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Cali Democrats consider bill banning sale of non-smart guns

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This is a sure-fire way to stop all the gang related killings in SoCal isn't it?

Seriously, I grew up in California. I moved 23 years ago and haven't regretted it one bit. I travel there on business regularly and it's amazing how much it resembles a third world country now.
Until you kalifornians clean up the mess you've made, this is what you are going to live with. I have no sympathies for you anymore.
California just needs to secede and quit serving as a socialist example for the rest of the country, seriously, let's just ship all the liberals there and they can have their own little "utopia" there, good grief.
In the meantime, let us petition the California state legislature to ban other science fiction weapons, like light sabres and phazers.

They already preemptively banned laser guns in New Jersey... I'm serious...
I live in CA and do think the gun laws suck but its kinda hard to pick up everything and move away just because of gun laws when ive been here my whole life.
I moved out of Chicago in the '80s when I couldn't find a job. It was the smartest thing I've EVER done.

A place that's no good doesn't get better the longer you're there. You don't stay in a burning house and say, "I've lived here my whole life."
Think about it, if you can have a manual key which unlocks and locks the firearm, why could the same exact lock not be activated with a small motor, a battery, and a thumb print scanner?

Have you ever actually used a thumbprint scanner?

Back when I was working in the world of Finance, our Bloomberg terminals had thumbprint scanners in them as a means of authorizing access to the Bloomberg stock system. The scanner worked about 60% of the time. Some days it took 4 or 5 tries before it would recognize a person's print. I don't know about you, but that's not reliable enough for me.
Plus the Gov ''Arnie" is pro same sex marriage :what:

This is getting some interesting response, I think CA needs to break away from the rest of America (it will occur but not real soon maybe a few 100 thousand years) Right now we need others to help us in our struggle to be more like the rest of the US and not a red haired step child that all want to beat on;)
This already is law in NJ..... However it will only be "Real" once smart guns are available. Oh yeah LE is strictly exempt
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