Business Card to hand to Anti's ...

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Oct 6, 2005
US Southern Gulf Coast
Per some recent threads about people upset when seeing an open carry or a printed CCW (example ), help me word a generic business card that I can hand to the "offended" anti.

The "none of your business" responses are too obvious. But something on the order of

"Maam/Sir, I see you are not comfortable seeing a stranger with a firearm, but rest assured I have met all the legal requirements and I take firearms very seriously, just like all the other gun owners that I know.....

Perhaps a reference to the relevant State carry laws could be included on the bottom or back.

It might just calm the grumpy anti enough to wander off and look up the law.
I think a card with gun law info would be nice. I would NOT put my name on it though. An anti potentially could then give your name, decription, and say you pulled gun or something equally stupid.

Better yet, silently hand the person the business card for your local NRA-certified pistol instructor.
You could put the 4 Rules on one side and the state's permit requirements on the other. Maybe a number on somewhere for the local shooting club/training center. Instead of assuming someone is just out to give you a hard time, maybe they just arent expressing curiosity in the right way. It's as easy to demonize an anti just like they can demonize you for carrying isnt it? Most of them will probably always be prejudiced or fence sitters, but passing along honest information is much better than telling someone to f-off.

As a Pistol Carry Permit holder, I have met all training requirements including instruction in Federal and State laws and firearms safety, and I have passed the state's proficiency tests. I have passed a thorough background check and been approved by the Sheriff.

As a gun owner I have again passed a background check by the FBI and am:
not under indictment and have never been convicted of a felony
not a fugitive from justice
not an unlawful user of marijuane or any depressant or narcotic
never been adjudicated mentally defective
never been dishonorably discharged from the Armed Forces
not subject to a restraining order
never been convicted of misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence
never renounced my citizenship
not an illegal alien.

You, however, look shifty
I think that being rude to people (things like walking away without saying a word, or "IT'S LEGAL, GET OVER IT") isn't going to help us at all. That will only reinforce the stereotypes in their minds that all gun owners are rude and potentially violent.

I think we need to react to these people with courtesy, and answer their questions as if they were completely innocent questions, and they wanted an honest answer. Maybe they actually are willing to change their viewpoints. Or maybe they aren't - but that lady standing at the end of the aisle is watching how you react to the obviously antagonistic person. And that lady at the end of the aisle is going to see how polite and courteous you were, and how rude and antagonistic the anti-gun person is - and that will make her think.

I think business cards are a great idea. Show them that you're prepared, have a couple of very short, concise points on the business card - maybe a phrase from one of Oleg's posters which could stand on its own? More a philosophical point than an argument.

[edited for grammar]
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A thought for "the Card" (don't leave home without it) :)

Posted by Mitty on a different thread.

There are more guns in the U.S. than cars......... Yet you are 31 times more likely to be accidentally killed by a car than a gun according to the National Safety Council * . . . despite cars having been registered and licensed for almost 100 years.

* Automobiles estimates, Federal Highway Administration, October 1998. Firearm estimates, FBI Uniform Crime Statistics, 1996
As a Pistol Carry Permit holder, I have met all training requirements including instruction in Federal and State laws and firearms safety, and I have passed the state's proficiency tests. I have passed a thorough background check and been approved by the Sheriff.

As a gun owner I have again passed a background check by the FBI and am:
not under indictment and have never been convicted of a felony
not a fugitive from justice
not an unlawful user of marijuane or any depressant or narcotic
never been adjudicated mentally defective
never been dishonorably discharged from the Armed Forces
not subject to a restraining order
never been convicted of misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence
never renounced my citizenship
not an illegal alien.

You, however, look shifty

add to the last sentence:

"and I will be keeping a very close eye on you..." :D

An anti potentially could then give your name, decription, and say you pulled gun or something equally stupid.

and then get arrested for making a false report. the police might have a few questions for them like, oh, i don't know "how is it that you know this person's name?" or "did anyone else see this?"

this idea gets tossed around alot but i don't really believe it. the police have a responsibility to investigate and they generally have a pretty good idea of what's going on. most of them live in the same real world that most of us do and have only glimpsed the fantasy world that liberals live in through the irate rantings of just such a hypothetical anti. i'm guessing the "i don't care if he's dead, i still want to impeach nixon," bumpersticker might tip 'em off.
I openly carry a 1911 on a regular basis. I have never encountered downright hostility. If I did, I would tell the person they are being rude and ask them to go away.
How about this. On one side it says:

Why do I carry?

On the other:

Because there is evil in this world.​
It strikes in Churches, at McDonalds, the library, at home and in traffic..​
It comes in restaurants, parking lots and movies theaters..​
It can come suddenly, without warning and with such unbelievable violence there will be no time to call the police..​
It is my job as a husband, father and man to protect my family and other innocents from this evil..​
Perhaps a reference to the relevant State carry laws could be included on the bottom or back.
And an earnest plea that they not vote anti-gun as a result of this encounter.

Sure, they're already anti, but most people don't vote. An encounter like this could easily become the motivation to start.
How about:

John Doe
Gentleman, scholar, professor of the manly arts, fighter of evil.
At your service!
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