Campus Insecurity Finally Reacts to the VT Attack

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Jun 11, 2005
O'kay. We all recall 2 weeks ago!!! Well, just about 2 minutes ago, I finally received the notice from campus (in)security regarding what I, as a Graduate Professor, need to do to be safe. After reading the (in)Security Director's note, please react to it.

By the way, this is the same (in)security director, who 18 months ago, stood by and allowed a local gang to enter campus, then enter student housing, and to beat an under-graduate student. The gang entered student housing (the dorm), grabbed the student and beat him. "(In)security" never even tried to stop the attack. They stood and watched! The gang left after about 5 minutes of beating.

About 20 minutes later, the gang returned to repeat the assault! Again, they entered student housing (the dorm), grabbed the student, and this time, dragged him outside to the parking lot and beat him in the head with a tire iron. The student lay bloody, in a coma. He was in a coma for about 5 days!!! Again, campus insecurity did nothing but stand there watching!!! Please react after you read this:

Leave the area and get out of harm’s way.
Call Campus Safety and/or 9-911 immediately.

Try to stay at a safe distance.
Try to calm the threatening individual.
Try to get the attention of a co-worker so they can call Security/9-911.
Listen to the individual and let them do most of the talking.
Use delaying techniques to give the individual the opportunity to calm down.
Acknowledge the person’s feelings.
Be respectful and empowering.
Be reassuring and point out choices.

Upset the individual with communication that generates hostility.
Reject all of the person’s demands from the start.
Use body language or speech that challenges the individual.
Make sudden movements.
Belittle, criticize or agitate the person.
Make false statements or promises.
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If you are a faculty member, why can't you get a sit-down with the Director of Public Safety to address these ridiculous recommendations?

BTW, 5 days is a lot of commas. :p
Security Measures

Leave the area and get out of harm’s way.
Call Campus Safety and/or 9-911 immediately.
** Assumes time, distance, & access

Try to stay at a safe distance.
** Assumes no gun
Try to calm the threatening individual.
** Uh, sure . . .
Try to get the attention of a co-worker so they can call Security/9-911.
** Like, totally . . .
Listen to the individual and let them do most of the talking.
** Right. Conflict resolution. Fabulous.
Use delaying techniques to give the individual the opportunity to calm down.
** Should only take about nine minutes.
Acknowledge the person’s feelings.
Be respectful and empowering.
Be reassuring and point out choices.
** More psychobabble

Upset the individual with communication that generates hostility.
** Don't shoot him.
Reject all of the person’s demands from the start.
** Don't point a gun at him.
Use body language or speech that challenges the individual.
** Keep your gun pointed away from him.
Make sudden movements.
** Shoot slowly.
Belittle, criticize or agitate the person.
** Shut up and shoot.
Make false statements or promises.
** See above.

Sorry. I just couldn't take it seriously.
Acknowledge the person’s feelings.

Be respectful and empowering.

Be reassuring and point out choices.

I understand that you feel like snuffing me out like a candle.

I respect that, and I think you can easily do it.

I assure you that you'll have no trouble, and may I recommend using either that bowie knife or that tire iron?

Acknowledge the person’s feelings.
Be respectful and empowering.
Be reassuring and point out choices.

You have got to be
(non-highroad, redacted) kidding me. These (non-highroad, redacted) expect one to (non-highroad, redacted) (non-highroad, redacted) (non-highroad, redacted)?!?
It would probably be a good idea to speak with the director of insecurity...if you could find him!

Actually, someone beat me to speaking with of my graduate students. This student was the director of student housing. When this student witnessed the attack that I referenced in the opening post, she took the information to Dean of Student Affairs. This students was promptly fired for making waves!

Interesting…two series of beatings took place in the presence of “security”, and left a student bloodied and in a coma? She was making waves?
While I obviously know almost nothing about the double beating incident, it seems likely there is more to the story than some gang members randomly selecting an innocent college student to beat, twice.
There is more...the student who received the beatings tried to keep this gang from coming into the dorms to sell drugs. My graduate student, the dorm director, saw the entire event. I have this graduate student's paper in which she details the security changes needed to our "institution". By the way, she is big-time pro-gun! Obviously, I can't release her paper, though I wish I could. It is full of common sense details. Unfortunately, this "security" release shows just what we can expect in the event of a personal attack:

"Lie down and die quietly, please!"
Actually, someone beat me to speaking with of my graduate students. This student was the director of student housing. When this student witnessed the attack that I referenced in the opening post, she took the information to Dean of Student Affairs. This students was promptly fired for making waves!

Of course she should be fired. She might let the general public know that the college campus is not safe! After all, as long as people feel that the campus is safe, it is safe.
Be respectful and empowering.

Personally, I think that this is the worst one.

"OOOH, Mr. Criminal Sir... Would you please let me live? Sir, you are superior to me and I am begging you sir for my paltry life."


Another example of where the government thinks the citizens stand in the scheme of things. The government needs criminals running around beating and killing people. Otherwise the sheeple wouldn't keep funding beauracracy after beauracracy designed to do nothing.
The only thing I don't understand is why the student that was beaten up didn't get a lawyer and sue the living daylights out of the school.

That said, the administration's response, which is so typical of left-wing Progressive mentality, is part of the reason that we get school shootings. When their "silly-sighs" saying NO GUNS ALLOWED" don't stop a killer they have to find something (not someone) to blame.

If the students, and their parents, accept this sort of thing I suppose we'll have to expect the unthinkable to happen.
I think both students should file suits...the one who was fired and the one who was beaten. But, this is the mentality of many at the college. When one of our students was shot and killed at his off-campus job about two years ago, there was a gathering to hold prayer for he and his family. The campus minister's parting words were (approximate quote):

"The problem is America's gun culture! Go out from here and sign a gun ban! Do not rest until we have done away with every gun in America!" (I say approximate because I don't recall if he said "Do not rest..." or "Don't rest...").


If he had been in possession of a handgun, he could have defended himself!
Which college is this?

I've got a 10 year old son who's an unbelieveable football talent. He plays DE and OT, is 5'5" tall, and weighs 155. He's just a step slower than Cadillac Williams nephew (my son played against him at the Sand Mountain Bowl last November), but was able to nail the boy routinely behind the line of scrimmage.

And to be honest, my son was almost able to catch him on the side lines a few times (He didn't because he had to go to the opposite side of the field to get him).

Anyway, my boy's very good, but I won't have him play college ball at a school approving of such crummy policies.
"The problem is America's gun culture! Go out from here and sign a gun ban! Do not rest until we have done away with every gun in America!" (I say approximate because I don't recall if he said "Do not rest..." or "Don't rest...").

Good thing the victim wasn't beatened to death with a bat. Folks couldn't watch baseball on T.V. no more. :rolleyes: :mad:

Not to's a small, private college with no football team. I don't want to say which college, because I teach there.

I do my part to combat this ignorance by inviting fellow professors to go shooting at the local indoor range and to complete their MCPL (CCWs). I have 3 completed so far.
I edited it a bit.

Try to stay at a safe distance. Remember, crazy people aren't usually accurate, so you have the advantage as the range increases.
Try to calm the threatening individual. A .45 to the aorta can be very "calming". Try to get the attention of a co-worker so they can call Security/9-911.
Listen to the individual and let them do most of the talking. That way it will be a surprise when you go for your gun.
Use delaying techniques to give the individual the opportunity to calm down. When he is calm, he won't react as fast to your draw stroke.
Acknowledge the person’s feelings. "Damn, I bet that hollowpoint hurt!"
Be respectful and empowering. "Sir, I respect that the Illuminati brain waves are controlling you, but I'm gonna shoot you in the face if you don't put that meat cleaver down."
Be reassuring and point out choices. "Sir, I need to reassure you, that you can either put the knife down, or I can shoot you. Totally your choice."

Upset the individual with communication that generates hostility. "Dance scumbag! BOOM BOOM
Reject all of the person’s demands from the start. "No, I can't have the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles deliver you a golden pizza from the back of a magic unicorn!"
Use body language or speech that challenges the individual. "Listen up you medieval screw heads. This is my BOOMSTICK!"
Make sudden movements. Speedrock. BOOM BOOM
Belittle, criticize or agitate the person. "What kind of idiot brings a knife to a gunfight?" BOOM
Make false statements or promises. "Look, let's all be calm. You put down the knife, and I'll put down my gun, and we can talk this over like rational adults..." BOOM

Disclaimer, I'm not advocating violating any workplace policies by shooting shooting crazy people marauding through campus. That would be insensitive. :)
Use body language or speech that challenges the individual.
Make sudden movements."

How about I make one sudden movement with a sharp blade upside the "disturbed" individuals neck?

I'm not sure if that is considered body language that challenges the individual.
This is precisely why our daughter will NOT live on a college campus. She will live with us near campus. Hopefully by that point in time, we will have revised Michigan's gun laws to allow carry.
Well, if only they had spread this word before the massacre.

I mean, if only those victims that were killed would have tried to keep a safe distance and acknowledge Cho's feelings, they'd still be alive today!!!
College bureaucracies are always so wordy. How about this instead:

"Assume the fetal position. Cry, whine, and shamelessly beg for your life. Make yourself such a spineless, pitiful creature filled with self-loathing that the shooter will congratulate himself for being merciless for NOT putting you out of your misery."

This should not be too much of a stretch for today's liberal arts majors to pull off, considering the type of instruction they are receiving and who they are receiving it from.
For the life of me I couldn't quite figure out the exact thing that bothered me (yeah, I know the whole thing is a bit silly but there was something more).

Finally I figured it out. They are giving advice about dealing with a "threatening person" when the situation they are addressing was already far, far, beyond "threats" and into "active aggression".

I suppose their guidelines might make some sense to try and de-escellate a not-yet-violent situation but it has no relation at all to an already-violent situation such as what happened at Va Tech.

Of course nobody seems to want to give the general population advice like...

If the S**T has already hit the fan we recommend that you...

Find the quickest way out of the situation. Smash windows or bust down doors if necessary but get out if you can.

If you can't immediately vacate the location, accept that somebody is probably going to get hurt and that it could be you. You need to get over it and go on the offensive as quickly as possible.

Use every available object against the attacker (books, pens, paper, desks, trashcans, fire extinguishers, etc). Use them to hit/confuse/disorienatate the attacker.

Work as a group using superior numbers to overwhelm the attacker. Bite, kick, scream, punch... all polite rules are out the window now, all that counts is disabling the attacker.

I'm sure I could think of more and couch it all in more polite language if I had the time to give it more thought.
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