Best gun play in a movie?

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korean movie called "shiri." good fun, and made some korean history on the side.

yes, there are some daewoo pistols, and those more than any other made the BGs fly back through the air when they got hit. but in general, they reload when they need to, they aim with the sights, their fingers are where they should be, and they have a lot of fun. the special edition DVD has a few pages about the gun choices in the movie, but it's all in korean in my version.
My list

Way of the Gun
Tears of the Sun (Great scene when they went into the village)

Leon... a.k.a. The Professional

Maybe not the "best" gunplay, but one of my favorites. A few things were over the top, but a good mixture of gun action, drama... good story.

- Pete45
I agree on Equilibrium. Had good actors, good story, and some fun gun scenes. I liked when he sliced the guys face off. That was fun.

Also Leon.
Great movies. But, as far as realistic firearms use which may actually serve as a good example, check out Silence of the Lambs and Red Dragon. In Silence, Jody Foster fires six from her Smith Model 13 (right gun for an issue weapon in the FBI at that time), and actually reloads! Only mistake I saw was that the ammo was jacketed, and not the 158 grain LSWHP's. IN Red Dragon, Ed Norton's character is carrying a Smith 459, gets disarmed and actually draws a back-up to end the problem. Later, Norton is confronted by the bad guy in his home, gets his weapon and takes a kneeling position. Good stuff.
My name is Nobody.
They call me Trinity.
Trinity is still my name.

If you haven't seen these Westerns starring Terrance Hill and Bud Spencer, then I know you are under thirty years old. They are anti-westerns and funny as hell. The gun play is hilarious.
All good good choices. Way of the gun was truly realistic, but the rest of the movie is sooooo boring and the story just sux. All the spaghetti western's are damned cool. I realize Equilibrium is basically a live action anime film, but damn it's entertaining. My personal fave scene is Black Hawk Down when those 2 Delta Snipers hit the dirt to rescue the downed pilot (name escapes me).
I have always liked both the characters and the gun handling in "The Wind and The Lion". Rember when Candice Bergan holds the shotgun on Capt. Jerome and says "I've shot grouse in Scotland and quail in North Carolina?
"Taxi Driver" isn't the best, but the ending where he alternates between 4 different pistols is one of the most gritty, bloody, and I suppose realistic gunfights I've seen in a movie. And the rest of the movie is fantastic too.
Everyone but "group 9" is WRONG WRONG WRONG

For gun .....PLAY..... there is NOTHING that can hold the faintest candle to "My Name is Nobody."

If you rent it to check it out, do not fail to get "Evil Roy Slade" to find out that ....guns..... are necessary for .....walking.

:D :D :D

OK, since nobody mentioned it and I just saw it for the first time - "Boondock Saints". A review on it says that it didn't do well because it was released right after Columbine High happened. If anyone has seen this, please comment. I'd love to talk with someone who has seen the movie and get their take on it.

It's not the best gun movie I've ever seen and after the first 10 minutes I almost shut it off. BUT if you stick with it, it's DIFFERENT and there are a couple of scenes where I damn near peed my pants (and I write material for comics professionally!). Anyone from the Boston area? It takes place downtown and Southie; kinda funny seeing ALL those guns going BANG in Mao-tse-chusetts!:D :D

Willem Dafoe stars but there are three other characters that really hold their own. Anyone a Billy Connelly fan? He plays a very unique role in this one.

If you can find this movie, I'd recommend as 3.5 stars. Lots of action, shooting, blood, HUMOR - kinda like Tarantino style. Right now I'm going to see about buying this - and I almost NEVER buy movies!

Here's a review if you're interested. I don't like to read them before I see the movie. Some things ARE given away that would have compromised my enjoyment -


OK, so I'm an old guy still partial to westerns. TV movie "Crossfire Trail" with Tom Selleck. The gunfight between Rafe Covington (Selleck) and Taggert and Snake was short and sweet. Selleck knows how to handle a rifle. Also had a good line "That wasn't shooting, that was killing."

Question - would a rifle slug from a Winchester Centennial Model 45-60 knock a man out of his boot as happened in the movie? I've heard of a man getting hit by a locomotive and lifted out of his shoes, but doubt if a bullet would do that. (Boots must have been waaay big.:)

Extreme Prejudice.
In which Nick Nolte, of all people, handles a 1911 in a gunfight in the way it should be handled.
Somebody trained him and he paid attention.
Black Hawk Down, especially the scene where Shughart & Gordon defend the Super 64 crash site.
Spartan with Val Kilmer is pretty good, should be out on DVD soon.
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