BFA article in support for a day to recognize John Browning.

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Jun 16, 2005
S.W. Ohio
Back on Feb 1 Xilch posted over on the General Discussion page a petition to get a day to recognize John Browning. It got a mixed review. However I so liked the idea I decided to give it a boost by writing an article about it for the Buckeye Firearms Association. I don't fault those who worry about identifying themselves as gun owners, I understand the security concerns. However you would think the antis would be more concerned as they identify themselves as sheep ripe to be slaughtered by the thugs of our society. I don't necessarily think signing this shows you are a gun owner. It might suggest you are a Mormon wanting to see a fellow Mormon getting his due. I am not a Mormon but a gun owner and like Mr. Browning a patriot. I appreciate his excellent designs for what they are and for the services rendered in defending our Republic. I think a holiday/day of recognition and stamp can be a political plus for our side. I go into that in the article. However we must stand up and be counted if we are going to win these battles.

Here is the article I wrote for BFA on this subject, I hope you will take the time to read it and hopefully either sign the petition or use the link to reach Congress to ask your member of Congress to support the idea of a day recognizing the contributions of John Moses Browning.
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