recently, purchased a PX4 in 9mm. the guy who sold it to me then shows me a P250 an says "you can have this for 5bux more". i sold the PX4 within 24 hours of buying it and went back for the P250. i shot it 3 times and played with it all day.

it's a good little pistol, would've kept it if it wasn't for the deal on the P250. the DA trigger sucked, no other way to put it :( i dont know if that's a concern for you, or not, it's something that's never been a big deal to me on a SA/DA Auto. if i need more first shot accuracy than i can get out of a heavy DA trigger, there's prolly time for thumb cocking. however, if trigger pull is a big deal to you, you might wanna dry fire the PX4 before buying one.
The two that I have shot seemed reliable enough. Like type F SA/DA features.

So are there any negatives to consider with the PX4?
I would try to shoot one before you buy. The two that I have shot at 25 yards were disappointing from an accuracy standpoint. I prefer SA/DA type pistols myself, but the DA pull on the PX4 seems a bit much for my tastes.
I have a PX4 9mm. It will shoot just about anything except a stone. Very very reliable gun. Its kind fat though, but it feels good in my hand. DA\SA or SAO (single Action Only) models are available. DA is no problem, just use your shooting hand thumb and cock it yourself and you never have to be bothered by DA first shot. What is the big deal about that? I don't see it. It also has a unique look, like no other gun out there. Love mine, and I also have 1911 and SAO guns too.;)
I recently build a holster for a customer's PX4 with a rail mounted laser site. I obtained a PX4 Blue Gun for this order. I have real big hands and found the PX4 really filled my hand well. I also looked at one at a LEO gunshow . It is a well made and well balanced pistol. I hope to shoot one one day.

Here's a review I did on a PX4. I updated it earlier this month to include trigger weight measurements. By the way, whoever did the "seat of the pants" measurement was pretty good, I measured 4lbs 12oz in SA and 9lbs 7oz in DA.

An SA pull under 5lbs in an out-of-the-box DA/SA pistol is pretty good...
Thanks for all the input guys. I really appreciate it. I have to tell you though that I went to look at them yesterday at Bass Pro. I liked them, but while there also saw the Stoeger Couger. I liked that also and at $420 it really piqued my interest (10% off if I open a Bass Pro credit card, making about $380). It's the same gun as the Beretta Couger and predisesor of the PX4. So it's all related.

Even though I'm more pointed toward the Stoeger now than the PX4, I still consider the input you've given me on the Beretta to be very valuable because of the very close relationship between the PX4 and the Couger. So thanks again. I'll let you folks know when I get either one.

As blikseme300 said on another thread, this Stoeger is the curent sleeper. Sort of like CZ when they first hit.
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I have a PX4F and a CX4 in 9mm and think they are outstanding. My PX4 is very tolerant of different ammo types, though I haven't tried any of the truly bottom-of-the-barrel stuff yet. The PX4 is nicely balanced with a full magazine and I think the trigger pull is one of the best I have found on a semi-auto pistol. It's easy to thumb back the hammer and switch the slide-mounted safety on and off.
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