Black Powder and Being Clever

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Feb 3, 2021
Western US
To those out there who anticipate imminent attempts by the current administration and Congress to restrict 2A rights who feel very “clever” they chose a hobby that is not yet directly targeted by proposed measures: I hope you are all “clever” enough to KEEP YOUR MOUTHS SHUT about the freedom of the hobby you enjoy, especially when talking to average gun owners, to the media, on social media, or to nonshooters. I’ve noticed a rash of idiots bragging that these guns can be shipped directly without FFŁ. If you’d like that freedom to continue, especially now, I advise you to let that convenient oversight remain UNSPOKEN. The more people talk about it, the more likely your “clever” acknowledgement of that oversight will be read by someone in the ĀTF, the administration, or other bean counter agency who will absolutely levy immediate heavy restrictions on our currently unrestricted hobby. Now especially is NOT the time brag that these items ship without FFŁ. Shut your “clever” mouth about it. Don’t brag, don’t use it in arguments, and don’t “be helpful” on comment boards to those who would like to know how they can be armed without jumping through hoops. An actually clever thing to talk about would be expressing complete opposition to ANY further restriction of arms and 2A rights, full stop. Do not make it easier for tyrants by giving them tactical advice about ways they haven’t thought to restrict us yet! All it takes is one moron “clever” enough to brag about how unrestricted this hobby is to ruin it for future generations. Loose lips sink ships, and we owe it to our country to enjoy black powder shooting SILENTLY and INTELLIGENTLY since the enemies of liberty are always on the hunt. Happy shooting, everyone. Please do your part to keep our hobby legal, accessible, and convenient.
I just bought an 1858 from Cabelas and had to fill out a form basically just like the question section on the first page of the standard firearms purchase form. The only real difference was they didn’t call it in to see if I was crazy of a fugitive . So there is a record of the purchase.

You aren’t hiding anything from anyone. Still I agree it’s best to keep your mouth shut. But that’s nearly always a good idea about anything.
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To those out there who anticipate imminent attempts by the current administration and Congress to restrict 2A rights who feel very “clever” they chose a hobby that is not yet directly targeted by proposed measures: I hope you are all “clever” enough to KEEP YOUR MOUTHS SHUT about the freedom of the hobby you enjoy, especially when talking to average gun owners, to the media, on social media, or to nonshooters. I’ve noticed a rash of idiots bragging that these guns can be shipped directly without FFŁ. If you’d like that freedom to continue, especially now, I advise you to let that convenient oversight remain UNSPOKEN. The more people talk about it, the more likely your “clever” acknowledgement of that oversight will be read by someone in the ĀTF, the administration, or other bean counter agency who will absolutely levy immediate heavy restrictions on our currently unrestricted hobby. Now especially is NOT the time brag that these items ship without FFŁ. Shut your “clever” mouth about it. Don’t brag, don’t use it in arguments, and don’t “be helpful” on comment boards to those who would like to know how they can be armed without jumping through hoops. An actually clever thing to talk about would be expressing complete opposition to ANY further restriction of arms and 2A rights, full stop. Do not make it easier for tyrants by giving them tactical advice about ways they haven’t thought to restrict us yet! All it takes is one moron “clever” enough to brag about how unrestricted this hobby is to ruin it for future generations. Loose lips sink ships, and we owe it to our country to enjoy black powder shooting SILENTLY and INTELLIGENTLY since the enemies of liberty are always on the hunt. Happy shooting, everyone. Please do your part to keep our hobby legal, accessible, and convenient.

I'm not willing to hide anything from anyone.
I inform people about antique guns and about conversion cylinders along with the legal warnings.
We're here in part to grow the 2A and the shooting sports and not to see it shrink, and that includes black powder guns of every type.
If that's being a moron then I'll consider it a badge of honor.
Thank you very much!
I do both. Being a former counter intell officer and a prior Sigint NCO and working for a brief period as a civilian for the NSA in the pre digital age above is true . However nothing ever goes away in the virtual world and Ai can analyze it in a flash ! So they have plenty to go on all ready. If you represent a perceived threat to the State or those around you (to a lesser degree as we have seen tragically when FBI and others were forewarned of nuts with guns but did nothing) you will come under the eye of Sauron and if there are alot of you class action will be formulated. I think a good option might be to switch to pink instead of camo and go on other forms and talk kumbiyah with transgendered communists . Get active in the Democrat party and go in the closet with the guns :) Just a hint. Votes won't do it , like Stalin said : "it's not those who vote that count, its those who run the Dominion voting machines "
I will post an occasional gun picture, but NEVER all of them at once. I don't want "big brother" or my wife knowing how many I have.

I would mostly fear the wife. However, once you own a certain number of guns, most wives can't tell a brand new gun, from one you have owned for years. That's my safety net anyhow. On the other hand, unless you pay cash, the credit card bill tells all, and one is forced to confess. And suffer for about a week. Talking about a friend.

BP arms are heavily restricted in the UK and France, for instance, so it's coming down the pike, bragging or not. I hope we have the courage not to let it happen.
I just bought an 1858 from Cabelas and had to fill out a form basically just like the question section on the first page of the standard firearms purchase form. The only real difference was they didn’t call it in to see if I was crazy of a fugitive . So there is a record of the purchase.

You aren’t hiding anything from anyone. Still I agree it’s best to keep your mouth shut. But that’s nearly always a good idea about anything.

They NEVER call in to see if I'm crazy. It's obvious.
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"If you've ever handled a penny, the government has your DNA."

Who are we kidding? We live in a surveillance state. If they want to know something, they do. The trick is in not raising any flags so they have no reason to bother. In almost all cases, they really don't have any reason to bother.
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The gun-controllers are not stupid. They don't need to be told about the lack of regulation of muzzleloading guns, etc. They already know about it. Obviously it's way down the list in their order of priority.

True as that may be, I think you overestimate the intelligence of gun controllers and underestimate their ability to get their way. They simultaneously know very little about guns or their current legal status and have the current political representation to realistically ban them. Limiting their information is just good tactical sense.
I do both. Being a former counter intell officer and a prior Sigint NCO and working for a brief period as a civilian for the NSA in the pre digital age above is true . However nothing ever goes away in the virtual world and Ai can analyze it in a flash ! So they have plenty to go on all ready. If you represent a perceived threat to the State or those around you (to a lesser degree as we have seen tragically when FBI and others were forewarned of nuts with guns but did nothing) you will come under the eye of Sauron and if there are alot of you class action will be formulated. I think a good option might be to switch to pink instead of camo and go on other forms and talk kumbiyah with transgendered communists . Get active in the Democrat party and go in the closet with the guns :) Just a hint. Votes won't do it , like Stalin said : "it's not those who vote that count, its those who run the Dominion voting machines "

I wonder: were you this willing to fight the left when you worked in those agencies? Did you have any role in vetting and hiring the liberal arts majors who currently run them?
I wonder: were you this willing to fight the left when you worked in those agencies? Did you have any role in vetting and hiring the liberal arts majors who currently run them?

Ever worked in a huge bureaucracy where you are a tiny, tiny cog in a huge machine? Probably not, since I don't imagine you would have asked such a stupid question.

Can we get back to talking about black powder? I am dying to get out and shoot some new to me pieces (a Zolli Zouave and a 44 1858), but it looks like I will be waiting for the snow to melt for a while. I got some minies with the Zouave and if they shoot well without breaking my arm, I will have to figure out what they are so I can find a mold and cast my own.
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I wonder: were you this willing to fight the left when you worked in those agencies? Did you have any role in vetting and hiring the liberal arts majors who currently run them?
I was a follower of William Buckley when I was on active duty 66-72 , and a John Birch member from 1977 during my Reserve years from 1974-1986 . During those years Saul Alinski lived in my AO as a Army reserve CI Agent in charge and I submitted reports about him an known Weathermen to my superiors. Not much interest and I got the same sneers then as I get now, but a whole lot less of them than the modern era :( . You do the math !!! The NSA gig was in 72 for 6 months , I could not stand being in a windowless cubicle in the worlds biggest building located in crummy Baltimore area on GS 9 entrance pay (or even a million dollars a year ! ) Moved to Big Sur and got my head together :)
I definitely do not agree with attempting to hide from folks their 2nd amendment rights in an attempt to secure one's over another's.
The more the merrier.

No one can possibly hide a natural right from anyone. The idea is to hide gun ban ideas from authoritarians so that everyone’s rights are preserved. I think the knowledge of percussion gun legality should be most relevant to those who buy and shoot them. I believe that those with no interest in them who discover they are unregulated are more likely to support closing that loophole than suddenly becoming 2A advocates.
I shot my 1862 Colt .36 Police Uberti today. I keep it loaded and capped, so I drove up the hill behind my house to near the top of a 1500 foot hill and pulled over at a nasty party spot that people use before the pandemic , BLM land I think. Of course there were beer bottles ect in the dozer cut that is up there . I listened for human activity in the area, was none there are no houses and the back stop is a hill side and a cut down where people throw drinking garbage and shoot. I shot the 1862 empty , pulled out the Walther PPS 9mm and emptied two mags of ball into bottles and cans and reloaded with fresh Remington Golden Saber . Always good to smell charcoal and keep your skills up :)
especially these days !
I was a follower of William Buckley when I was on active duty 66-72 , and a John Birch member from 1977 during my Reserve years from 1974-1986 . During those years Saul Alinski lived in my AO as a Army reserve CI Agent in charge and I submitted reports about him an known Weathermen to my superiors. Not much interest and I got the same sneers then as I get now, but a whole lot less of them than the modern era :( . You do the math !!! The NSA gig was in 72 for 6 months , I could not stand being in a windowless cubicle in the worlds biggest building located in crummy Baltimore area on GS 9 entrance pay (or even a million dollars a year ! ) Moved to Big Sur and got my head together :)

Those radicals pulled a coup on this country right under all of our noses. I’m sure you did what you could. I was advised by a university colleague to not even apply for assistant professor given my ideas. I told her the university couldn’t pay me enough anyway. Seriously. They offered $40,000 starting pay for a Ph.D.
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Read C.S. Lewis's "That Hideous Strength" to understand the modern fallen academia. My son has two PHDs, he did his post doc as a low paid adjunct professor. He learned if his work was not some how supporting global warming. during Obama years, he was not gonna get funding for those grants he was writing. He left and went into commercial undersea exploration for $1000 a day by two years of doing it. He saved and built himself a private testing lab 5 miles from his house. He doesn't shoot black powder yet, he sure likes the modern stuff alot tho . :) I served so he didn't have too , or his brothers. All fine men and shooters :)
No one can possibly hide a natural right from anyone. The idea is to hide gun ban ideas from authoritarians so that everyone’s rights are preserved. I think the knowledge of percussion gun legality should be most relevant to those who buy and shoot them. I believe that those with no interest in them who discover they are unregulated are more likely to support closing that loophole than suddenly becoming 2A advocates.

You don't have a prayer from hiding gun ban ideas from the authoritarians you mention.
It's not a loophole, please stop using anti-gun terms.
You're the one suggesting that there should be folks out there wanting to ban percussion guns and we need to hide (not exercise or selectively exercise) our 2A rights when it comes to percussion guns.
I think that is 100% backwards. I'd rather see folks exposed to positive experiences every day instead of the 99% negative ones in the news.

It's estimated that there were 5 million new gun owners in the first 7 months of 2020.
Estimated total sales of firearms in 2020 was 17 million with estimated 40% to new gun owners.
That equates to an estimated 6.8 million new gun owners in 2020
I'm certain several of those folks have changes their mind about gun control for the better.
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