Bloomberg - Terrorists are gun violence victims.

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I guess he would have rather seen the police beat him to death with sticks...but then he would be trying to get large dangerous sticks off the streets!


Now people will realize that many of the victims of gun violence are gang bangers, criminals, and other miscreants.
Anyone ever notice that the media seeks out the dumbest idiots to put on t.v. when something like tornados, hurricanes, gang shootings, and other terrible things happen? I for one am glad they continue to seek out these morons like Old Bloomy!
At a June 18 gun control rally in New Hampshire sponsored by New York mayor Michael Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns group, the name of Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev was read aloud as a recent victim of gun violence.

I'm not surprised at all they counted him, but I am surprised they explicitly said the name.

You have to remember the buzz words they use. "Gun deaths" for example includes everyone who was killed with a gun that year. That # includes suicides, accidents, justified self defense shootings, terrorists who were shot by the police. Heck if an Army soldier was shot by accident on a range at Fort Hood he'd be included in that #.

"Americans killed by gunfire", "gun violence victims", and a few other buzz phrases mean the same thing as "gun deaths". If they don't explicitely say "criminal homicides" than typically that's not what they're talking about.
He was a victim; seduced into evil by those devilish lumps of plastic and metal. He would have been an upstanding citizen if not for guns, and never would have had to die :rolleyes:

So how can we capitalize on this? Show the People this terrorist and those like him are the majority of that '6,100 poor innocent victims'.
(If I had 27 billion dollars, I'd buy .. well, tanks. lots of tanks. And helicopters. And missiles. And a country big enough to shoot all of them in.)
I'm scared that some November he'll try to do exactly that.

This is quite a stretch, even for them, but honestly, it doesn't surprise me much anymore...
Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Boston Marthon bomber who died in a shootout with police. (Getting run over by his younger brother in his escape from police did not help Tamerlan's condition either.) If it weren't for the evils of the demon gun, Tamerlan whose pressure cooker bombs loaded with shrapnel killed and maimed people in Boston, would be among us today. Sob.

What new law, among all the "gun safety" bills of the past six months, would have prevented the tragic loss of Tamerlan Tsarnaev?

o Extended enhanced background checks (to cover private swapping, trading, buying and selling of used guns, plus inheritances and gifts among family members--the 40% of gun acquisitions not through licensed dealers)?
* I hazard a guess that the police gun was bought new from a "cop shop" licensed gun dealer with all proper paperwork and check offs.

o Reinstatement of the sunsetted Assault Weapons Ban (1994-2004)?
* Police are exempt from the AWB, aren't they?

o High capacity magazine ban?
* Police are exempt from the high capacity magazine ban, aren't they?

What new law, among all the "gun safety" bills of the past six months, would have prevented the tragic loss of Tamerlan Tsarnaev? None. That is an outrage.
I'm proud to say that a few of my classmates heard this and immediately asked 'why was he even on the list?'

So, thanks Bloomberg. For outing yourself.
The group has admitted they copied and pasted the list and that it was a mistake to read his name, and that they do not consider him a victim of gun violence.

Really stupid mistake but, they claim anyway, they don't actually feel this way.
Reading his comment about the Boston bomber almost made me vomit. In the aftermath of first hearing about the explosions in Boston, I spent close to 12 hours trying to get ahold of 5 military and EMS friends that I knew were running that marathon. Talking to them in the weeks after the explosions I learned that all 5 of them changed course from running to a finish line to running toward the explosions to render aid. Hearing that some dim wit mayor who only keeps his job by buying votes turning a terrorist into a martyr made me see red.
Speaking of Boston and Bloomberg...

Bloomberg said the interpretation of the Constitution might have to change (after the Boston bombing). Notice he didn't say that our constitution will stand strong against any kind of challenge or the constitution will stand strong against terrorism ...he said it's interpretation might have to change.

"“But we live in a complex world where you’re going to have to have a level of security greater than you did back in the olden days, if you will. And our laws and our interpretation of the Constitution, I think, have to change.”
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