Bill Clinton comment on VT and gun control

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The same thing will happen there as happened with the Dems saying it was undisputed Iraq had WMDs. The "evidence" will be glossed over, ignored or spun to get the finger pointed away from the Dems and back at whichever group they are opposed to.
I have to admit your right buzz,, however, at least there will be a paper trail of their statements... And a lot of them after this incident.
Well, some of "we" <ahem>, might have suggested that that's the way it would come down. They needed our help, but didja really think police chiefs in general support CCW? They're like mayors from what I can tell, rather than like cops.

Count me in among those who said we were going to get screwed when the call went out to "support this first step towards national CCW."
Well, "we" supported it and helped get it enacted. Immediately thereafter, "we" got shafted as the groups saying they would help get national CCW reform using the LEO reform as a starting point went silent or came out against CCW.

Yes, this is exactly what happened. This is also exactly what a sizeable number of people at this board predicted would happen.

After they already had it, there was absolutely no incentive for the police to want to help us get it. To them, it's just another perk of doing The Job®.
It's impossible for me to trust the Clinton's, at all. About anything. Soon as either one of them open their mouths and speak, on anything, I'm immediately thinking that there's some uliterior motive, beneficial to them, that would screw us.
the imperial senate

The aspiring Hillary may have coerced Bill into making conservative noises in order to further her desires.

It is said that she was the background power behind the dismissal of Imus.
They disliked each other extremely.
It's not surprising and probably an honest answer now that he no longer has a constituency to please. In reality, Clinton is no more liberal than George Bush (who has grown government to unprecedented proportions, btw).
Question is "Was Bill's action in the whitehouse politically driven or are the current remarks politically driven or both of the above or neither?"
For all of those seeing the dark side in Clinton's comment, I find it a good sign that Democrats are running scared on this issue, and that only the nutjobs like McCarthy and the Brady Bunch are willing to use this event as a call for more gun control.

I agree that Bill is a typical politician and lying weasel who can't be trusted. I also agree that some of his comments are to help his wife get elected.

But I also agree with the statement above. When the liberal elitist who signed the '94 AWB bill into law publicly states that the VT massacre doesn't demonstrate a need for tougher gun control laws, it is significant regardless of his morals or motivations.
I did NOT have sex with that woman.....


If you believe this guy you are so stupid and naive that there is probably no hope for you. This is posturing to prepare for Hillary's presidential run. Nothing else.
But I also agree with the statement above. When the liberal elitist who signed the '94 AWB bill into law publicly states that the VT massacre doesn't demonstrate a need for tougher gun control laws, it is significant regardless of his morals or motivations.

It's not significant, if you consider that he has ambitions that can only be achieved by increased success via the Democratic Party, and the policy of said party is to avoid direct confrontation on this issue, build a grassroots movement against the RKBA, and strike when the time is right.

These statements will be ignored by the media and the left when it comes time to shape the debate again, and most of the country will just chalk it up to "that was then, this is now."
If Bill Clinton told me that the sky was blue I'd have to go outside and look.

I wouldn't trust that idiot to obey the laws of physics, much less those of logic.
Not directing this at you exactly, but these sorts of comments have become more common lately.

We've got a sizable % of Democrats here. It's be nice if we could have our discussions without calling names...

yes Derek. I am no demo, but lately I don't feel so great about repubs either. And on a matter as important as the right to bear arms we have to respect each others differing views on more trivial political matters.

Hey Folks - As a Gun-totin Democrat, don't forget that Michael Bloomberg and Rudy Giuliani are gun control Republicans.

Its way too easy to put a label on something. Look a bit deeper. It ain't a Republican versus Democrat thing, its a Big City thing (DC, NY, etc.)
I think Bill said what he thought the majority of the people wanted to hear. He may believe it, he may not. Isn't that what politicians do? I would like to believe he meant it and I also believe, like him or not, we should use his confirmation to our advantage and not kill the messenger. There's many a politician out there that votes and acts the way their constituents want and not necessarily how they feel personally....I think that's how the system is suppose to work and how they get elected. I don't claim to be a Republican or a Democrat...I vote for the guy(or gal) that I feel will support the way I feel about things. Does it work? I dunno.....I voted for Bush cause he said "read my lips, no new taxes!" and I supported George when he said there was "indisputable evidence of Weapons of Mass Destruction":eek: least he didn't get caught in the Oval Office with his pants down around his ankles.:D
I think the thing that's being missed here is that it doesn't matter if Clinton is being fork tongued or not. He is one of the most powerful people, even still, and one of the biggest brand names on the Democratic side. The fact that he said it is an endorsement of a position in public forum that will help our cause with swing votes for whom guns are important AND Democrats who vacillate on the issue (believe me, in Blue states other than Mass and NY, there are lots of these).

I think all of the Democrats, except for Obama, are staying away from gun control for one reason. To get into office. Obama thinks he can say whatever he wants and get in. Once they are in office and hold both houses of congress it will be, you have it turn it in time. Ol Rahm emanuel is a daley mouthpiece. If you watch what daley says you can see what will happen with a dem controlled white house and congress. They let Daley, Finestine, and the rest float the balloons, guage reaction and then pounce when they know they can. When they think they have the votes they will spin faster than a figure skater. The onbly thing that will prevent a wholesale grab may be the ruling of the supreme court. We still have to wait on that one.. Remember what finestine said if she could get the votes it will be Mr. and Mrs. America turn them in. They do not care what is right, what the people want. They are elitests and believe that they have to do our thinking for us and save us from ourselves.

History repeats itself because we forget the lessons history taught us. Clinton pushed through the biggest gun ban in history, and now we think he's somehow reformed? If Hillary gets elected, it won't matter what Bill says because he won't be the one signing any bills into law, or signing executive orders banning the importation of ammo, or whatever else she wants to do. Sometimes I think we get what we deserve because we're so stupid.
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