Best way to carry extra 77/357 magazines?

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Nov 14, 2006
I have a 77/357 that I’ve really taken a liking to. I have a favorite load for my 357 revolvers and this past weekend it turned out to be my best round (accuracy and speed) out of the rifle too!

This rifle takes funny little magazines that look like the super-sized 10/22 rotary magazines. They are compact but still rather bulky to carry in your pocket because they are somewhat cylindrical in shape instead of being flat in any one dimension. I would love to carry two of them around in a designated carrier, ideally one attached to the rifle itself.

I’ve seen pouches that fit on the butt of the gun, but the magazines would just fit loosely in a bag and seem like they would make noise. Ruger makes a sling that carries a 10/22 magazine but I’m pretty sure the 77/357 would not fit in that small carrier.

Any suggestions would be very helpful!
They might fit in speedloader pouches. Try .357 and also .44 and .45. Those will go on your belt just fine, but not your rifle.
Would you be able to fit 2 in a standard AR mag pouch?

All this talk about 77/357s lately is doing nothing to curb my desire for one.
How about a military Grenade Pouch? I don't have access to the magazines for size comparison, but I bet 2 or maybe 3 would fit fine.
If you want to be cool about it and don't mind spending a few bucks find yourself a leather craftsman or good holster maker and give them a magazine to work from. They can do all sorts of cool stuff and make you a pouch to hold one, two or several magazines, with snaps, that will fit on your belt. Nice because it would be unique to you. Like people who work on custom leather interiors for cars and trucks.

Many years ago I worked on US Navy Aircraft Carriers and the guys in the paraloft could make all sorts of nice pouches. They custom made me a battery pouch for my camera flash.

Fanny pack is a good suggestion. You can also sew a pouch yourself if you have any sewing skills whatsoever. If not, learn on YouTube. Really not much to it at all. Get some denim from old jeans, or other tough material, and you can make a pouch that will fit exactly what you want.
Yup. I made some speed strip pouches out of leather from an old elephant hide wallet. You can tell the guy who made them didn't know how to sew, but, hey, they work. Perfect.
I'd like to get 10 of them but those little fellas are expensive! If I do, I plan on fashioning a enbloc-clip like bandoleer out of leather for mine. You know for adventures in the desert!
well id hate to be the buzzkill but go to WALMART or your local target or best buy with an empty magazine and go to the electronics department.

this is the the time of year youll find out dated models of cell phone cases that go on your belt. you know the ones made for chunky cell phones that share the same dimensions as a 10 round ar magazine..
I've heard they fit quite well in speed loader pouches as several have mentioned. With a little bit of ingenuity I would think there should be a secure way to mount them on the buttstock for carry.
When I compare my mags in size to my 357 speedloaders the magazines are about 1/2" longer, I'd be surprised if they fit...
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