Can't Wait

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red rick

Aug 11, 2009
My Land 118.44 Acres 010.JPG

Only 3 more weeks to go before small game and muzzleloader season opens here . I can't wait because as a lot of you know I missed the season last year because I had rotator cuff surgery about this time last year and I bought some land in August .

Well my shoulder feels fine and I saw about 50 quail on my land yesterday when I was running my beagles . I think I am going to get a pointer now . Quail have been rare in my area for many years . So much that the DGIF has been looking for landowners for a quail management assistance program .

We are having our biannual Brunswick stews at the hunting club this Saturday . We will make about 400 quarts .

I am looking forward to taking kids hunting this year and new hunters .
Good to hear you're doing well. :D Squirrels were out all afternoon yesterday and I didn't bother 'em. There's no closed season on squirrel or rabbit here, I just didn't feel like messing with it. I can't see well through my shooting eye and it's gotten a lot worse. Thought about using the shotgun, but I figure there'll be ample chances to hunt squirrel after I get my eye worked on next week. :D
I like Brittany's , I would like a house / hunting dog companion . I was also thinking about a German short hair pointer .
I would read about dogs when I was a kid and Brittanies always interested me as they were supposed to point as well as retrieve. But, I've always been a waterfowler and there's lots of Labs around, a very popular dog, and they have sweet dispositions and I just like 'em. :D So, I've owned several Labs over the years, including Molly, my 5 year old lab. She's a good retriever and a faithful companion, living the good life in the country. :D She's not a pure bred, actually a rescue dog, but she's good. Hard to find a rescue Brittany and I'm not a stickler about pure breds. I'd rather make a home for a dog no one wanted. :D
My brother bought a chocolate lab about 2 years ago . He takes it to doggie daycare once a week . She knows how to open the back patio door to let herself back in the house and she knows how to shut the door once she comes in .

I don't want to be a millionaire , I just want to live like my brothers dog .

I have been doing some research on the Brittany , and I like what I have read about them . I think they will make a good house dog and hunting dog that is not to high strung like a Pointer .
Yeah , I really want to take young kids hunting , l remember how much I enjoyed it when one of my dad's friends would take me hunting because my dad was always working . He is 76 years old and I help him a lot now , I drove him to the hunting club today for our biannually Brunswick stew . He still invites me on hunts that he puts together and he hardly even gets out of the truck anymore .
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