Bill Clinton comment on VT and gun control

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Apr 19, 2006
Richmond, VA
I'm no Bill Clinton fan, but I have to admit that my opinion of him went up a little bit tonight. He was just on the Larry King show. Larry asked him a straight question and Bill gave a straight answer (something ol' Bill's not always been known to do).

Larry asked if the VT tragedy indicated a need for stricter gun control laws. Without hesitation, Bill said no, the VT tragedy was a mental health failure and not a gun control failure. He stated that he favors a 3 day waiting period, but promptly acknowledge it would have made no difference in the VT shooting. No mention of high-cap mags or gun bans at all.

It was about the closest thing to a common-sense statement on a gun issue I've heard from a liberal in a long time.
'Prolly double talk again. Remember, this is the guy that tried to "get the camel's nose under the tent" for a sweeping gun ban starting with the '94 AWB.
I think he just wants to sleep in the White House again. However, it's still nice to have him agree that the real issue here is mental health and not guns.
I am not comforted by liberal talk of "no new gun control."
The game plan is to keep talk of gun control talk damped down; as to
avoid stirring up the "rubes." When they get a Democrat president;
then by executive order it will be possible to get all of the guns.
Game, set, match.
Regardless of whether or not the POLITICIANS believe what they're saying, it doesn't hurt us to have the general public hear these words from someone other than a gunnie.

The more they say these things for the record, the harder it'll be to convince the American public in 2-3 years that they really didn't mean it.
It was more double-talk. Fox News covered how the Dim-Wit-O-crats lost the election for Gore with their gun-control issue gone too far for southern states. As they said, "...the Democrats have learned their lesson! It cost Gore the election! They aren't going to run off calling for more gun-control, not even if Hillary were elected."
The problem is his meaning of 'is.' :p

He probably meant that it's a "mental health" issue, because people who want to own guns are mentally instable.
everyone but me must have missed this the other day. on cnn or fox, i don't remember. john kerry was being interviewed and he said that we should concentrate on why people do things and not worry so much about gun control.
Mental health control huh?


Wonder where that one could lead us? Let me count the ways... nope. Too many bad endings that I can foresee.
This from the man who said (taken out of context but none-the-less)
And so a lot of people say there's too much freedom. When personal freedom's being abused, you have to move to limit it.
But it's always reassuring to hear BJ Clinton say it's not a gun control issue.

I think. Not
Bill's one and only reason for saying that was hoping that it would somehow be associated with Hillary. I don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth. How ever his comments did help out our side.
Not directing this at you exactly, but these sorts of comments have become more common lately.

We've got a sizable % of Democrats here. It's be nice if we could have our discussions without calling names...
Hey, check out the major news channels and programs...

EVERYONE is talking mental health, and only a few of the usual suspects are screaming gun control.

But you know something? That can change OVERNIGHT.

The Democrats know that right now that the progressive common sense repeal of repressive gun laws is a possibility, and you know something? If they thing that they can get elected because they either ignore gun control, or swing a bit toward RKBA, then they're gonna do what they need to do to get elected.

And in the future, if it looks like their power base wants gun control, guess what? It'll be worse.

Lots worse.

It really isn't about gun control - it's about how they look to get elected, or re-elected. To them, they're just issues. We need to understand that, and act accordingly.
Derek's right, not only is name calling against the forum rules THR has a very diverse membership including folks who identify themselves as Libertarian, Repupublican and pro-2A Democrats (not a stretch for Southern and Western Dems) as well as pro-2A liberals. Let's try to live up to the name of the place.

Now, does anyone have a copy of that interview that we can post. The value of it is huge when carrying the fight to the antis.
Bill Clinton and Bob Kerry are politicians. They will say anything to gain political ground. If the dems can win the presidency and keep congress, well, THEN it will be time to pass some "reasonable common sense gun control." NOW is the time to avoid stirring up a bunch of dumb yahoos like us.
Seems to me Bill's comments allow the " Clinton's " to come off as common sense and even pro gun without Hillary saying a word. She reaps the benefits and can do anything she wants later. Pretty slick,,,,,,,
"Seems to me Bill's comments allow the " Clinton's " to come off as common sense and even pro gun without Hillary saying a word. She reaps the benefits and can do anything she wants later. Pretty slick,,,,,,,"

I do believe we have a winner! Congrats, sam1952.
It's important to document and archive these statements of theirs. When they come out with something different at another time, it can be tossed back at them. "Were you lying then, or are you lying now?"
These Dems are immoral, cowardly, lying, BUT not stupid.

They know what their anti 2nd Amendment stance cost them before, and it sounds anyway like they are trying to avoid the problem again.

Of course, do not trust those who defy the greatness of our Republic.

Slick used the same tactic when it came to the death penalty.
FYI, this is an old trick, the Dems are playing towards the center by saying little about gun control after this tragety. They want to muddy the waters, for 2008. If they win the Presidencey, keep the senate and House in 2008 then we will know what their real stance is on Gun control.
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