Car gun

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Jan 20, 2006
What is the best caliber for a car gun? That is, a gun that may have to be used in self defense against a driver trying to run me off the road on a two lane highway with few guard rails and a sheer drop into the Ocoee river on the right and a rock wall to the left. It's happened more than once to me and my mother. I am a non-agressive driver and I try to drive safe through those hairpin curves (with semi's coming the other way that come halfway into my lane around sharp curves). But some drivers want to drive faster and they try to bump me and such. There is no place to pull over and there is oncoming traffic. Obviously I never want to shoot anyone, however, when my wife is with me in the car I will not allow her to be in that kind of danger. what caliber handgun would be able to go through my window/windshield and his window/door and still maintain enough power to eliminate the threat?~Nathan
I am uncertain quite how to answer this!!

First off - where you to want to try to achieve penetration at that level (tho with probably hearing loss to both of you) - .357 SIG would seem to come top in my initial thinking.

That said - if you are in this sort of predicament - is it really time to start taking your attention off the road to fire at someone? What about rapid breaking, to let itinerant rogue vehicle get ahead - find yourself space behind?

Thus far I cannot see this proposed measure as other than dangerous to yourselves and also - what if the shot vehicle careens off to hit another??

Lot to ponder here methinks!
Mad Max

;) It sounds like you pretty heated. You want to use a revolver ( like the one you have listed at the bottom of your post). If your shooting ( as the driver) shell casings won't come back in your face/direction/etc. when your firing. Revolvers also do not leave shell casings to be found. If all parties involved are stopped and it looks like a nice road rage brawl is on the horizon, you might want to consider less-lethal means of defensive such as Pepper Sprays and a baseball bat ( always keep a glove in the car for legal purposes).

As per caliber, I carry a .480 Ruger.
But some drivers want to drive faster and they try to bump me and such. There is no place to pull over and there is oncoming traffic. Obviously I never want to shoot anyone, however, when my wife is with me in the car I will not allow her to be in that kind of danger.
under the circumstances, you're safer with both hands on the wheel than one on the wheel and one holding a gun. besides, the *last* person you want behind the wheel of the car you think is trying to run you off the road is some guy you just shot.
For the conditions you describe. No gun. For a car gun, it's hard to beat a wheelgun. Better to ignore, and avoid trouble, than find yourself in a world of legal trouble. Pick your battles. Don't let a moron do it for you.

good advice

Good advice all around... I really don't want to ever shoot someone but I've been in situations where other lives were at risk. For instance while on the way to Dallas just outside Plano on 70 a couple years back I was with my brother in law, my father, and my neice. Two cars started side swiping each other trying to run eachother off the road. At my brother in laws instruction (he was driving the chevy scotsdale 3/4 ton extended cab) I took the 30'06 off the rack, opened the back window slide thing and took aim. I was instructed to fire at the first car that got within 10 feet of us. Both drivers saw me with the rifle and slammed on thier brakes. Situation avoided thank God. I just want to have something ready if I need it.~Nathan
Hey Hurrakane-

I was just fooling with that last post. Just keep you pace and stay your ground. Two hands on the wheel and some pepper spray and (your last resort) .357 in the glove box. If they want to pass, if at all possible, let-um. If not ,**** 'em. If they actually hit your car get their plate number and report it. As for a good old fashion road rager, leave the gun in the car for your wife and bust that mother. It has been to my experience that most "aggressive" drivers are posers. So many times I have gotten out of the car to confront someone acting tough/confronting me and as soon as I do, they back away like chicken schits. If you can get away with it, pepper spray for the hell of it.

Just don't get caught, don't get yourself or others killed, and don't come crying to me if you get your arse kicked!
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snake charmer

I've known a few truckers, and because its illegal for them to take hand guns across state lines, and its illegal to keep a loaded gun in your car, they use something like this: ; its a single shot .410 (dont laugh these are good guns) it can go from the case to loaded in just a few seconds. I owned one for awhile and I always used 3 inch buck shot in mine. something to consider.
If you have problems with people ramming you. You don't need a gun you need the gnarliest trailer hitch money can buy and then put a reciever hitch on that puppy that sticks out at least a foot. Radiator terminated:evil:

Seriously this topic smells FISHY cars and guns don't mix PERIOD. If you shoot someone through the back glass and then through ther windscreen you WILL be rightfully charged with and hopefully convicted of MURDER. Use your head before you do something stupid.
I feel your pain with bad drivers brother!!!:fire: I would advise you to get a .357mag or 44mag revolver for proper penetration and you don't have casings flying at your face. A few sets of earplugs couldn't hurt either!;)
I say a course in defensive driving (as in bodygaurd style) is in order. After all why go for a pistol when you have the biggest weapon you own in your hands.:cool:

" eliminate the threat..." None. That pedal between the clutch pedal and the gas pedal will make any idiot driver threat go away. It's called a brake pedal. Slow down and let 'em go.
Even thinking you can control a ton or so of vehicle at speed and shoot accurately is daft. Try it and you'll be off the sheer drop in seconds.
Quit thinking that real life is like movies. It ain't.
I asked a friend who had this problem about fifteen years ago. He recommended 50 BMG. Actually, he recommended TOW missiles, but didn't think I could get any, considering the Clinton Ban and all.

Did I forget to mention that he was Iraq around that time? :)
It would probably be better to get the persons license number and report him to local AND state law enforcement agencies. If someone is ramming you car with his, that may be considered assault. If you feel you must use a firearm then get something that will go through his door. If you do fire at him, it may result in you going to jail. If you kill the person offending you, the result for you may be execution. That's a lot to think about.
First fill a police report. If the local law chooses to do nothing, take it to the state police. IT IS AGAINST EVERY STATE'S LAWS TO DELIBERATELY BUMP OR RAM ANOTHER VEHICLE. If you choose to shoot that person, you will probable have to explain your actions to twelve strangers on a jury. Is it worth even a temporary loss of freedom? Please at least make your complaint to the proper authorities before doing anything rash.
A good friend of mine had someone try and run him off the road. He pointed his carbine with a laser sight on it at them and plead down to just 1 year jail time. Something to think about...
tom barthel said:
I agree with Tom. Report it first. If people are trying to bump or ram you they need to quit watching Days Of Thunder. On public roads rubbing is not racing, however my recommendation for a firearm would be the .357. I carry a Taurus 8-shot revolver in my truck, mainly because there seems to be a high rate of robberies at ATM's in my area.
Vigilante Justice...

I am not advocating taking the law into my own hands. In fact, if I don't do everything possible to NOT shoot somone before shooting them, I could go to jail. I am not some trigger happy punk out to play Dirty Harry on America's High Ways. I have been shot at, I have been knifed, I have broken bones and had them broken, I know the cost of violence and as such would never EVER use it except (to quote Ayoob) in the gravest extreme.
That said, why do we carry firearms? To defend ourselves and be ready for anything. Why is it that we use different guns for different purposes? A rifle for hunting, a full size for home defense (one with with limited penitration capabilities) and a more compact gun for carry? Because (while some guns can be used for more than one purpose) the different guns are for different situations. I want a gun for a scenario I hope never happens. I don't plan on shooting someone for cutting me off. If somone is speeding behind me, I am more than happy to let them go past if I can possibly get over (Kinda hard when there is oncoming traffic in one lane and EMPTY AIR 4 feet over!). So lay off the whole comments about "Have you tried decaff?" If your not going to answer my question, go to another thread. If you have a legitimate question as to my intent, by all means please ask! However, making assumptions about my character is inexcusable and immature.~Nathan
Get rid of the red Miata and get you a 4X4 pickup. With heavy duty front and rear bumpers there is very little road rage.
Ok I have been thinking about this myself. Along the lines of the economic collapse of Argentina. Where crime increased exponentially after the economic collapse.

The gun I will eventually get for a car gun(something to shoot while I'm driving) will be a glock 17 w/ a laser sight. I tried point shooting the other day and I hit nothing.

The reason for the glock 17 is that it holds 17 bullets.

Let me state again that I have only pondered this for a situation where our economy has failed and there are a lot more criminals than there used to be and the police can no longer be trusted.

At this point in time I would not consider firing a weapon from a moving vehicle as an option for self defense.

Now if you are like me and look at what has/is happeneing in Argentina and think it could occur here then I would say Glock 17.
Again if your on a moutain road and someone is trying to run you off of it. In that situation a gun will be about as usefull to you as the spare tire in the trunk.

I can tell from the gist of your responses that what you really want to do is to have a gun handy to wave at tailgaters. I call BS on your entire story.
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