Campus Insecurity Finally Reacts to the VT Attack

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I love the "reassure and offer choices" !

Here are some "choices"

"would you like to meet your maker now, or at the natural end of your life?"
"Is this caliber to your satisfaction, or should I use the .45?"
"would you like to be cremated or interred?"
"Who should we notify first, your wife or parents?"

And some questions

"is there a hospital you prefer?"
"are you aware of how much blood a human body contains?"

And some reassurance-

"you might not die, they can do amazing things in medicine these days....."
My thoughts in reaction to reading the memo:

Way back when hijackings of aircraft were more commonplace than they are today the conventional wisdom about how to behave in a hijacking situation would have read just like Doc's note from Security.

The assumption with the hijackers was that they wanted to trade the plane and its passengers for something that could be negotiated so the idea was to keep everyone alive until a peaceful resolution could be reached. It was premised on rational decision-making by all parties. For what I think are good reasons, we no longer think that way.

So here the assumption seems to be that the "threatening person" can be "handled" in such a way as to reach a peaceful resolution to his personal crisis. Do we still think that way? If so, why?
I find this disgusting, but have first hand knowledge that this IS how Universities are today. They don’t care about actual safety, but that everyone FEELS safe.

Last year, an RA and I stopped a 25ish year old man on Meth from breaking into our dorm at two in the morning. This man had attempted to rape someone in the park across the street from us, and then when she got away came across the street to our building. He had smashed the vandal proof window, was screaming threats, covered in blood and other bodily substances, and reeked of alcohol. An RA and I held him at bay for seven minutes after I called 911 until the Police arrived (we know this was not the first call, someone reported the rape about four or five minutes before I called 911). The police building is two blocks away from our building, and we have a dedicated police force that doesn’t leave the campus.

The next day we had to meet with the Resident Director (grad student that was in charge of the building). We were written up for “Use of violence”, “Damage of University Property” (broken pool que), “disorderly conduct”, and “Failure to follow directions of University Housing and Dining services Staff”. She scolded us for not… and I quote… “care-fronting” the situation. We “Con-fronted” the situation, and didn’t think about the other persons feelings, and life experiences when we chose to skewer him with a pool que. I laughed and told her she could deal with the next meth guy, and then get back to me on how well “Care-fronting” the situation worked for her.

I was further told not to talk about the incident to ANYONE because it would make people feel “unsafe” living here. The school closed that entrance until they could fix the door. I heard her tell someone that the door was slammed and that the window had cracked. A lot of people knew that something had happened because they heard the screaming of the attempted rape, or the police and all the noise at two in the morning, but the dorm would not admit it. I have had other examples of this type of thing too, and I can assure you there are more incidents than I know of that occur.

This incident, and every other one I have been involved in angers me to no end, because they have done nothing to actually improve safety. They have lied to the residents, because they want them to “feel safe” which in my opinion endangers everyone.

My spouse is a researcher at a state university. They have a policy that any
staff with a weapon on campus despite the state's CCW licensing will be fired.
They are also to go into building lockdown if there's a shooter roaming around
inside the building.

My wife's office is on the first floor with a large window that opens. She will
not remain a part of the lockdown when the shots are moving down the hallway
toward her.......
Its all about profits.

What you are really seeing is that corporations (a school is a corporation) are more interested in protecting their profits then in protecting their people. If the corporation were to advocate an active self defense policy, somewhere down that road is a lawsuit against the corporation. However, if they train their personnel to be passive, unresisting, supportive (!) and one of them gets murdered without hurting the perp, the corporation has no financial liability. The event then becomes a law enforcement matter, which is funded by the State.

Leave the area and get out of harm’s way.
Call Campus Safety and/or 9-911 immediately.

Try to stay at a safe distance.
Try to calm the threatening individual.
Try to get the attention of a co-worker so they can call Security/9-911.
Listen to the individual and let them do most of the talking.
Use delaying techniques to give the individual the opportunity to calm down.
Acknowledge the person’s feelings.
Be respectful and empowering.
Be reassuring and point out choices.

Upset the individual with communication that generates hostility.
Reject all of the person’s demands from the start.
Use body language or speech that challenges the individual.
Make sudden movements.
Belittle, criticize or agitate the person.
Make false statements or promises
the power behind the throne

Most likely, the hiring of the current Campus Securty Director has been a political process. He has someone of influence who favors him.

There is your source of intransigence as to removing him from office, or even getting him to recind some of the potentially dangerous security policies.

The director will of course have a well established background and credentials, but their vunerability, and therefore, the means of moving them, lies in the enormous embarrasment liability that they represent to whomever is behind them. If you can identify that person or group, and make them realize that any further violent events will -then bring to light their responsibility in keeping this director, then you will have an influence on the decision to move this person. Whether out of their position, or to making some correct policies.
***** all that no violence nonsense. I may not be able to legally carry a firearm without a permit like I am suppose to be allowed by the constitution, but my blades never leave my side and don't think for 1 millisecond an attempted rape by a drunk or some such nonsense that can be stopped with a little common sense and force wont be attempted. I use to go to college. I wouldn't leave my blades at home for one night. I did everything I had to to conceal them, from stuffing it in my pack to wearing a shirt over it. Anything to preserve SOME small amount of rights and freedom to defend myself. Law is good, but laws like this are meant to be defied. My protection comes first and foremost. I have only one life to live and only so much time to do it. I'll be darned if anyone takes my rights to defend myself away.
First and Second Ammendment Rights Violated

I was further told not to talk about the incident to ANYONE because it would make people feel “unsafe” living here.

The press isn't about to get upset about the 2nd, but a word about the 1st would have had them screaming. So, who did you call?
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