Can a NAIL GUN hit anything?

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I was nailing my dads roof frame on in the poring rain on Sunday and I mentioned to my labourer that I was glad they were not restricted to 10 rounds.
I'm aware of one individual who claimed to have shot a pigeon in the rafters of a building with a Paslode and 75mm nails. Wether he was tellling the truth I have no idea.

I was leaning out of a window nailing off the plywood and missed the stud. It puched through the OSB and flew right by my leg. I was about the only person on the crew who had never gotten stuck. I did have a nail hit something hard and come back to hit me once, but it hit my leg sideways and didn't stick in. Stung pretty good, though.

The worst experience we had was when a coworker came down a ladder with his finger on the trigger. He was looking up and didn't see the bosses brother leaning over beneath him. The gun tapped the other guy's back and put a 16 into his lung. He was back to work within a week, though.
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