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cammo painting a synthetic stock

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Jul 9, 2009
Luling Texas
I got a dog ugly Stevens 200 7-08 that is a tackdriver (dime groups) but cant find a replacement stock, I know Krylon cammo paint should do the job, question... do I need to sand the stock (synthetic), primer it or just get a pattern and a couple of shades of cammo paint and get after it??:confused:
Sanding is a good idea if the stock is smooth. I got a surplus M14 stock from Fred's a couple years ago. Didn't sand it as it felt rough to begin with, just scrubbed it clean, no problems at all.

Did a camo pattern using an old mesh laundry bag and flat spray paint in camo colors. Just drape the laundry bag over the stock and spray, it breaks up the spray pattern:

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Sand the stock. Get rid of all the mold/flash lines and give the surface something good to grip onto. I started with 240ish and finished with 400grit. I used Krylon's Fusion paint. I am very happy with the results. Time will tell if it will last.
Hey there .. Sounds like an interesting project ! .. You have several options re this venture .. Anytime you're painting most anything, always try to give the 'correct' paint some tooth to grab onto ..Several companies do make gun specific camo paint & will adhere better than a generic hardware store spray paint . You know the old adage: "when all else fails, read the directions" ( holds true just ask me ! ( lol ) .. in so far as patterns , that's up to you and you have many options ..you can do solid patterns/ shadowed / wiggly stripes etc; Main thing is the take your time, have fun & be cogniscent of the 'drying times' between applications .. that's my .02 & lord knows i've done a s--- load of them & every other kind as well ..( hope this helps you a bit )
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Another vote for the Krylon Fusion camo paint, I just wiped the stock down well with mineral spirits, let it dry and started spraying. Mine has held up for well over a year.

Is there a reason you wouldn't use Duracoat?
Cost and hassle are two. Three cans of Krylon are way cheaper than Duracote and a lot simpler to apply.

Duracote looks pretty and is very tough, but it takes about 30 seconds to touch up Krylon. I guess it depends what your going for: camouflage = Krylon. Pleasing to the eye = Duracote.
You dont have to get too crazy about sanding, if at all, unless something on the stock bugs you. Degreasing is more important, especially in areas where your cheek and hands contact the stock. Degrease your hands too while doing it and handling it in general while painting.

I'd suggest picking the lightest color in your pattern and use it as a base, and spray the whole thing with it first. After thats dried, work your way through the colors lightest to darkest. When your done, finish it off with a couple of coats something like Testors clear flat lacquer. It flattens everything out even more and adds a couple of layers of protection.

Other than maybe the base coat, I'd skip the "permanent" paints. If you use something like Testors Military Flats, they can be removed (with a little work) if you want a change. Thinks like Aluma Hyde II and a couple of others, pretty much need a bead blasting.

This is the same gun over different times. All but the last are all Testors. The last, a mix between Testors and Krylon.

Krylon is specifically designed to adhere to plastic, so don't worry too much. That said, I wouldn't be afraid to primer it if you want. Krylon works great.
Do I need to sand the stock (synthetic), primer it

Sand it to scuff up the surface and give the paint something to bite into. I'd use 400-600 grit sandpaper.

Clean the stock using a good degreaser like Purple Power or Simply Green. Then clean it again. Make sure to get in all the nooks and crannies where grease and oil may be. Use relatively hot water. Rinse it well. Then rinse it again. After washing, treat it like it was a surgical instrument that you just sterilized. Only handle it with gloves on and only lay it down on clean newspaper.

Primer is optional depending on the paint. Read the directions. Most likley they will recommend it.
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