Buying ammo at Wal-Mart

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It's pretty stupid that at 19 I'm allowed to buy .22LR all day long no matter how many handguns I have chambered in that cartridge, yet I'm not allowed to buy .357 Mag which could easily be for a levergun.

It's pretty fun to walk up to the Sporting Goods counter with three packs of Shoot-n-Cs, some earplugs, a few bore brushes, and ask for two bricks of .22LR, a 100-round box of WWB .38, and a few 20-round boxes of .357, get told I can't buy the "pistol" ammo once I show ID, and say "oh... well, nevermind then" and walk away. :D

Under Federal law, I can privately buy as many handguns as I want, yet I can't buy handgun ammo, no matter how many long guns I have chambered in .357, .44, etc. Sorry, but that doesn't fly with me.

*sigh* It's not like they have to scan my driver's license, they're just punching yes/no on the register. Is a completely undetectable false answer to a completely unenforceable law really going to kill them? :banghead:
Actually if Safeway had a reminder like this for alcohol, then our babysitters friend, who is a cashier, probably wouldn't be looking at jail time for selling to a minor. It looks like it was a crackdown operation for underage drinking with the local police.

When I was a Safeway cashier, almost ten years ago (oh God it's been that long since I had an 'after-school job'), we did have that question on every alcohol purchase. You could key in monthy/day/year, or hit another button to clear it.
I'm Sorry Sir

I know you're over 18, but we can't sell you that Marlin 1894.


Well, sir, it shoots "pistol" ammo.

Come again?

Well sir, we can't sell you "pistol" ammo, so we can't sell you anything that shoots it.


Sorry sir, you see, if we sold you the rifle, we would have to SEE the rifle every time you bought ammo for it, so you'd have to bring it in the store. We can't allow customers to bring guns into the store. Therefore we could never sell you the ammo. So, in the interest of avoiding all that controversy, we're just not selling those carbines to people under 21.

But it's LEGAL for me to by that carbine.

Sorry, sir. Store policy.
My walmart wont sell me any 22 ammo. I have tried several times with different clerks and they all tell me I have to 21.
Good thing I have an academy.
"Machine Gun"

As others have stated, my favorite response to that question is "Neither, it is for a 'machine gun'"

When I buy ammo at Wally World, I go to the one out in the richy 'burbs. This is a fun game, watching the reaction of the "expert" behind the gun counter. Common responces range from utter bewilderment to watching them search for THAT option on the register. Wash, rinse, repeat.

For Christmas I bought myself a new XD-45 Tactical at the Academy Sports. After filling out all the paperwork (including signing a sheet indicating that I was provided a gun lock) I was 'escorted' to the checkout line by a 110 pound metro looking 'manager'. Then, after I payed for MY PROPERTY, he escorted me out to the parking lot, then finaly handing me the case. Funny thing is, the entire time I was carying my loaded XD-40 and 25 rounds of JHP.

Whatever makes them comfortable, I guess! :neener:
With all the wally world bashing, I have to defend 2 of the guys that work behind the counter @ the local wally world. (I know its 2 out of like 35,000 but there are a handful that are actually worth the peanuts they are paid)

I could walk in there and say "Give me 2 boxes of the WWB HP in .45" and get it, they wont play the (point at a random box behind the glass) "This one" NO two to the left and one row up.

Its even better going ask about buying ammo by the case, "UGH, we have 1,2,3,4,5,6 we have 6 boxes of it right here." Not the 2 guys though, they grab the little bar code gun, punch in something , "We have 3 cases in the back, want anything else from the back while I'm there."

Then take it to the front, where some retard rings the whole case as a single box. "What the case of Winchester AA was 3.95, OK"

Really, Walmart isn't that bad :p
I would have to say that my favorite response to the pistol/rifle question would be carbine. It is pretty difficult to keep a straight face when you see the look on the cashiers face.

Its the small things in life that make it great.
Here is a typical experience for me at Wal-mart with the sporting goods clerk:

Me: I ask for ammo I want to buy.
Clerk: Lays ammo on counter and rings it up.
Clerk: Are you over 21?
Me: I have two kids that are over 21!

They never cease to amaze me. :eek:
If, in the three months you've apparently been a member of THR, you've somehow managed to have not seen any of the ubiquitous Wal-Mart threads, you should have at least acquainted yourself with the "SEARCH" function -- in which case, you'd have noted that this topic has been explored, ad nauseum.

Concur. This is an expired equine that was beaten into fertilizer loooooooong ago.
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