Big-spending Republicans

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So you are against changing the party from within?
If you were paying the slightest bit of attention, you'd have seen I've stated many times that I advocate working within the party.

However, if you think causing them to lose elections will make them change, that's just dumb. If anything, it will make them go even further to the left.
What will make them change?

I suscribe to the 2 X 4 theory of political interplay. A politician is a lot like a mule. Their attention span is about a long as the 2 X 4 with which they are smacked.

How would you affect change in the current variant of the republican party?
If you were paying the slightest bit of attention, you'd have seen I've stated many times that I advocate working within the party

I know you keep saying that, but every time I bring up changing the party from within, you keep calling me a DU troll.

If the Republican party doesn't stand up for the conservative values I support, then the Democrats may as well win.
What will make them change?
Change comes from the grass roots. Change comes from supporting conservative/libertarian minded republicans at the local/state level. Sitting on your ass and voting once every four years then complaining about not having any good choices, cannot possibly make any change.
Sitting on your ass and voting once every four years then complaining about not having any good choices, cannot possibly make any change.

You are right about that, Rebar. Thats why I am involved locally with the Republican Party, write letters, and support their fund raising efforts. So far, I am still not sure the leaders of the RNC are paying attention.
So far, I am still not sure the leaders of the RNC are paying attention.
Today, not really.

But today's local and state level leaders, tomorrow will be the national leaders. That's where you and I can make a big difference.
But today's local and state level leaders, tomorrow will be the national leaders.

True, and for the long term that will work, I hope. But some of the stuff I am seeing the Republicans do right now makes me, well, panicky. Medicare Reform was a huge increase in social spending. I think McCain-Feingold was an abomination.

If the brakes aren't put on the neo-conservative agenda, what will be left of our republic when tomorrow's leaders reach office?
If the brakes aren't put on the neo-conservative agenda, what will be left of the Republican when tomorrow's leaders reach office?
A lot more than if the Democrats were in charge, that's for sure. In the meanwhile, we are getting some good things with the bad, with Democrats, it would be all bad. That's the big difference.
Bashing Bush is a DU/Move on/DNC liberal talking point.

Bashing republicans is a DU/Move on/DNC liberal talking point.

Dividing gun owners is a DU/Move on/DNC liberal talking point.

Making people not vote republican is a DU/Move on/DNC liberal talking point.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it's likely a duck. You talk exactly like the most radical DU member on their boards, why is that I wonder?

Oh no, you aren't getting away with your 3rd Grade logic here. And I'm not "making" anyone vote any particular way. As you can see I have not even advocated a party. You're simply worried that more and more people are becoming disgusted with the Republic rats so you think you have to pull out the double barrel on anyone who doesn't lick Bush's butt.

And say things completely outlandish in order to draw attention to your ridiculous AM Radio inspired talking points. You don't want anyone out there behaving like a conservative to siphon votes away from the Democans. Face it, you're a simple minded party loyalist.

I suppose if I'm opposed to censorship of porno sites I'm a porno star or porno director.

If I'm opposed to censorship of gore/death/macabre sites then I suppose I'm a sick psychopathic killer.

I suppose that if I'm opposed to taking Howard Stern off the air and censoring him, I must be a big fan.

Your God given tools of logic have not progressed beyond the third grade level, Rebar!
Your God given tools of logic have not progressed beyond the third grade level, Rebar!
Your posts speak for themselves.

At least I have 3rd grade logic, you have none whatsoever. I especially like how your first responses are always personal attacks, talk about grade school.
A lot more than if the Democrats were in charge, that's for sure. In the meanwhile, we are getting some good things with the bad, with Democrats, it would be all bad. That's the big difference.

Simple minded party loyalists like Rebar would rather have the country die in 50 years than 40. That's basically what they stand for. Slow decay. It's a selfish outlook as well, because they're only worried about themselves and their way of life. They'll support a global socialist as long as he throws them a scrap of meat once in awhile.

A winning strategy is not defense. Especially not when your party controls all the levers of power. Can't you see that Rebar? Why have you been so blinded by the neocons on the radio?
Your posts speak for themselves.

At least I have 3rd grade logic, you have none whatsoever. I especially like how your first responses are always personal attacks, talk about grade school.

I realize you are basically a lost cause. There's no reason to argue your silly points other than my own personal entertainment and to show the fence sitters what clowns you party loyalists are.
There's not reason to argue your silly points other than my own personal entertainment and to show the fence sitters what clowns you party loyalists are.
So people who are republicans are clowns? That's not a very nice thing to say, nor would I call that acceptable THR behavior. Nor is admitting you're just arguing for the sake of argument. That's called "trolling" by the way.
and to show the fence sitters what clowns you party loyalists are.

So people who are republicans are clowns?

Do you have a reading deficiency?

Notice how hardcore neocons are always masters of putting words in people's mouths as well. They know their logic is flawed, so they have to mis-represent everyone else's views.
Do you have a reading deficiency?
No, I read what you wrote. You wrote that people who are loyal to the republican party are clowns. Maybe you have a write deficiency where you write what you didn't really mean?
Good discussion turned bad.


Yea, I can see the writing on the wall. After getting kicked to the curb so many times, Rebar's main goal now is just to keep saying outlandish **** to get this thread closed. I'm out.
lol, you accusing me of writing outlandish things, that's actually funny.
I've seen anti-republican am radio talk shows brought up in 3-4 of hifi's post and they have never even been part a the subject. The only people I have ever seen that have a fixation against them like that are liberal Democrats.

If hifi isn't a full out liberal Democrat with a capital L&D, I'll kiss your.....well, clean your gun. And hifi, you can tell me how much your a libertarian, how much your not a liberal Democrat all you want but you so don't waste your breath, your post history speaks fot itself.
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