Boy suspended due to glock logo on pen!

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There is a Glocks Auto Service just up the road here. Wonder if their children got booted from school for just having the name...sigh.

The movie "Idiocracy" did not need to be placed sometime in the future. WE are living it now.

Glock's Auto Svc
(937) 686-4092
6462 Lima St, Huntsville Ohio
if they're gonna suspend the kid cause his pen said glock, then they may as well suspend him for having a pen in the first place, because the pen is mightier than any gun....
Today I went to my kids school & wore my NRA hat & my "Gun Control: Making the world safer for criminals one gun at a time" shirt. I also brought my Glock pen to use while I signed in. :)
Charlie, I like the way you think.

BTW, do you surf?

As you must know: "Charlie don't surf!"

This Charlie, at least, does sail. That's where I received the "Charlie Foxtrot" nickname, after one unfortunately unforgettable spinnaker (the big, multicolored, parachute-like sail) take-down that violated several yacht racing rules, good manners, common sense, more than a few international treaties, and at least one law of physics. A truly epic "Cluster F@#%" in every sense of the word. And largely; my fault.

The skipper's after race summation began with: "The Good: We didn't sink...."
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My son was asked not to wear his Magnum Research shirt to school again. I talked with the principal and got nowhere even though nothing is said about it in the school handbook.

I did just order him several Glock pens to use and a shirt for him to wear. He loves shooting my Glocks so he will love it. I'll be ready to go to the school again to fight for our rights. I've hired an attorney before and I have no problem doing it again. A good pit-bull attorney does wonders.

I had a superintendent that wouldn't talk to me about an issue with my son once. I had the issue resolved with just a phone call from the attorney. Don't hesitate to have an attorney represent you. That gets the school's attention faster than anything.
swifteagle, I like the idea of the adult wearing a pro gun shirt (one in good taste of course) when going to the school. I'm going to use it.

I had an officer follow me into my son's school just the other week and gave me a hard time because he noticed I was wearing a holster under my vest. I took the gun out before entering the school, so it was just a piece of leather. We had words, but he asked to shake my hand before I left.

No Crap is my policy. I think it is better than any policy the school has.
I was a bit suprised, and sadened to notice that this sort of thing could go on in a place like Laramie, Wyoming.

But you are right, there is nothing that will get their attention faster then a good attorney. If necessary, do go kick butt. :fire:
Zero tolerance is an overused crutch for those with zero brainpower to make their own decisions and zero spine to stand by them.
Whoa! :eek: That looks like a furly dangerous weapon there, Beauregard! :D We better call in the bomb squad to disarm it! :p

Indoctrination. Not national history, constitution, civic responsibility.

Please teach your kids, and hold your kid's teacher accountable, at least a little.

Some of these schools obviously have administrators with too much time on their hands. Perhaps someone should bring this up (and the opportunity to better spend the school's budget) at the next school board meeting? :evil:

Imagine what an amazing education these children would be getting if school administrators and teachers put even half the passion and energy into their real jobs that they do in advancing their agenda...
Hey, wait a second. Was he using the pen to write a threatening letter? If so, then I understand. Gun's aren't supposed to be used as a threat, so neither should the pen with the firearm logo.

BUT...if he was doing his schoolwork, then who gives a flying fornication about what kind of pen was in his hand? I know of some kids in my high school who were caught with their little soldier standing at attention in their hands, and were only suspended. I know of a couple that engaged in sexual activities in the class room, and the teach turned a blind eye to one, the other got suspended. SUSPENDED, not expelled. Everyone in my high school fought, causing physical harm to one another, and no one was expelled. People threw around racial slurs at my high school, and threatened a race riot, and I think maybe one of the staff scratched their ass on that. Why the hell are we punishing the youth of today for such idiotic and frankly ignorant reasons? All we are doing is laying the breeding grounds for a rebellion against all authority in the future.
Dumb de dumb dumb dumbbbbbb....

This incident is a whole new level of stupid. I would show up to that school's events and PTA meetings in Glock hats, shirts, etc :D. Glock USA should protest this school action by holding a big rally near the school property. It may cost a lot of $$$ but this is just wrong! :cuss:


PS: I am not even a big fan or owner of Glock pistols but this still burns my toast. :fire:
I think it would be quite humorous if the student body all got their hands on Glock pens to write with in class. For that, in its entirety, would be Glock perfection.
What a great idea. I didn't buy enough for an entire class but I might need to reorder. I've already instructed my son on the proper usage of the Glock pen and tee shirt. Basically, he is to use them when I tell him that I have the ability to get free from work in case there is an issue.
wyocarp: yes tasteful is key. I also like to wear my NRA shirt that says on the back:"The Second Amendment, America's Original Homeland Security"
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