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Biggest Gun You have ever seen? (Size-wise)

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The guns on the Missouri last year while in Hawaii. I've seen a single-shot Barret, and both a .50 Eagle and the S&W .500. Big guns all around.
Where's my dad when i need him? hehe

my dad could say much better than me.
the biggest i ever saw is only whatever is on the Intrepid carrier.
my dad has a shell (empty) and bullet from a 20 mm , that is nice.

but he has seen stuff comparable to funngunner's, alas they were detonated , not shot. (i think).

**fungunner is that an actual nuke?

the reason i posted is my dad had told me one trip to Utah, they were blowing off old ammo, (or possibly post stress-tested) , and it produced mushroom clouds, conventional bombs/shells , but Big. is that what that is or is it a tactical nuke craziness gun?
OMG - loooked it up, sure is a nuke. BOY that is a major artillery piece!
Yes, it's a nuke. The US spent lots of money to make a big gun to shoot nuclear projectiles. The tested it, and decided it wasn't worth fielding, last I heard. It didn't make it into operational use. Probably becuase about that time we managed to fit one in a 203mm gun, and so all the eight inch howitzers(and curretly the 155s too, AFAIK) are nuclear capable.
Biggest I've ever seen? 16"/50 cannon on the Iowa-class battleships.

Biggest I've ever fired? G6 155mm./45 cannon in South Africa - with the new 155mm./52 version, range is 50km./31mi. :D


(More information on the G6 here in PDF format, if you're interested.)
The largest one I've seen is that railway gun GaryP posted, but only in pictures. The largest one I've come into contact with is the 16 inchers aboard the Missouri.
The largest gun I have ever seen was the little SIG .380 that the maroon next to me in the firing line pointed at me and said: "It didn't fire, I think it jammed."

The entire world could have fit in the muzzle of that thing...Big, I tell ya, big.
There was a nuclear projectile (Mark 23) developed for the 16-inch guns of the Iowa-class BBs. I believe it had a yield in the kiloton range.
Well, if you're counting pictures, I've seen a big rifle on SecurityArms.

I think it was the McBros .95 hunting rifle. What in the world do you hunt with that? Have I missed something, and not found out Jurassic Park was really a documentary?
Biggest I've seen, setting out to sea when visiting Florida, was an Iowa class battleship's 16"/50 cannon. Biggest non-crew served small arm I've handled would be a Barret Mod 82 at a gun show that to this day I regret not being able to buy. It was slightly used and they were asking $3000 w/ 2 mags, case, all the accessories, and the military issue scope. :(
The nine sixteen inch guns on the _North Carolina_ are it for me too. She's really the most accessible of the WW2 battlewagons on display IIRC, though the Iowa class ships are newer. Every time I've been on board there was a crewmember or two around who was happy to share some war stories. They used to do an audio presentation in the evenings during the summer, they had stopped at one time and I don't see from the site they ever started again. If you're ever in Wilmington, NC, she is definitely worth a visit- but if you like ships, allow for half a day or more to see her.



Uh oh... :evil:
Biggest gun that I have seen are the deck guns on the USS Massachusetts in Fall River, MA. I'm not sure what class "Mamie" falls into but her guns are huge. "Mamie" is the ship's nickname.

1st place tie: USS New Jersey, USS Iowa, USS Missouri
2nd place tie: USS Massachusetts, USS North Carolina
3rd place: 15" Guns in front of Imperial War Museum - London
4rd place: USS Texas

Also Annie at Aberdeen Proving Ground and a 16" gun.
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Your basic smoothbore....

SSN-698 Fast Attach Submarine w/ 4 tubes

Shooting your choice:

Mark 48 Torpedo

Harpoon Cruise Missile

Tomahawk Cruise Missile

SubRoc Nuclear Cruise Missile

And finally, shot pattern of the Mk.48
Like many others: the 16 inch main battery on U.S.S. Iowa - I served my Midshipman cruise on Iowa in 1957. When 3 or more guns fired, the whole ship rocked. We used to say we were throwing a cadillac over the side with each shot, because each shell cost about that much.

Before the days of electronic computations, the firing solution was done on a manual analog computer the size of a small desk. It had dial-in knobs all over it's 5 workable sides for inputting course, speed, wind, range, etc. variables, & a world of cams and gears inside to output azimuth, elevation, & time of firing order. What a kluge..... but it worked.
Ft Riley also has an atomic cannon on display. It's up on a hill beside I70. Very much worth walking up to take a gander.
If you are passing through Houston, by all means stop & see the battleship Texas. The main guns are 'only' 14 inchers. You can walk through many parts of the ship both above & below decks. It's a remarkable thing!
just a note on the "atomic annies"

not sure of the veracity of the rumor (ie the timing of the tests to see if the gun was viable versusthe korean war) but at least One gun is rumored to have been sent to korea to encourage peace talks.
Was privledged to see the New Jersey and during a fire mission no less. Guess the biggest thing I ever fired from hand or shoulder was the 3.5" rocket launcher; that's the one that replaced the old bazooka.
Can't say I've seen this or even vouch for its veracity, but:


A .600NE revolver. Yikes!
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