California, what rules do I need to know?

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The San Joaquin County Sheriff's office is among the most corrupt in the state. The last Sheriff was recently imprisoned on Federal charges, the rest of the department is still foul.


Amador would be my top choice as a residence county. Stanislaus and Calaveras aren't half bad. There's a local gun group in Stanaslaus called the "Madison Society" that you should at least talk to about that county's current status.

Also: where possible move to county land, not an incorporated town. The usual problem is that police chiefs don't issue and sheriffs don't "intrude on their turf". Some cities however have enacted a provision whereby the sheriff is the one that handles CCW for that town - this is legal under Penal Code 12050(g) and is often known as "declaring G". If you have to move to an incorporated town with it's own chief, see if that's the situation.

Once you have a permit, it's good statewide.
I really don't like the idea of registering my guns. Maybe I should leave the ones I won't ever get rid of behind (which is everything but the Kahr and KT), and buy new stuff when I get there, and sell it when I leave the state.

If you buy a handgun in California, it will be registered during the transfer; the FFL must file a DROS (Dealer Record of Sale). You will also need to take a simple exam in order to obtain a handgun safety certificate. Private party sales must be done through an FFL dealer, and those are registered as well. Long guns are not registered with the state, but I believe the dealer must still keep the DROS on file for the state, much like the federal form 4473 situation.

I'd suggest leaving everything behind except the shotgun. If you want more long guns that are California legal, buy them before moving to California. It'll be easier and cheaper.
Jim: That's exactly why I suggested that the OP move to Amador County. San Joaquin County can be a tough nut to crack, but it would be easier than getting a CCW in the Bay Area Counties and Sacramento. Amador County is generally regarded as being very easy. Finding a place that is outside city limits is pretty easy in Amador County as well.
Ergosphere: EVERYTHING that the OP listed can be legally imported to California. The AK would have to be modified in certain ways (that are reversible) to keep it legal, but it also could be imported. Because of the possibility that the AK may not be configured correctly prior to it's importation, I would suggest that it alone be left behind.
Akulahawk... I suggested leaving the pistols behind not because they are illegal (aside from high-cap magazines), but because he does not want to register his firearms.
Ergosphere said:
Akulahawk... I suggested leaving the pistols behind not because they are illegal (aside from high-cap magazines), but because he does not want to register his firearms.
Now your statement makes sense to me. Unless he was able to purchase them legally without having to involve a FFL (yes, I know this is possible outside of California), all of his firearms would have a paper trail associated with them that would lead Law Enforcement to him. It's called Form 4473. California has a separate system called DROS... (which I detest too) and handgun registration.

Since the OP doesn't like the idea of "registering" his firearms, you're right. The safest thing to do is to leave everything behind except the shotgun.
I fled CA in 1992 due to the onerous gun laws, which have become even worse... much worse... since i left. Anyone who lives in CA and attempts to exercise his Second Amendment rights knows the frustration and futility.

After leaving there I lived in Utah for 4 years and I know it to be one of the most Second Amendment friendly states. Gun shows on college campuses. Elementary schools raffling rifles as fund raisers. Can you imagine such things in CA?

If owning guns is important to you then you will not be happy in CA. Law upon law upon restriction upon infringements of your liberties.

My heart goes out to anyone who lives there.
" I suppose it it WAY too much to hope that I could carry at the school itself."

Don't even think about it, unless you want to end your semister early.
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