bulk storage

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Dec 3, 2010
in the rain... OR
I am trying to figure out how to store some of the components I've purchased. I dropped a lot of cash and think I'm good to go for a long long time. I'm content on powder staying in my closet, I've heard that you need to keep powder at a constant temp. What about primers? I have them in card board boxes now, and they're in a dry storage area. It does get a little cold in the state I'm currently in. Would it be really dangerous to put primers in ammo cans? Is ok if primers are left in cool temps? Like upper 30s. Thanks for any help
Cool dry is good. Sounds like you have a good place for them.
I would say yes to the cool primers. Just don't be changing temperature a lot (specifically between freezing and thawing) because this can cause condensation on them which may make them wet.

Maybe you could use some large zip-lock bags and put some silica gel or another dehydrating agent with the primers in the bag to keep moisture out.
Ammo cans with decent seals and desi/oxy packs are great for storage of primers if you have 'em.

Ziplocs work too. Anything that keeps moisture away from the cardboard packaging is a plus.

Powder stores well in original containers- cool and dry as you have it is fantastic :)
Thanks everyone, Blarby, I've been up in the Willamette Valley for a few months. Came from AZ where everywhere was "dry" storage lol. I've found an area that is dry but man it sure rains here a lot! I'm eager to see this 2 month summer people are telling me about.
I would put them in zip lock bags to prevent moisture from fouling them, if it's even possible to do. I stored several thousand primers in a South Dakota storage shed without any protection from the hot humid summers, or wet and very cold winters for about 5 yrs. and all worked fine. They were all in zip lock bags though, so I think that prevented them from being effected by condensation, but not temparature extremes.
Would it be really dangerous to put primers in ammo cans?

Cool and dry is good.

In my opinion, metal ammunition cans are not the best way to store primers. My fear is, if there is a fire, the primers might cook off before the can or seal fails thus creating a bomb.

I store mine in plastic ammunition cans. They are still sealed but the box should melt before the primers cook off lessening the explosion effect.

But, maybe the designers of the metal boxes have already considered that and the metal cans are designed to release the pressure.
I don't think the temp swing is the problem, water is the main issue. If you have a place to keep the primers dry you should be good. I have some primers that have been stored in my garage for 30+ years and still go bang. Humidity is not normally a problem where I live.
Keep them cool and dry and the primers will last forever. The worst enemy of a primer is a firing pin, they ruin more primers than anything for me. +1 on not storing primers in metal ammo cans. I store them in a cabinet that will "give way" w/o creating a problem.
Try an inoperative, non-locking, non-latching door refridgerator. It's insulated and works perfectly.
No amonia anywhere in the storage area. Even exposure to amonia fumes can degrade the primer cups to the point they may rupture when fired. If you have a 'food saver' machine, you could seal the sleeves of primers in plastic for long term storage.
Store my powder and primers in the closet. Always have. Even the 16 year old ones go bang at the appropriate time.
Thanks everyone. I'm limited on space for a short bit, moved to the northwest before my family and now I'm living with a co worker til the Mrs shows up so I gotta store primers, projectiles, and brass out on my box trailer that is pretty water tight but I tarped it to be safe. I've checked them and they're dry. Soon though ill be in a place of my own to store everything better. Just didn't want to ruin anything
I store my primers in Ziploc bags inside big plastic coffee cans. Duct tape around the lids makes then air tight. Cheap, too.
I keep my stuff in the garage. Always have. Always works. I keep bulk primers airtight and powder in original containters/kegs. I do like the idea of a secure storage option as ammo and components can exceed the value of my guns when I'm topped off w/ bulk orders.
How much powder are you storing? Are you aware there are national laws concerning this, And some states allow you to store 1/10th the national amount. Then there is your homeowners policy if something were to happen. I think people overlook this fact to much. Having over 20#s is easy to do and that's when storage container regulations start.

Brought to you by TapaTalk.
Everytime I see the title of this thread requarding bulk storage, it reminds me of the basically same one started a month or so ago. I believe it was titled "storing bulk bullets". It seemed to bring out the comedian which was lurking deep inside of several otherwise very serious guys on this site. At least that was my take on them until then.

It was pretty funny and still cracks me up when I think of it. Check it out if you can find it.

A little humor is always a good thing.

sorry to have disrupted this thread
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