Boy punished for T-shirt with gun image

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I'm interested to see how this plays out come March 31st. On a side note, the terrorist hunting permit stickers like the one described on the shirt he wa wearing were plastered on our humvee's when I was in Iraq. No idea where they came from but seemed pretty popular.
But an attorney for the school district said school must create a safe environment for students in the post-Columbine era, and bringing even the image of a gun to school violates the district's policy.
If that's true, how does the school district condone the pictures of firearms in the history books it supplies its students? Does the school district refuse to accept Massachesetts quarters with the image of a Minuteman struck on it? Would a student be punished for using these quarters to pay for a school lunch?
I don't remember who it was, but one of our members once pointed out that instances like this are a perfect example of Magical Thinking. Specifically, the claim that a representation of a thing is, in fact, that thing.; in this case a representation of a firearm is a firearm.
Mon Mar 10, 1:29 PM ET

LANCASTER, Pa. - The family of a middle school student who was given detention for wearing a T-shirt bearing the image of a gun has filed a federal freedom of speech lawsuit against the school district.

Donald Miller III, 14, went to Penn Manor High School in December wearing a T-shirt he said was intended to honor his uncle, a U.S. Army soldier fighting in Iraq.

The shirt bears the image of a military sidearm and on the front pocket says "Volunteer Homeland Security." On the back, over another image of the weapon, are the words "Special issue Resident Lifetime License — United States Terrorist Hunting Permit — Permit No. 91101 — Gun Owner — No Bag Limit."

Officials at the Millersville school told him to turn his shirt inside out. When Miller refused, he got two days of detention.

His parents, Donald and Tina Miller of Holtwood, have accused the Penn Manor School District in a lawsuit of violating their son's First Amendment rights with a "vague Orwellian policy" that stifles both patriotism and free speech.

But an attorney for the school district said school must create a safe environment for students in the post-Columbine era, and bringing even the image of a gun to school violates the district's policy.

"There's a much higher level of sensitivity these days," Penn Manor attorney Kevin French said. "But it's based on reality."

The lawsuit was filed in January. A federal judge will hold a conference on the case March 31
sad thing is if he wore a t shirt with a picture of a revoloutionary soldier holding a musket this probably wouldnt have happened.

they were just scared of the evil looking rifle.
But an attorney for the school district said school must create a safe environment for students in the post-Columbine era, and bringing even the image of a gun to school violates the district's policy.

What does safety have to do with a t-shirt image?
sad thing is if he wore a t shirt with a picture of a revoloutionary soldier holding a musket this probably wouldnt have happened.
As a "normal", rational, thinking person, I REALLY want to beleive that, but sadly, reality kicks in and tells me the same thing would have still happened in many, if not most schools.Remember the kid who recently got suspended (or detention,I forget which, and it matters none really) for having a pen with the WROD Glock on it? no image, just the pinted word....on a pen......:banghead:
The kid deserves a pat on the back.! bravo!, exercise them so you don't lose them.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You beat me to the same question...where can I get one of those. I'll put it right next to my t-shirt from the Sniper Bar and Grill.
The gun on the shirt doesn't bother me.

I feel uncomfortable with the idea of sporting a shirt that has "United States Terrorist Hunting Permit" on the back.

To me, that part is propaganda to support a war started over oil rights.

The Romans thought the Druids were terrorists when they decided to fight back. In particular, they wanted Boudica, Queen of the Iceni, dead--because she defended her homeland.

We invaded Iraq. And when the people there fight back, they become terrorists?

We instigated a civil war that had been brewing for a long, long time.

Sometimes I wonder if we aren't the global terrorists. The number of people we've subjugated, or funded the subjugation of (think of Guatemala in the 1980s), is nauseating. It really is.

Having said this, I'd not have suspended him on the basis of his shirt. But that particular portion of his shirt disgusts me deeply.
I also have always been a little uneasy about the terrorist hunting permits business.

However, that school district and their attorney need to be spanked till their backs break over this, what sort of thought process must have been going through their heads when they decided that a shirt with a picture of a gun on it deserved punishment of ANY kind?

It's kind of a sore spot for me since I left a boarding school I had paid $40,000 to be at over a catalogue with an airsoft gun I wanted my mom to get me, it was a really awful experience they put me through, and I just wish my family had a little backbone in that instance.
The gun on the shirt doesn't bother me.

I feel uncomfortable with the idea of sporting a shirt that has "United States Terrorist Hunting Permit" on the back.

To me, that part is propaganda to support a war started over oil rights.

The Romans thought the Druids were terrorists when they decided to fight back. In particular, they wanted Boudica, Queen of the Iceni, dead--because she defended her homeland.

We invaded Iraq. And when the people there fight back, they become terrorists?

We instigated a civil war that had been brewing for a long, long time.

Sometimes I wonder if we aren't the global terrorists. The number of people we've subjugated, or funded the subjugation of (think of Guatemala in the 1980s), is nauseating. It really is.

Having said this, I'd not have suspended him on the basis of his shirt. But that particular portion of his shirt disgusts me deeply.

Please take your... views.... over to I have no desire to begin a... pointless... argument over here.
On one hand the student violated a rule that was well known but on the other it is real mental conditioning. The real question is do images of guns really perpetrate violence and is this a violation of free speech? It is well establish, and I agree wit hthe principle, that students have limited constitutional rights.
One more reason to consider home schooling when/where possible. I went to that after I got totally fed up with the "system". At home, 2nd amendment rights were encouraged - hunting trips became field trips and biology lessons, and P.E. often consisted of marksmanship practice.
The family will get big $$$ in their lawsuit wich will be off set by a bond for school improvements. So the taxpayers are the ones who really get hit. So why should the school care? It isnt their necks on the block.
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