Bill Cosby - pro gun?

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Feb 19, 2008
Dr. Huxtable never seemed to be the type to endorse gun use, but in the current issue of The Atlantic, he had this to say:
“We are not a pitiful race of people. We are a bright race, who can move with the best. But we are in a new time, where people are behaving in abnormal ways and calling it normal … When they used to come into our neighborhoods, we put the kids in the basement, grabbed a rifle, and said, ‘By any means necessary.

This is from a speech urging black Americans to stand up to both racism and thug culture.
This is part and parcel of Bill Cosby's philosophy. See for a good idea of where his thoughts are.

It is just too bad that the professional victims seem to be the spokespersons for the black community, instead of people like Cosby. I'm not sure if he ever shared a podium with Sharpton or Jackson or others of that ilk, but I do recall a speech to a packed paying (admission was charged - IIRC about $25) house at Temple University where he was all but booed off the stage for saying essentiall the same things as above.

stay safe.

I never knew his position on guns, but given his call for personal responsibility, this is logically consistent with his philosophy.

Not that hollywood types are logically consistent, but he seems to be one of the exceptions.
what you got there is your glock .40, good for your shooting, going bangedy bag bag, but what you really need is a spoon for your jello pudding.

really though, I've always been a fan of the man.
Cosby is Pro-Awesome...

He's got a good message, too bad people are too stubborn to hear it.
Of course they're too stubborn to listen to the gospel of personal responsibility. No one wants to admit that the bulk of their problems come from inside- it's a lot easier, and less painful, to blame them on others.

A wise man once said, "The truth will set you free, but it will make you miserable first."
The victim mentality can be a hard thing to leave behind. Cosby's message is spot on. My aunt went to Temple U. with him and said even as a student he always had a crowd around him in the cafeteria. The guy is just plain funny and talented.
I've been a fan of Cosby forever. Used to have some of his stand up albums (an old, analog version of a CD, for you whipper-snappers). My favorite was his earliest... 'Revenge'.

Cosby has been promoting self reliance and personal responsibility in the black community for decades. It goes largely unheard. It's so much easier to blame racism than it is to get out and do something worthwhile. There are others catching on to what Cosby has been saying these days. I've heard some rumblings about boycotting the most thugish of the rappers, trying to allow black women to develop some self respect. I just don't know. Cosby is right about one thing... if the black population is ever going to be rid of the crime and poverty that is so prevalent today, it's going to have to come from within.


What a riot :)
I sure as hell wish he was running for president. If him and Clarence Thomas ran together I'd be happy as hell.
If him and Clarence Thomas ran together I'd be happy as hell.

I wouldn't, then we'd have to roll the dice again to replace Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court.

Pair him with JC Watts.
Glad to know he's not one of those guys who makes big money waving a gun on the screen, then talks anti-2A off screen, like a couple of the recent lame James Bonds. I Spy came on when I was in high school, and taught me things like, always bring extra guns in your luggage in case the police take your carry gun.

In this photo you can see he is clearly much happier than Robert Culp, who got stuck with the puny European gun.
I know a guy from NYC who is an electrical contractor. He explained to me how Cosby wanted remodeling work done on his place. He wanted only blacks. The union hall had prior experience with him and sent mostly whites. From what I'm told, Cosby is one of the biggest bigots walking the planet. Now that I listen to him(rarely) I can hear some off that crap come out. Get past the pudding pops and HBO routines and you would be amazed and dissappointed. By the way, who is the "they" that would come for "they're" kids.
I know a guy from NYC who is an electrical contractor. He explained to me how Cosby wanted remodeling work done on his place. He wanted only blacks. The union hall had prior experience with him and sent mostly whites. From what I'm told, Cosby is one of the biggest bigots walking the planet. Now that I listen to him(rarely) I can hear some off that crap come out. Get past the pudding pops and HBO routines and you would be amazed and dissappointed. By the way, who is the "they" that would come for "they're" kids.


I'm sorry, your statement makes no sense.
If him and Clarence Thomas ran together I'd be happy as hell.
I wouldn't, then we'd have to roll the dice again to replace Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court.

I would vote for Larry Elder as well. I don't know enough about Cosby's politics, but a Thomas/Elder ticket would be hard to beat.
I think I read somewhere (I think in a thread on THR) that Cosby has a CCW.

Yes he does, or did at one point at least. This according to an article in the Boston Globe in 1993. Google "Elite in NYC are Packing Heat"
Cosby ain't Hollywood.

He's a Philadelphia guy. From the time when Philadelphia was still a patriot town.

As for Culp suffering caliber envy, Coz' Commander was a 9mm. Otherwise he couldn't find ammo (or reliable blanks for a 1911).
I seem to recall an article listing him as pro-gun as well. Not in the sense of "NRA Member and friends with Heston" pro-gun, but that he owned and carried.
Cosby is a very political man. Now I don't know about him only employing African-Americans, but I can see why he would want to. I'm not advocating it, but I can see it.

Aside from his racial politics, I think he is a great force in this country. Now if only those people whom he seeks to benefit would listen to him instead of saying he is racist or claiming that he is an "uncle tom."

It's a shame, but it is political on both sides of the conversation. Therefore I don't hope to make much sense of it.

Good that Cosby is pro-self defense. :)
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