Bill O'Reilly and Chuck Shumer on Gun Control Tonight

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Aug 30, 2006
Just caught the tail end of the discussion on gun control with Bill O'Reilly and Senator Schumer. Did anyone see the entire interview? Will have to try and catch the replay at 11 PM ET.

From the small part that I did see, the good Senator was all aglow with how big a supporter of the Second Amendment he is, intimating that he supported the Second Amendment, how the Second Amendment shouldn't be viewed narrowly ("through a pinhole"), etc., etc. Of course, he talked about how some bill he was discussing with Mr. O'Reilly was about "reasonable restrictions" (regarding which Mr. O'Reilly seemed to agree). Does anyone know what bill they were discussing?

I found it amusing that one of the most rabid, anti-gun Senators in American politics today would try to cast himself as a "supporter" of gun rights -- I imagine to many gun owners it would be sort of like Hitler trying to portray himself as "supporting" the jews (such support only with "reasonable restrictions," of course).

I guess it does show that diehard anti-gunners like Senator Schumer realize that out-and-out public hostility to law-abiding gun owners won't get him or his party very far these days. To quote the old Virginia Slims ad, "You've come a long way, baby!" :)

Anyone see the whole interview and care to comment?
My skin crawls whenever I SEE that snake, and I'm not even in the same country; I have no doubts whatsoever, he'll say whatever he thinks will be lapped up until he and his like have enough power to take away EVERYTHING.
Didn't see the show, but knowing Bill he probably agreed with everything the good Senator proposed. You know its for the children.

My skin crawls whenever I SEE that snake, and I'm not even in the same country; I have no doubts whatsoever, he'll say whatever he thinks will be lapped up until he and his like have enough power to take away EVERYTHING.

Which "snake" are you talking about. Or is it both of them.
I guess it does show that diehard anti-gunners like Senator Schumer realize that out-and-out public hostility to law-abiding gun owners won't get him or his party very far these days. To quote the old Virginia Slims ad, "You've come a long way, baby!"

IMO, every year there is a crop of new gun owners and enthusiasts. With this new hobby, many start to keep track of what people say in the media. Folks, however, generally don't do much research on speakers, they just go with what the say today on forward. By putting up his smoke screen now, particularly when the general feel from the public is no additional gun control after VT, Upchuck Shumer can snowball the new generation of gun owners and get them to think he is on their side. The slug's a true politician.
Bill did agreee

He didn't bother to point out that the senator packs, as he did Rosie.
I am going to e-mail and tell him. I only want for the rest of us to have what chuckie has.
Not strictly on topic, but....

I went to an army surplus store today and they had urinal targets with pictures of gun control wackos on them. They had 'em with Shumer, Hillary, Pelosi, and some others I can't remember. I was tempted to get one of each, but I don't personally own a urinal and I don't think my college would appreciate it very much in the public bathrooms. :evil:
Oh well, now I have an excuse to get a urinal.

I just hope this makes you guys as happy as it made me.
Bill O'Reily is just as anti-guns for us worker peasants as any elitist Marxist Socialist inspired politician in D.C., or on the State or local level.

I saw the interview in its entirety and watched with as much objectivity as I could muster. It went like this:

Bill said that the background checks need to be tightened to the point where anyone who is deemed either mentally... challenged(for lack of a better word on my part) or a danger to his/herself or others by a court/judge/ (not a doctor, just in a court of law) would be denied a firearms transaction in the NICS system.

Chuck Schumer (anyone see pure evil in his smiles? I swear he creeps me out. Thank God that wicked smile wasn't present in the interview so I could maintain at least some objectivity) said that he and Sentator McCarthy are introducing a bill that would do just that (nothing more, nothing less, he added) and that the NRA and such had no objections to it. Neither did I (I don't know much about the bill.) Wow he was convincing. Imagine how an uninformed gun owner or a newbie would take what he said? Chilling. He then proceded to say that there are some FAAAAAAR-left groups who say that the 1st Amendment should have NO restrictions and that the 2nd Amendment should have as much restrictions as possible (as to fit in a pinhole, or something like that.) He said he does not believe in either, that you can't yell "FIRE" in a crowded theatre and that you can't have unrestricted gun rights. He says that he only supports common sense restrictions like licensing and registration (like cars, he said.)

Bill did mention Katrina and how people need to protect themselves and that the government can't do it for them, etc. (Honestly he's not that bad. I don't see why so many people here dislike him. I only disagree with about 10% of the things he's said about gun control recently. He's at least better than much of the rest of the media, isn't he?)

I swear if they invent 3-D TVs someday, playing a rerun of that interview would make Schumer's nose poke out your eye on its way to your gun safe to take all your guns. (If you don't get the Pinnochio reference go watch some Disney people!^^b)

*Note that none of the preceding are direct quotes, just paraphrases and summaries.
I just watched that sgement too. I swear, Schumer is the eptiomy of a snake oil salesman. I don't know if he just can't keep from lying, or if he's just plain stupid. He actually said, in reference to the first ammendment, that it's restricted..."like you can't have pornography, except in some very narrow circumstances" or something to that effect.

EXCUSE ME????? Pornography is resticted??? Has he not mistyped a google search recently? This guy is either a saint, a liar, or so totally out of touch with reality, that he has no right being a dog catcher, let alone a US senator.

As for the believability of the "common senseness" of this updated bill. If it sounds too good to be is. It's snake oil. Don't buy it.
I also saw it. Schumer referenced the author of 1022 (McCarthy I believe). Regardless there are even more bills gonna come down with more pressure to pass (my opinion).
Bill said that the background checks need to be tightened to the point where anyone who is deemed either mentally... challenged(for lack of a better word on my part) or a danger to his/herself or others by a court/judge/ (not a doctor, just in a court of law) would be denied a firearms transaction in the NICS system.
Thats what the law is now. You can not purchase a firearm if you have been adjudicated (this means by a court/judge) mentally unstable.

The law they were discussing would require the states to report that information to the feds for NICS. At this time they are not required to.

Bill O'Really(?) said "The only people who would be against this bill would be militia wackos living in the Canadian Rockies"

Schumer was making pro 2nd Amendment noises.

They're both tools.
I think upChuck Schumer has been replaced by a space alien. I am shocked to hear him profess ANY support for the 2A.
O'Reilly has gotten a little religion since Katrina.
He still chastised one letter writer at the end who suggested that students had the RKBA by claiming Cho shouldn't have been able to purchase the gun.
OK ... but even O'Reilly admits it won't work 100% so does he supoort RKBA for adult students?????
The Constitution is the greatest. It protects the rights we have been endowed with by our Creator, including the right of someone like Schumer to proclaim himself an "alpha male" despite all evidence to the contrary.
Seriously don't insult snake oil salesmen like that, either.^^b

And I still will give O'Reilly the benefit of the doubt for now. This is The High Road, isn't it? Besides I see potential in him. If we could only yank him to our side even just a little more he'd be a great way to inform some of the fencesitters or something, since he definitely doesn't forget to remind us he's the #1 rated cable news show.^^;
Chucky is a scary politician, every time I’ve seen him talk on TV he always comes across as such a “moderate” regarding any controversial issue. The reality is (based on his voting record) he is FAR left on almost every issue and would ban guns in a heart beat if he could.
Has he ever voted against a new gun-control law?
Just remember the old adage, actions speak louder than words.
I am starting to think gun control is slowly dying as a mainstream political issue. If the VT happened in 1993, we'd already have some kind of feel good law within a week.

Keep reminded the D's about what happened in 94', and how it may happen again.
I am starting to think gun control is slowly dying as a mainstream political issue. If the VT happened in 1993, we'd already have some kind of feel good law within a week.

In this latest incident there doesn't seem to be any glaring excuse for any more laws except the move to have made Cho's psychiatric treatment episode show up in a NICS check. That is Draconian enough right there, not so much on the surface but in the implications.

But on the flip side, the incident is of course tragic but is a marvelous example of why gun free zones are a terrible idea and forms a perfect opportunity to have the necessary discussion about letting at least those licensed to carry do so wherever they choose, making absolutely no distinction between LEOs or honest citizens in that regard. Either guns are permitted or they aren' special privileges, no concealed versus open carry, badge or no badge, etc.
quote: "He says that he only supports common sense restrictions like licensing and registration (like cars, he said.)"

The biggest difference is that I can drive my car almost anywhere I want in this country, including New Jersey, Washington DC and New York, while I can't carry my sidearm in these places without risking a long time in the pokey. Also, it doesn't matter if my car is a VW bug, Hummer, or Porshe, I can have any that I can afford and can drive them anywhere.

When I can legally carry anything from a pocket 22 to a Class 3 anywhere in this country, THEN compare vehicles to firearms.
As Schumer has climbed his way up the political ladder (now #3 in Senate laedership), he has tried more and more to come across as less radical and more "reasonable". Just remember, skunks can't change the color of their stripes.:)
He says that he only supports common sense restrictions like licensing and registration (like cars, he said.)

There's that buzz phrase again 'common sense'.

It's in the top three of liberal buzzwords/phrases that piss me off.

1. Progressive (Socialist-communist)
2. 'common sense'
3. Phased redeployment (withdrawing)

ARGH! Liberal talking points
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